From a press release issued by Motor Sports Press Association: The Motor Sports Press Association (MSPA), comprised of Northern California writers, photographers and broadcasters who cover the sport, will honor the elite of the region’s racers and others who have made significant contributions to the sport, during its 45th annual post-season Awards and Green Flag Dinner March 5th in Oakland. Fans are welcome to attend the awards dinner, to be held at Francesco’s Restaurant that evening at 6 pm, as 10 people will be honored for their 2007 efforts in stock cars, sprint cars, road racing and motorcycles, while others will be acknowledged for their lifelong contribution to racing or inducted into the MSPA hall of fame. Ticket information is available at (408) 733-6135 or (510) 339-9450. Honorees include: John “JP” Perry, will receive the Gordon Martin Award Bud Keading & Andy Forsberg, will share Open Wheel Driver /Oval Track Mike David, Closed Wheel Driver/Oval Track Brad Rampleberg, Closed Wheel Driver/Road Course Dane Cameron, Open Wheel Driver/Road Course Alissa Geving, Paul Tyler Rising Star. Dave Stanton, Bill Spencer Motorcycle Racer Dave Raff, Motor sports Athlete of the Year Gregg Spears, Motor sportsman of the year Those to be inducted into the MSPA Hall of Fame include: Lynx Racing & Burt Foland
AFM Champion Stanton To Be Honored By Motor Sports Press Association
AFM Champion Stanton To Be Honored By Motor Sports Press Association
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