Laconia Motorcycle Week® Celebrates 90th Anniversary Nation’s original motorcycle rally celebrates rich riding history and tradition of philanthropy Laconia, NH – The Laconia Motorcycle Week Association kicked off the 90th Laconia Motorcycle Week® this (Thursday) morning at the Weirs Beach Lobster Pound alongside New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan and 75 state and local officials, business and community leaders. Event organizers welcomed the hundreds of thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts who will travel throughout the state in the coming days and emphasized New Hampshire’s spectacular riding, their commitment to ensuring a safe experience for rally attendees and the public, the deep-rooted philanthropic nature of motorcycle riders, and the positive economic impact Laconia Motorcycle Week has on the state. Laconia Motorcycle Week is America’s original motorcycle rally with events taking place from June 8 – June 16. More information can be found on the Laconia Motorcycle Week® website at “Motorcycle enthusiasts come from every corner of the country and around the world to celebrate this rally with us for various reasons. Most significantly they come here to ride,” said Jennifer Anderson, director of the Laconia Motorcycle Week Association. “New Hampshire’s majestic terrain offers bikers spectacular riding options. In a matter of hours you can explore covered bridges and quaint towns in the Upper Valley, ride along New Hampshire’s picturesque seacoast, take a ‘Ride to the Sky’ up Mt. Washington’s famed Auto Road, explore the beautiful Lakes Region and after all that, let loose with your brethren in bustling Weirs Beach.” Beyond the spectacular riding, area business leaders focused on the numerous philanthropic initiatives taking place during the 90th Anniversary of Motorcycle Week. New this year are two campaigns created by Laconia Harley-Davidson that will raise significant funds for the Boys & Girls Clubs of New Hampshire. Laconia Harley aims to raise $30,000 for the Boys and Girls Club of the Lakes Region through a donation and raffle of a one-of-a-kind, custom-painted 2013 Harley-Davidson Street Glide®. The 2013 Harley-Davidson® Street Glide® features customized artwork by legendary pinstripe artist and Candia, New Hampshire resident Russ Mowry. Mowry has been making his mark on the motorcycle world since 1958 and is renowned for the unique detailing he applies to motorcycles. He has hand-painted hundreds of motorcycles from Sturgis to Daytona and was recently given a lifetime achievement award by Willie G. Davidson, son of former Harley-Davidson president William H. Davidson and head of Harley-Davidson’s Willie G. Davidson Product Development Center. Only 3,000 tickets will be available and can be purchased for $10 a piece at, at the Boys & Girls Club of the Lakes Region, Laconia Harley-Davidson and White Mountain Harley-Davidson. In the past four years Laconia Harley has raised over $125,000 for New Hampshire nonprofits including the Loon Preservation Society, New Hampshire Food Bank and the Winnipesaukee Playhouse. Laconia Harley-Davidson and New Hampshire Motor Speedway (NHMS) have also teamed up to make the 90th Anniversary of Laconia Motorcycle Week even more historic through an effort to raise over $76,000 for the Boys & Girls Clubs of New Hampshire and set a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® title. Laconia Motorcycle Week attendees and New Hampshire residents will play a key role in this endeavor by purchasing tickets for a Community Appreciation Parade at New Hampshire Motor Speedway on the final Saturday of Bike Week, June 15th. Participants will have the unique opportunity to ride around the New Hampshire Motor Speedway track, continue on a police escorted, scenic 32 mile non-stop ride around the Lakes Region, set a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title and most importantly, raise significant funds for the Boys & Girls Clubs of New Hampshire. Non-riders can also contribute to this effort by making a donation at New Hampshire Motor Speedway on June 15th. Reserve your space for this historic event at “The 90th Anniversary of Laconia Motorcycle Week is an opportunity to celebrate the rich tradition of motorcycle riding but more importantly, it is the perfect venue to highlight the motorcycle community’s deep-rooted philanthropic passion,” said Anne Deli, owner of Laconia Harley-Davidson. “Motorcycle Week attendees from around the globe can own a piece of history by purchasing a raffle ticket for the customized 2013 Street-Glide®, make history by taking part in a once-in-a-lifetime riding opportunity in an official GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® attempt, and help support the future of thousands of Boys & Girls Club