American Flat Track: Running Results From Charlotte Half-Mile I

American Flat Track: Running Results From Charlotte Half-Mile I

© 2020, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc. By David Swarts.

Progressive Charlotte Half-Mile/American Flat Track

The Dirt Track at Charlotte Motor Speedway

Charlotte, North Carolina

October 9, 2020

Provisional AFT SuperTwins Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jared Mees (Ind), 19.735 seconds

2. Jake Johnson (Ind), 19.827

3. Briar Bauman (Ind), 19.886

4. Robert Pearson (Ind), 19.897

5. Bryan Smith (Har), 19.908

6. Brandon Price (Ind), 20.034

7. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 20.060

8. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 20.082

9. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 20.151

10. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 20.156

11. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 20.236

12. JD Beach (Yam), 20.320

13. Dan Bromley (Ind), 20.322

14. Andrew Luker (Ind), 20.359

15. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), 20.435

16. Jay Maloney (Ind), 20.545

17. Larry Pegram (Ind), 20.581

18. Davis Fisher (Ind), 20.635



Provisional AFT Production Twins Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 19.775 seconds

2. Ben Lowe (Yam), 19.860

3. James Rispoli (Har), 19.869

4. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 20.125

5. Cory Texter (Yam), 20.166

6. Cody Johncox (Yam), 20.312

7. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), 20.646

8. Danny Eslick (Kaw), 20.756

9. Chad Cose (Har), 20.800

10. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 20.937

11. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 21.135

12. Dylan Bell (Har), 21.223

13. Shelby Miller (Kaw), 21.293

14. Garret Wilson (Kaw), 21.465

15. Gary Ketchum (Kaw), 22.881

16. Jeremiah Alexander (Kaw), no time recorded



Provisional AFT Singles Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 19.844 seconds

2. Michael Rush (Yam), 19.849

3. Trent Lowe (Hon), 19.871

4. Tanner Dean (Hon), 19.881

5. Max Whale (Kaw), 19.899

6. Cole Zabala (Hon), 19.970

7. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 20.007

8. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 20.011

9. Shayna Texter (KTM), 20.116

10. Wyatt Anderson (KTM), 20.139

11. Chad Cose (Suz), 20.152

12. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 20.158

13. Andrew Luker (Yam), 20.166

14. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 20.180

15. Brandon Kitchen (KTM), 20.190

16. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 20.212

17. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), 20.248

18. Cameron Smith (Hon), 20.249

19. Cory Texter (Kaw), 20.284

20. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 20.313

21. Jesse Janisch (Hus), 20.346

22. Ben Lowe (Hon), 20.352

23. James Ott (KTM), 20.382

24. Blake Lomas (KTM), 20.445

25. Dylan Bell (Hon), 20.559

26. Kasey Sciscoe (Yam), 20.580

27. Aaron Kennedy (Hon), 20.779

28. Brian McRoberts (Hon), 20.855

29. Kyler Adams (KTM), 20.915

30. David Wiggin (KTM), 20.939



Provisional AFT SuperTwins Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Brandon Price (Ind), 19.374 seconds

2. Robert Pearson (Ind), 19.378

3. Briar Bauman (Ind), 19.388

4. Jared Mees (Ind), 19.390

5. Jake Johnson (Ind), 19.392

6. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 19.457

7. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 19.506

8. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 19.565

9. Davis Fisher (Ind), 19.650

10. Andrew Luker (Ind), 19.675

11. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), 19.682

12. Bryan Smith (Har), 19.707

13. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 19.822

14. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 19.824

15. Dan Bromley (Ind), 19.831

16. Larry Pegram (Ind), 20.010

17. JD Beach (Yam), 20.161

18. Jay Maloney (Ind), 20.337



Provisional AFT Production Twins Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. James Rispoli (Har), 19.510 seconds

2. Ben Lowe (Yam), 19.668

3. Cory Texter (Yam), 19.710

4. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 19.778

5. Chad Cose (Har), 19.993

6. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 20.043

7. Cody Johncox (Yam), 20.058

8. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 20.180

9. Dylan Bell (Har), 20.345

10. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), 20.405

11. Danny Eslick (Kaw), 20.439

12. Garret Wilson (Kaw), 20.644

13. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 20.717

14. Shelby Miller (Kaw), 20.756

15. Jeremiah Alexander (Kaw), 21.086

16. Gary Ketchum (Kaw), 21.830



Provisional AFT Singles Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 19.675 seconds

