This press release just in from Tom Shields, who was President and Race Director of RPM, the Texas-based WERA affiliate formed after CMRA and WERA split up:
“With a very heavy heart, I regret to inform the members of RPM, its staff, volunteers, media, manufacturers, and the motorcycle racing community that as of Friday, September 21, 2001, my permanent position with RPM has been terminated.
“Furthermore, I will no longer be working with the club in any capacity. As we all have a responsiblity to our families first, I can no longer work part-time as Race Director and President of RPM, the WERA South Central region.
“Thank you one and all for your input, friendship, and fun spirit at every RPM event and function. You can reach me directly at (713) 557-1143 if necessary.”
Reached by phone, Shields said, “I’m out completely. I’d given it two years and it’s just not enough. My permanent position with the club cannot continue to exist, it cannot support me. It wasn’t financially possible for me to stay there full time. It’s a damn shame.”
Tom Shields Leaves RPM For Financial Reasons
Tom Shields Leaves RPM For Financial Reasons
© 2001, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.