This forum held in Venice on 7-8 November was dedicated to the theme “Mobility and People: understanding and governing individual, collective and institutional behaviour for sustainable mobility in urban areas”. It gathered an invited audience of one hundred leading policy makers (including MEPs and Mayors from a number of European cities). Among the keynote speakers was the FIM’s Director of Public Affairs, John Chatterton-Ross who said: “Whatever public policy documents may say, the fact on the ground is that more citizens are taking to two wheels and an engine to satisfy their requirements. It is a case where public policy needs to catch up with the citizen, not the other way around”. In the current climate where cycling and walking are constantly promoted as alternatives whilst scooters and motorcycles are often ignored he added: “The UK government recognised the need to integrate PTW use into transport planning and has a National Motorcycling Strategy. It was created in a partnership, with government combining the contributions of all stakeholders. In this I think it is unique in all the Member States, being a national strategy. Some city governments have also taken the lead Barcelona being one. These examples and others such as the longest use of bus lanes by PTWs known to anyone Stockholm will help the next phase of consultation on the EU Green paper”. At the conclusion of the conference (organised by Mo.Ve Mobility Forum, a Brussels based NGO) he concluded: “The FIM appreciates this opportunity to correct the imbalance in the current discussions. I was pleased that at this conference there was none of the usual private transport-public transport clash. All modes of transport have their place in the journey chain and those who select a powered two-wheeler are contributing positively to reducing urban congestion.” For more information on Mo.Ve Mobility forum see:
FIM Asks Policy Makers To Recognize Contribution Of Two-wheel Vehicles, At Mobility Conference In Venice, Italy
FIM Asks Policy Makers To Recognize Contribution Of Two-wheel Vehicles, At Mobility Conference In Venice, Italy
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