2. Brandon Kitchen (KTM), 19.697

3. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 19.748

4. Wyatt Anderson (KTM), 19.768

5. Shayna Texter (KTM), 19.768

6. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 19.805

7. Chad Cose (Suz), 19.819

8. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 19.836

9. Michael Rush (Yam), 19.845

10. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), 19.864

11. Max Whale (Kaw), 19.884

12. Tanner Dean (Hon), 19.917

13. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 19.918

14. Trent Lowe (Hon), 19.926

15. Cole Zabala (Hon), 19.934

16. Cameron Smith (Hon), 19.995

17. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 19.995

18. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 20.059

19. Ben Lowe (Hon), 20.059

20. Blake Lomas (KTM), 20.089

21. James Ott (KTM), 20.100

22. Jesse Janisch (Hus), 20.102

23. Cory Texter (Kaw), 20.129

24. Andrew Luker (Yam), 20.234

25. Kasey Sciscoe (Yam), 20.335

26. Dylan Bell (Hon), 20.450

27. David Wiggin (KTM), 20.463

28. Kyler Adams (KTM), 20.727

29. Aaron Kennedy (Hon), 20.871

30. Brian McRoberts (Hon), 20.988



Provisional AFT SuperTwins Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jared Mees (Ind), 19.252 seconds

2. Briar Bauman (Ind), 19.274

3. Robert Pearson (Ind), 19.312

4. Davis Fisher (Ind), 19.320

5. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 19.360

6. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), 19.402

7. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 19.429

8. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 19.436

9. Jake Johnson (Ind), 19.438

10. Brandon Price (Ind), 19.444

11. Bryan Smith (Har), 19.600

12. Andrew Luker (Ind), 19.612

13. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 19.662

14. JD Beach (Yam), 19.782

15. Larry Pegram (Ind), 19.877

16. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 19.942

17. Jay Maloney (Ind), 20.066

18. Dan Bromley (Ind), 20.161



Provisional AFT Production Twins Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. James Rispoli (Har), 19.480 seconds

2. Ben Lowe (Yam), 19.580

3. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 19.604

4. Cory Texter (Yam), 19.699

5. Chad Cose (Har), 19.788

6. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 19.809

7. Danny Eslick (Kaw), 19.932

8. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 19.953

9. Cody Johncox (Yam), 20.010

10. Dylan Bell (Har), 20.146

11. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), 20.312

12. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 20.654

13. Jeremiah Alexander (Kaw), 20.755

14. Garret Wilson (Kaw), 20.782

15. Gary Ketchum (Kaw), 21.476

16. Shelby Miller (Kaw), no time recorded



Provisional AFT Singles Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Max Whale (Kaw), 19.468 seconds

2. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 19.625

3. Brandon Kitchen (KTM), 19.702

4. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 19.814

5. Cole Zabala (Hon), 19.821

6. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 19.825

7. Michael Rush (Yam), 19.834

8. James Ott (KTM), 19.846

9. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 19.864

10. Tanner Dean (Hon), 19.885

11. Trent Lowe (Hon), 19.894

12. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 19.914

13. Wyatt Anderson (KTM), 19.935

14. Chad Cose (Suz), 19.943

15. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 19.956

16. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 19.973

17. Blake Lomas (KTM), 20.003

18. Cameron Smith (Hon), 20.020

19. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), 20.026

20. Cory Texter (Kaw), 20.046

21. Ben Lowe (Hon), 20.092

22. Andrew Luker (Yam), 20.122

23. Jesse Janisch (Hus), 20.144

24. Shayna Texter (KTM), 20.146

25. Kasey Sciscoe (Yam), 20.265

26. Dylan Bell (Hon), 20.290

27. David Wiggin (KTM), 20.462

28. Aaron Kennedy (Hon), 20.628

29. Brian McRoberts (Hon), 20.643

30. Kyler Adams (KTM), 20.700



Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Chad Cose (Har), 8 laps

2. James Rispoli (Har), -1.560 seconds

3. Danny Eslick (Kaw), -2.691

4. Cody Johncox (Yam), -5.173

5. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), -6.469

6. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), -10.162

7. Shelby Miller (Kaw), -10.346

8. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), -5 laps, DNF



Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Cory Texter (Yam), 8 laps

2. Ben Lowe (Yam), -0.726 second

3. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), -4.592 seconds

4. Johnny Lewis (Roy), -4.831

5. Dylan Bell (Har), -8.776

6. Garret Wilson (Kaw), -14.512

7. Gary Ketchum (Kaw), -21.370

8. Jeremiah Alexander (Kaw), -8 laps, DNF



Provisional AFT Singles Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Max Whale (Kaw), 8 laps

2. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -0.776 second

3. Trevor Brunner (Hon), -1.473 seconds

4. Tanner Dean (Hon), -2.048

5. Wyatt Anderson (KTM), -2.296

6. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), -2.370

7. Michael Rush (Yam), -2.523

8. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), -2.690

9. Chad Cose (Suz), -2.901

10. Cameron Smith (Hon), -4.098

11. David Wiggin (KTM), -5.180

12. Jesse Janisch (Hus), -5.579

13. Brian McRoberts (Hon), -13.963

14. Kasey Sciscoe (Yam), -1 lap

15. Cory Texter (Kaw), -8 laps, DNF



Provisional AFT Singles Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 8 laps

2. Trent Lowe (Hon), -0.181 second

3. Cole Zabala (Hon), -1.149 seconds

4. Shayna Texter (KTM), -1.305

5. Kevin Stollings (Hon), -1.535

6. Brandon Kitchen (KTM), -1.586

7. James Ott (KTM), -1.877

8. Blake Lomas (KTM), -2.731

9. Andrew Luker (Yam), -2.779

10. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), -3.186

11. Tyler Raggio (Hon), -3.495

12. Ben Lowe (Hon), -4.950

13. Kyler Adams (KTM), -6.422

14. Aaron Kennedy (Hon), -9.102

15. Dylan Bell (Hon), -3 laps, DNF



Provisional AFT SuperTwins Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 8 laps

2. Jared Mees (Ind), -0.909 second

3. Jake Johnson (Ind), -2.272 seconds

4. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -3.459

5. Robert Pearson (Ind), -3.551

6. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -3.680

7. Bryan Smith (Har), -5.241

8. Dalton Gauthier (Har), -5.936

9. Larry Pegram (Ind), -10.054



Provisional AFT SuperTwins Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Briar Bauman (Ind), 8 laps

2. Brandon Price (Ind), -1.283 seconds

3. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), -1.384

4. Davis Fisher (Ind), -1.779

5. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -1.996

6. Dan Bromley (Ind), -2.372

7. Andrew Luker (Ind), -3.517

8. JD Beach (Yam), -3.577

9. Jay Maloney (Ind), -9.090



Provisional AFT Production Twins Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Cory Texter (Yam), 27 laps

2. Chad Cose (Har), -1.740 seconds

3. Ben Lowe (Yam), -2.091

4. James Rispoli (Har), -3.919

5. Danny Eslick (Kaw), -7.434

6. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), -8.255

7. Cody Johncox (Yam), -16.773

8. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), -16.991

9. Shelby Miller (Kaw), -2 laps

10. Jeremiah Alexander (Kaw), -2 laps, -03.198

11. Garret Wilson (Kaw), -2 laps, -11.318

12. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), -8 laps, DNF

13. Dylan Bell (Har), -12 laps, DNF

14. Gary Ketchum (Kaw), -19 laps, DNF

15. Johnny Lewis (Roy), -25 laps, DNF

16. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), -27 laps, DNF



Provisional AFT Singles Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 26 laps

2. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -0.067 second

3. Cole Zabala (Hon), -0.165

4. Max Whale (Kaw), -0.202

5. Trent Lowe (Hon), -0.561

6. Tanner Dean (Hon), -4.225 seconds

7. James Ott (KTM), -4.373

8. Brandon Kitchen (KTM), -4.494

9. Trevor Brunner (Hon), -5.995

10. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), -7.540

11. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), -7.793

12. Wyatt Anderson (KTM), -9.690

13. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), -10.842

14. Michael Rush (Yam), -12.785

15. Blake Lomas (KTM), -13.730

16. Kevin Stollings (Hon), -13.762

17. Shayna Texter (KTM), -16.041



Provisional AFT SuperTwins Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 39 laps

