Superbike & Supersport World Championships, Superstock Cup Changes to the Rules for the 2005 season: speed in the pit-lane The Superbike Commission, composed of Messrs. Paolo Flammini (FGSport), Claude Danis (FIM) and Giulio Bardi (Team representative), in a meeting held in Phillip Island on April 3, unanimously decided to introduce the following modifications to the Road Racing Superbike & Supersport World Championship and Superstock Cup Regulations (for application as from April 22 next) : SPORTING REGULATIONS 1.19 Ride Through Procedure “¦The rider must respect the speed limit (Art. 1.22.14), in the pit lane”¦ 1.22 Behaviour During Practice and Race 14) A speed limit of 60 km/h will be enforced in the pit lane at all times during the event. Riders must respect the speed limit from where the sign 60 km/h is placed up to where the sign 60 Km/h crossed out is placed”¦. 18) Overtaking is not permitted in the pit lane from where the sign 60 km/h is placed up to where the sign 60 Km/h crossed out is placed. Any rider found to have overtaken during the practice will be subject to a fine of US$ 170.-. Any rider who overtakes in the pit lane during a race will be penalised with a ride through. The Race Direction must communicate the offence to the pit of the rider after having received the information from the Official in charge.
Last-minute Rule Additions For 2005 World Superbike, Supersport Series
Last-minute Rule Additions For 2005 World Superbike, Supersport Series
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