From A Racer’s Wife
My husband, Bob Brown, is #677 (Novice). I wanted to thank you for everything you did with the Air Fence situation. When I first heard about it I didn’t see how having one here and one there was going to help. Okay….I was wrong in that assumption. So wrong that I intend to make a contribution to the effort. Thankfully, Bob did not experience the Air Fence first-hand, but others did.
We will not be racing for the next few seasons as Bob is active duty Army and we are leaving in a few months for Japan. But what we contribute now will only help us in the future. Let’s face it, everybody wrecks at some point (unfortunately).
Thanks again.
Martine S. Brown
Proud Wife And Crew
From A Racer
Thanks for starting the Air Fence campaign and especially for making it available at the (WERA) GNF. I had a friend hit the wall in four and got up with nary a scratch. i unfortunately broke my arm (hence the sloppy typing), in turn seven.
Since then i have been back home waiting for updates which you have been wonderful in supplying (on Please keep it up. You guys are the best.
Robby Card
More Air Fence Tales From Racers And Friends, Relatives
More Air Fence Tales From Racers And Friends, Relatives
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