This just in, from Tony Morris, in reaction to a press release issued by White Tip Racing and posted on yesterday, June 11:
“When I came into the racing world, I was immediately drawn to the people, the atmosphere, and the excitement! I wanted to get involved! And when I get involved, I get involved BIG! I decided that the best way to make a splash was to make a movie about the excitement of the sport… something that captured the hearts of America’s riders and movie goers, while boosting the image of motorcycling. Now all we needed to do was to work out how! To do this, I would need the support of ‘the industry’; the guys out there that made the sport what it is today. With a few calls, I had gathered the interest of many reputable companies like Penske, GMD Computrack, Airtech, Maxima, Arai, VP Racing Fuels, Street and Competition and then a little later TAW who supplies Marchesini and Discacciati brakes. I was calling around to rally support whereever I could.
“Then with the support of those that saw my vision, it was off to California to meet with the studio.
“But life being what it is, no project is without its adversities. And as we all know, when you work with so many different people, with so many different personalities, unfortunately there are going to be misunderstandings. And even though there are two sides to every story, I won’t get into the details surrounding the matter of a previous relationship with White Tip, because it just isn’t something that is the business of the general public. Besides, stooping to ‘Stone Throwing’ doesn’t stand to benefit anyone involved. I will say however, that no untrue statements were made by myself or any other member of the 14K Team, and any misunderstandings by White Tip or its representatives, should have been substantiated before being publicized. Our intentions with respect to the development of this project, and our relationships with sponsors and supporters, have always been open and honest. I am always available by phone night or day at 574 896 3452, and would love to hear the opinions and ideas of you, my fellow cyclists on this project. Lets work together to make this film a reality.”
Further information can be found at
Antony J. Morris
14K Productions
Orion Marketing
[email protected]
Tel: (574) 896 3452
14k The Movie’s Tony Morris Issues Statement Regarding White Tip Charges
14k The Movie’s Tony Morris Issues Statement Regarding White Tip Charges
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