2. Jared Mees (Ind), -00.509 second

3. Briar Bauman (Ind), -3.948 seconds

4. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -4.982

5. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -5.633

6. Robert Pearson (Ind), -6.446

7. Jake Johnson (Ind), -9.939

8. Dan Bromley (Ind), -10.611

9. Brandon Price (Ind), -12.315

10. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -12.477

11. Davis Fisher (Ind), -16.325

12. Andrew Luker (Ind), -18.988

13. JD Beach (Yam), -19.718

14. Dalton Gauthier (Har), -1 lap

15. Larry Pegram (Ind), -1 lap, 10.556 seconds

16. Jay Maloney (Ind), -1 lap, 14.765

17. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), -6 laps, DNF

18. Bryan Smith (Har), -35 laps, DNF



More, from a press release issued by American Flat Track:

Daniels Clinches AFT Singles Title, Carver Beats the Big Boys in Charlotte


Dallas Daniels (32). Photo courtesy AFT.
Dallas Daniels (32). Photo courtesy AFT.

CONCORD, N.C. (October 9, 2020) – Privateer Jeffrey Carver Jr. (No. 23 Happy Trails Racing FTR750) was in full spoiler mode at the Dirt Track at Charlotte Motor Speedway, claiming his fourth-career Progressive American Flat Track premier-class victory in Friday night’s Progressive Charlotte Half-Mile I.

The opening half of the AFT SuperTwins presented by Vance & Hines Main Event took shape in expected fashion, matching up Grand National Championship title rivals Jared Mees (No. 9 Indian Motorcycle/Progressive Insurance FTR750) and Briar Bauman (No. 1 Indian Motorcycle/Progressive Insurance FTR750).

Mees controlled from the front with reigning champion and current points leader Bauman not far behind as the two left the rest of the field in their wake. However, a red flag that was shown following a Davis Fisher (No. 67 Indian FTR750) crash changed the complexion of the race entirely.

The restart brought Bauman back close enough to pounce on Mees and the two proceeded to trade the lead back and forth repeatedly, with an extended series of block passes and square-up maneuvers. The factory Indian infighting opened the door for a charging Carver, who erased the gap from third, slid past both Mees and Bauman, and then dropped them both as they continued their scrap in second.

Mees finally got away from Bauman’s clutches and saw a golden opportunity to take his third win in a row and put Carver between himself and his rival. He reeled back up to the leader’s rear wheel as the race entered its final two laps, but just couldn’t find any way around the hungry Carver.

Afterward, an emotional Carver said, “This is a whole collective effort… It just means so much, when I go through the GoFundMe and all the other different stuff people have been donating to get us out here. We are the privateers coming up and going after the big-money teams. My team does not get paid. I pay for the travel and the expenses and everyone just takes their time out to help, and it just means so much.

“For me to put the time in and be hands-on and work on the motorcycle and be all a part of it — that keeps me in tune with the motorcycle and the whole effort. I’m just having so much fun out there. It’s amazing.”

While he couldn’t reap the full benefits of what he hoped to achieve, Mees still made up some ground on Bauman in the championship fight. After finishing second and third, respectively, Mees is now just nine points back of Bauman (273-264) with three races left to determine this year’s GNC.

Fourth-placed Brandon Robinson (No. 44 HCRR Racing/Ben Evans Racing Indian FTR750) and fifth-placed Sammy Halbert (No. 69 Coolbeth-Nila Racing Indian FTR750) completed the top five.

AFT Singles presented by Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys

The dominant Dallas Daniels (No. 32 Estenson Racing Yamaha YZ450F) was crowned 2020 AFT Singles presented by Russ Brown Motorcycle Attorneys Champion in style on Friday night, the 17-year-old phenom officially putting the points race out of reach with a victorious final-lap pass.

With Henry Wiles (No. 17 RMR Honda/Honda Talon CRF450R) out of commission due to an injured back, Max Whale (No. 18 Coondoo Cattle Co./Australian Road Services Kawasaki KX450F) was the sole rider remaining with a chance at pushing Daniels’ title quest back another day. The Australian rode motivated too, leading early and battling desperately throughout.

He wasn’t alone in trying to keep Daniels off the top of the box; Cole Zabala (No. 51 Cornerstone Masonry/B&M Masonry CRF450R), Morgen Mischler (No. 13 Roof Systems DFW/Duffy Fleet Services KTM 450 SX-F), and Trent Lowe (No. 48 Roof Systems of Dallas, TX/Shoei Helmets Honda CRF450R) all threw their best efforts at the champion-in-waiting as a five-rider showdown developed in the hard-fought Main Event.

