ASC Local Sporting Champions grant program The Australian government, through the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), has announced an initiative designed to provide financial assistance for junior sportsmen and women towards the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment when competing at an official national sporting organisation (NSO) endorsed state or national sporting competitions. $1.6 million has been allocated to help offset these costs through the Local Sporting Champions grant program – individuals can apply for up to $500 and teams can apply for up to $3000. To be eligible to apply for a Local Sporting Champions grant, individuals and all team members must meet the following eligibility criteria: · Be between 12 and 18 years of age (inclusive) at the time of the nominated sporting competition; · Be participating as an athlete in an official state or national sporting competition which is endorsed by the relevant ASC recognised NSO or national school sport competition (this does not include coaching or officiating at such competitions); · Be required to travel greater than 250km return to participate in the eligible competition; · Be an Australian citizen; · Must not have been a recipient of a Local Sporting Champions grant, either as an individual or a team member, within the year ending 30 June 2009; · Must not have received funding from other government sources for the same competition; · Must not be participating in a professional competition that involved prize money. Application forms are available online at ~ For further information please visit the website or contact the ASC on 02 6214 1111.
Australian Government Offers Travel Grants To Young Amateur Racers
Australian Government Offers Travel Grants To Young Amateur Racers
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