AMA Director of AMA Sports Hugh Fleming has left his post and has taken another position within the AMA, according to Brenda Erichsen of AMA Human Resources. Fleming worked directly with the transportation and set-up of the newly-purchased Air Fence sections for AMA Pro Road Racing events. The AMA is now looking to fill Fleming’s position “as soon as possible,” according to Erichsen.
Roadracing World learned of Fleming’s departure when a reader alerted us to a want ad placed on the job search website The ad placed on reads…
“The American Motorcyclist Association, a 270,000-member organization with an unparalleled history of pursuing, protecting and promoting the interests of the world’s largest and most dedicated group of motorcycle enthusiasts is seeking a Director of Sports.
“Full-time position, based in Pickerington, Ohio.
“Qualified candidates should have demonstrated management abilities, solid verbal and written communication skills, and creativity in programming and problem-solving. Demonstrated knowledge and experience in one or more forms of motorcycle sport are essential. A working knowledge of the motorcycle industry and racing infrastructure is highly desirable.
“Qualified individuals should send resume with cover letter and salary requirements to:
“American Motorcyclist Association
“c/o Human Resources / Job Code EE127
“13515 Yarmouth Drive
“Pickerington, Ohio 43147”
Erichsen declined to comment on any details of Fleming’s transition, instead saying that she would have the head of Fleming’s department call us back. At post time, Vice President of Member Activities Bill Amick had not returned our call.
AMA Advertises For New Director Of Sports
AMA Advertises For New Director Of Sports
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