Mischler appeared set to get his revenge for last weekend’s narrow defeat as the clocks approached 0:00. He opened up a bit of breathing space while Daniels was caught up scrapping with Zabala over second.

Once the race went into its decisive last two laps, however, Daniels rose to the occasion. He put Zabala behind him and tracked Mischler back down, diving through on the last lap to earn his eighth race win of an incredible season.

Daniels’ championship-winning victory was also his sixth in succession. As a result, he now boasts an unassailable 80-point advantage with three races to go.

The newly crowned AFT Singles king said, “It was a really long day, and it’s been a long road coming since not making that Main Event at (the season-opening) Volusia. There were a lot of headaches that night, just wondering if I was meant to do this. I tried not to stress today, but it’s hard trying to win your first championship. The track was so fast and so physically demanding.

“It’s just awesome. We struggled a little bit early on today, but we figured it out. It was kind of the same thing as Atlanta — me and Morgen. It was a good race. We could run anywhere — I’m sure the fans loved it. But the main goal was to win this thing right here, and that’s what we did. Big thanks to the whole team. There are so many people behind this, and I wish I could thank them all.”

Mischler finished just 0.067 back of Daniels in second, with Zabala another 0.097 seconds in arrears in third. Whale held on for fourth while Lowe rounded out the top five, only a tick over a half second off the win.

AFT Production Twins

Cory Texter (No. 1 G&G Racing/Roof Systems Yamaha MT-07) took a huge step toward achieving his short-term goal of taking the 2020 AFT Production Twins title fight down to next weekend’s season finale with a timely victory in Charlotte.

The defending class champion sprinted into the lead at the start and never looked back, leading all 27 circulations of the eight-minute plus two lap Main Event.

After getting a poor launch, championship leader James Rispoli (No. 43 Latus Motors Racing Harley-Davidson XG750R) worked his way into second in rapid order. However, after failing to make serious inroads on race leader Texter, Rispoli was forced to turn his attention to fending off the similarly XG-armed Chad Cose (No. 49 Wally Brown Racing Harley-Davidson XG750R).

Rispoli put up a good fight but finally relinquished the position with two minutes remaining, and once through, Cose immediately left him behind. But by the time he worked his way into second, Cose was a second-and-a-half back of Texter. Though he closed the gap down to around a second with a focused charge, Texter wicked it back up in response and stretched his advantage back up to 1.740 seconds at the checkered flag.

In fact, Cose actually came under fire from a rolling Ben Lowe (No. 25 Roof Systems of Dallas/Bruce Lowe Excavating Yamaha MT-07), who fought his way up from a distant fourth to zap Rispoli and make a last-gasp challenge for second on Cose. The two actually split a lapper on the final lap in their struggle for the runner-up spot, with Lowe coming out worse in the exchange.

Rispoli finished fourth, just the second time all season he’s been off the box, while Danny Eslick (No. 64 Scott Powersports/R&D Machine Kawasaki Ninja 650) edged Ryan Varnes (No. 68 RVR/RoyBuilt Don’s Kawasaki Ninja 650) to complete the top five.

Despite Rispoli’s relative struggles on Friday night, he still holds a commanding 38-point advantage over Texter (284-246) with just three races remaining.

After claiming his third Main Event win of his title defense, Texter said, “We still have a big gap, but it was a great race. I’m going to keep fighting until the end. I know the points gap is pretty wide but I don’t quit — I’m going to keep digging. I’m going to try to rack off some wins here.”

The Progressive Charlotte Half-Mile I will air on NBCSN on Friday, October 23, starting at 7:00 p.m. ET/4:00 p.m. PT, while the Progressive Charlotte Half-Mile II will air the following day, Saturday, October 24, at 9:00 p.m. ET/6:00 p.m. PT The broadcasts will include exclusive features, cutting-edge aerial drone and onboard footage, and the expert commentary of Progressive AFT legend Chris Carr.

Next Up:

Progressive American Flat Track is back at it at the Dirt Track at Charlotte Motor Speedway tomorrow night for the Progressive Charlotte Half-Mile II. The gates will open one hour earlier at 3:30 p.m. ET/12:30 p.m. PT the Main Event program scheduled for 7:15 p.m. ET/4:15 p.m. PT. Live coverage of the entire weekend’s racing activities will be available on any device for less than $1 per event via TrackPass on NBC Sports Gold.

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