ASRA/CCS: Info For Racers Headed To Blackhawk Farms

ASRA/CCS: Info For Racers Headed To Blackhawk Farms

© 2020, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc. From a press release issued By ASRA/CCS:

Blackhawk Farms Raceway July 31 – August 2 Supplemental Information

Registration will be in the building in front of the gate for this event. Updated hours for the June event are 6:00am to 8:00pm on Friday, 7:00am to 6:00pm on Saturday and 7:00am to 3:00pm on Sunday. These are the only times you can get credentials for this event. If you arrive outside these hours, you will not be allowed to enter the property.

In addition to the Registration and Tech guidelines listed below, here are the supplemental guidelines from the track:

BFR Guidelines During the COVID-19 Precautionary Period

In response to new health risks created by gatherings of multiple people, we are implementing additional precautions to lessen the potential transmission of COVID-19 to our participants and staff.

When you arrive at BFR

1. If you feel sick or have been in contact with someone displaying symptoms, stay at home. If you should become sick during an event, see our medical staff and/or leave the facility immediately.

2. Your temperature will be taken prior to entering the event. Please allow extra time to get through the gate.

3. Download, complete and sign your waiver at home and bring it to registration if you prefer not to sign documents at the track. Bring your own pen. Adult Waiver Minor Waiver (2-sided)

4. Wear a face covering when presenting your documents to registration. Maintain social distancing whenever possible remaining 6 feet from other individuals.

5. Avoid personal contact with other participants. Do not touch other participants’ tools, vehicles, or other personal items.

6. Participants must bring their own hand sanitizer and masks. All team members should practice frequent hand washing. Additional hand sanitizing stations will be available in the paddock area.

7. Participants are required to provide their own personal gear. Sharing personal equipment is prohibited.

8. The restrooms and porta-potties will be available and sanitized frequently. Facial covering is required in the restrooms.


Paddock and Grid Areas

1. The Illinois Department of Public Health mandates the use of a face covering for everyone over the age of 2 who can medically tolerate one in all public areas such as the Café, Pit Stop, Tech Building, Control Tower, Pavilion, Medical, and restrooms and in situations where you are unable to maintain a safe social distance of 6 feet from others.

2. Concessions will be available. Food will be available at the window while maintaining social distancing.

3. Seating in the Pavilion area may be available for dining. When the Pavilion is unavailable, participants will need to use the limited outdoor seating near the Pavilion or in the Hawk’s Nest or return to their paddock areas.

4. No group events will be permitted. Evening meals and gatherings will be prohibited.

5. Communication with drivers/racers/riders will be done via the PA system and/or FM radio.

6. Each driver/racer/rider will be allowed 3 crew members. No spectators will be permitted. On the false grid, one crew member can assist the driver/racer/rider.

7. Racers will paddock 10 feet from each other.

8. Camping will only be available for participants and their crew members.

9. BFR will refine procedures for classroom sessions to accommodate social distancing. Please sit in your own chair and use your own pen to sign paperwork.
Failure to follow the BFR guidelines may result in your removal from the facility.

These guidelines will be reviewed according to changing conditions.


Latest Registration and Tech Procedures

These new procedures will allow us to comply with existing orders for limiting contact in enclosed spaces, masks, gloves and hand sanitizer for the staff who deal directly with the racers. (For the foreseeable future we will use these at every event.)

Since these are the two areas where the closest interaction takes place, here is our new procedure for registration and tech.


Our goal is to limit personal contact to a minimum. (We are working on a touch-less registration but unfortunately we do not have a clear answer how an “app” would stand up in court as a signed waiver/release.)

One door in, (at Summit, the door to the East), and one door out, (the North door).

Each rider will be given their own pen, at the end on the line there will be a bucket for the rider to drop the pen in for us to sanitize when registration closes. (Registrars will sanitize their work station with wipes and/or spray anytime they return to their station and before leaving in the evening.)

One registrar will be stationed the door with gloves, face mask and hand sanitizer. They will have all riders sign a waiver and release at the door and control the access to 10 racers at a time in the room. (Unfortunately we have been advised that to get a true body temperature with an infrared thermometer, the subject has to acclimate to the ambient room temp for nearly 10 minutes before the test would be considered accurate so while we will have a touch-less thermometer available its accuracy could be compromised.)

Each registrar will have gloves, face mask and hand sanitizer for them and/or the racer to use. All staff in registration will be at least 6’ apart with their own table between them and the racer. We will allow only 10 riders in the room (east classroom at Summit), at a time with 3 registrars. (Tape lines on the floor 6’ apart).

Once the racer is finished and deposits their pen in the bucket, they will be asked to use the exit (At Summit, the North door).


Our goal is to limit personal contact to a minimum.

Each inspector will have gloves, face mask and hand sanitizer for them and/or the racer to use.

We will have multiple tech lines approximately 10-12’ apart.

Inspectors will strive to maintain 6’ separation in the lines waiting to be inspected.

Racer will bring a stand to tech with the motorcycle and place the bike on the stand and move 6’ away from the motorcycle. Then the inspector will evaluate the machines race-readiness. After placing an approval sticker on the machine or notifying the rider of what needs to be addressed, the inspector will move away from the machine and let the racer remove their machine from the tech area.

While we have some specific in-depth procedure changes for the staff, these are the outline we are starting with to mitigate the potential of spreading the virus among or racers and staff.

ASRA/CCS management believe these measures would allow us to be safe and in full compliance with existing restrictions but we understand new orders could be issued with immediate implementation that could remove/change procedures or require postponement or cancellation.

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