The new allows for fans and professionals who create profiles alike to be featured on the homepage in both our “Featured Reader Photos & Videos” section and our “Featured Rider” Section. Here are a few of the things the staff at are looking for in a featured profile or photo: 1) Photos with photo credits and captions – tell us what is going on in the photo. Think the 5 W’s – Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. 2) Videos with captions – Tell us a little about your video. 3) Interesting photos and videos – Did you just win a trophy? Are you battling it out on the track? Did you just meet your hero? Did you just get a fresh set of leathers? Are you enjoying the races or a ride with your friends? These are all great photos we are interested in featuring. 4) Complete profiles – Does your profile have more than one photo and some information about yourself and/or your program? Are you posting your results and your upcoming events? We update featured athletes multiple times a week, so there are many opportunities to get featured. If you don’t yet have a profile, join now at If you are already a member of, simply log into with your Hookit login. Members benefits include: -Your own Roadracing World Online Community profile -Special discounts up to 40% off from participating vendors including Yoshimura R & D -Free, 3-Month Trial Subscription to Roadracing World Magazine (or Subscription Extension for Current Subscribers) Support us in creating our online community. We think you’ll agree that it’s a lot of fun, and it’s a great way to promote and grow the sport! requires that all members use their real names and use a photo of themselves at their profile photo. We feel that this will prevent a lot of the problems experienced by other online communities. Anyone displaying a photo with a photographer’s watermark will not be allowed in the community.
How To Get Featured on the Homepage of
How To Get Featured on the Homepage of
© 2013, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc. By Hayley Ulrich Zeidman.