The effective date of a new AMA rule banning the use of hydraulic, pneumatic and electric quick-lift devices in pit stops during AMA Pro Superbike races has been postponed until 2002. In a December 29 e-mail responding to a question from Roadracing World, AMA Road Race Manager Ron Barrick wrote “The Pro Racing Board decided that the implementation of the rule regarding powered stands be delayed until the 2002 season due to the fact that some teams had started preparing equipment for 2001 with the 2000 rule in mind.” No word if the same reasoning will be applied to the recent rule change limiting Pro Thunder displacement to 750cc instead of 800cc, a rule which was announced–without prior warning or notification–after several riders had already paid to have new 800cc Ducati 748 engines built for the 2001 season. Jeff Nash, the 2000 AMA Pro Thunder Champion, had already built 800cc engines for four customers when the new displacement limit was announced and says changing the engines back to 750cc will cost the customers about $3000 per engine in parts and labor. Nash pointed out that the Pro Thunder class has no representation on the AMA Pro Racing Advisory Board and that riders and teams in general have no opportunity to comment on or object to new rules prior to their announcement. The reversal of the powered-lift rule apparently came about because members of the AMA Pro Racing Board of Directors listened to complaints from factory Superbike teams.
AMA Delays Implementation Of Powered-quick-stand Ban Due To Team Complaints
AMA Delays Implementation Of Powered-quick-stand Ban Due To Team Complaints
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