members throughout the state.” The Laconia Motorcycle Week 90th Anniversary Harley-Davidson was driven into the press conference and displayed alongside eight other Harley-Davidson motorcycles for each of Boys & Girls Clubs participating in the fundraising effort. Following the press conference Boys & Girls Club executive directors took photos on the motorcycles alongside Anne Deli, owner of Laconia Harley-Davidson, Cheryl LaPrade of the New Hampshire Chapter of the Speedway Children’s Charities and New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan. Few businesses have had as much of an impact on the entire community as the NASWA Resort who will host the 7th annual Peter Makris Memorial Ride on June 8th. Over the last 6 years, the ride has raised over $185,000 for the Laconia Fire Department Life Saving Fund and Water Rescue Teams as well as the Easter Seals NH “Veterans Count” program. “The benefits of motorcycle week can be seen throughout the community,” said Cynthia Makris, owner of the NASWA Resort and Laconia Motorcycle Week Association president. “From the iconic Weirs Beach sign, the flowers along the boulevard, the Endicott Rock Park monument, the Laconia Public Library, the Laconia fire and police departments, to the new main stage Theatre at the Winnipesaukee Playhouse. Everywhere you look you can see the generosity and support of Laconia Motorcycle Week patrons and the businesses they frequent while here.” New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan and representatives from U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s office were also on hand to formally welcome riders on behalf of the State but also to underscore the positive economic impact of Motorcycle Week. “Summer is our busiest travel season and a motorcycle is a great way to see New Hampshire,” said Governor Hassan. “Laconia Motorcycle Week and motorcycle tourism in general are significant contributors to New Hampshire’s economy, generating millions of dollars to the state yearly. From hotels and restaurants to local storefronts and convenience stores, the positive economic impact from this 90-year New Hampshire tradition is felt in communities and businesses throughout the entire state.” Throughout the years, Motorcycle Week has evolved from a weekend to a nine day nationally recognized event with activities expanding beyond downtown Laconia and the Lakes Region to the entire state. The enormity of the event requires coordination of multiple groups, particularly first responders. “We care deeply about the well-being of rally attendees and the year-round residents who call the Lakes Region home,” said Major Russell Conte of the New Hampshire State Police. “Several departments and the State Police will be working collaboratively so we can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone and preserve this wonderful event.” Laconia Motorcycle Week executive director Charlie St. Clair introduced some new additions for the 90th event, including a Laconia Motorcycle Week Mobile Guide application for smart phones that will allow riders to receive and share information about the rally. It also includes a complete events schedule as well as information regarding live music, races, bike shows, contests, rides, and special offers. Laconia Motorcycle Week Association has introduced a new passport program for 2013. The Laconia Passport is a collector’s item that is filled with pages for riders to have stamped depending on their Bike Week activity. An exclusive souvenir package will be awarded to bikers who complete the Laconia Passport. A full list of events and activities can be found at Photo Caption: The 90th Laconia Motorcycle Week officially kicked off this morning at the Weirs Beach Lobster Pound. Pictured in photo are representatives from Boys & Girls Clubs of NH, Laconia Harley-Davidson, and the New Hampshire Motor Speedway. Laconia Harley and NHMS announced an effort to raise over $76,000 for the Boys & Girls Clubs of NH and set a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDs® title on June 15th. About Laconia Motorcycle Week Association Laconia Motorcycle Week Association was founded to help organize and promote Laconia Motorcycle Week. Laconia Motorcycle Week was the nation’s first organized motorcycle rally and continues to attract visitors from all over the world. The Association helps to bring over 300,000 visitors to New Hampshire annually for a nine day rally. The Association is headquartered at 1105 Union Ave Laconia, NH. The Laconia Motorcycle Week Association is directed by Jennifer Anderson and Charlie St. Clair. For more information please visit:
90th Laconia Motorcycle Week® Kicks Off In New Hampshire
90th Laconia Motorcycle Week® Kicks Off In New Hampshire
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