AMA Pro Road Racing Competitor Bulletin #2010-07 – UPDATE To: All AMA Pro Road Racing Competitors Date: March 1, 2010 Effective Date: Immediately Subject: Regulations for Scheduled Pit Stops During Daytona 200 & Red Flag Situations ALL CLASSES Bulletin #2010-07 UPDATE specifically addresses class operational consistency. This bulletin allows ALL competitors to make repairs, adjustments, or refuel during red flag periods in all classes. Regulations for Scheduled Pit Stops during Daytona 200 & Red Flag Situations Work may be performed on the bikes during scheduled pits stops as well as during a red flag situation. Items a through f apply to the Daytona SportBike class / Daytona 200 during green flag periods and must be carried out under the following guidelines: Daytona SportBike / Daytona 200: a. During refueling: i. During the refueling process, the rider is not permitted to be on his machine. ii. The ignition must be off and the motorcycle must be on a rear stand before any refueling is permitted to start. iii. The machine may not be restarted until the fuel can is disengaged and the bike is off the work stands with the rear tire on the ground. b. Refueling is permitted only on pit road in the rider’s pit area, utilizing the following equipment: i. Only dry brake dump cans are permitted for refueling stops. All dry brake dump cans must be presented to tech for approval by 7:00pm on Thursday, March 4. ii. Dry brake cans cannot vent to the atmosphere. iii. Fuel must flow from container to fuel tank by force of gravity only. c. When refueling during a scheduled pit stop, a crewmember must be standing by with a fire extinguisher ready for use. i. “Standing by” means close enough to be immediately involved if needed. ii. “Ready for use” means with the pin pulled and the nozzle aimed at the motorcycle. iii. Each rider’s crew or team must be equipped with its’ own fire extinguisher. iv. Fire extinguisher must be fully charged and have a minimum 10 lb. BC Rated specification. v. Teams must have their equipment in place, including all required gear one half hour before the sighting lap for inspection by AMA Pro Racing. d. During green flag periods the number of crew members permitted on the hot side of the pit wall for servicing, refueling and tire changes during a pit stop race is limited to five per motorcycle. Crew members may come across the pit wall once the motorcycle has come to a complete stop. i. A sixth crew member may be on the track side of the pit wall solely to perform the fire extinguisher duty as previously described during the refueling process. This crew member is not permitted to assist or work on the motorcycle while over the wall. ii. Any other crew members on the track side of the pit wall, above the maximum of six involved with the motorcycle, are allowed to perform signaling/timing duties only in the designated signal area. iii. All crew members are required to wear long pants. iv. The fuel person must wear eye protection and balaclava or full face helmet with the shield down. e. Pneumatic, hydraulic or electrically-operated motorcycle stands or lifts are not permitted for use during pit stops or a red flag situation. Only hand or foot-operated leverage stands are permitted. f. Lap or Time Penalties AMA Pro Racing may impose a time or lap penalty during a race by: i. Through the use of ride-through penalties which must be completed during green flag conditions. ii. If the number of laps remaining does not permit a two (2) lap notice a time penalty may be assessed. American SuperBike, Daytona SportBike, and SuperSport classes: Red flag periods In circumstances where a local caution flag is not sufficient to ensure safe and orderly continuation of competition, the red flag will be displayed at all flagging stations. All riders will stop racing (no overtaking), safely reduce speed and proceed with caution to the pit lane. Riders may proceed to their individual hot pit areas. During the red flag period of a race, repairs, adjustments, or refueling may be made to competing motorcycles. The number of crew members permitted on the hot side of the pit wall during red flag periods is unlimited for all classes. Any motorcycle not under AMA Pro Racing control that enters the paddock or garage area during a race will not be permitted to continue. Crash trucks retrieving disabled motorcycles from the track may pass through the paddock or garage area to deliver such motorcycles to a controlled drop-off point at tech. Penalties Jump Start Ride Through Pit Stop Infraction Ride Through Speed Infraction Ride Through Speed Infraction on Ride Through- Repeat of ride through
AMA Pro Racing Clarifies Pit Stop And Red Flag Procedures For Daytona
AMA Pro Racing Clarifies Pit Stop And Red Flag Procedures For Daytona
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