ASMA Announces Ninja 650 Spec. Class, Other Changes for 2006 The Arroyo Seco Motorcyclist Association (ASMA) has broken its year-long affiliation ties with the Championship Cup Series (CCS) and will again be an independent organization in 2006. Leading the list of changes for the 2006 season is the creation of a specification class based on the new Kawasaki Ninja 650R motorcycle. Modifications will be very limited, retaining even the stock exhaust system, to try and create a truly level playing field. The class will run two separate races at each race meeting, with second-race grids reversed from the first-race results. Also new for 2006 is the creation of a New Mexico State Championship in conjunction with Sandia Motorcycle Roadracing Incorporated (SMRI). The championship will be based on four rounds: two at Arroyo Seco Raceway, and two at Sandia Motorsports Park in Albuquerque, NM. The premier championship will be based on the Unlimited GP class, with two additional championships awarded in lightweight and middleweight classes. About ASMA: ASMA is based out of Arroyo Seco Raceway, located near Deming, NM, serving a rider base from across New Mexico, as well as Arizona and Western Texas. For more information on racing with ASMA, full rules for the Ninja 650 Spec. class, or more information on the New Mexico State Championship, please visit, or contact Roger Heemsbergen at (505) 494-4794. 2006 ASMA race season: March 12* (ccw) April 9 (cw) May 7 (ccw) June 11 (cw) September 10 (ccw) October 8 (cw) November 12* (ccw) All races held at Arroyo Seco Raceway, cw indicates clockwise and ccw counter clockwise. All races are held on Sunday, a track day is held Saturday preceding each race. * New Mexico State Championship rounds.
ASMA Goes Independent, And Launches Ninja 650R Spec Class
ASMA Goes Independent, And Launches Ninja 650R Spec Class
© 2006, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc. From a press release issued By Roger Heemsbergen, for ASMA.