American Flat Track: Running Results From Daytona Short Track I

American Flat Track: Running Results From Daytona Short Track I

© 2020, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc. By David Swarts.

AFT Finale at DAYTONA I/American Flat Track


Daytona Beach, Florida

October 16, 2020

Provisional AFT SuperTwins Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Briar Bauman (Ind), 18.245 seconds

2. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 18.270

3. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 18.340

4. Jared Mees (Ind), 18.467

5. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 18.527

6. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), 18.588

7. Robert Pearson (Ind), 18.689

8. Brandon Price (Ind), 18.729

9. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 18.778

10. Davis Fisher (Ind), 18.825

11. Jay Maloney (Ind), 18.825

12. Bryan Smith (Har), 18.887

13. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 19.088

14. JD Beach (Yam), 19.097

15. Andrew Luker (Ind), 19.105

16. Jake Johnson (Ind), 19.120

17. Dan Bromley (Ind), no time recorded



Provisional AFT Production Twins Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), 19.242 seconds

2. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 19.387

3. Cody Johncox (Yam), 19.461

4. Cory Texter (Yam), 19.513

5. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 19.588

6. Ben Lowe (Yam), 19.710

7. James Rispoli (Har), 19.771

8. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 19.812

9. Chad Cose (Har), 20.004

10. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 20.008

11. Danny Eslick (Kaw), 20.512

12. Shelby Miller (Kaw), no time recorded



Provisional AFT Singles Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Chad Cose (Suz), 18.434 seconds

2. Shayna Texter (KTM), 18.576

3. Trent Lowe (Hon), 18.579

4. Andrew Luker (Yam), 18.598

5. Max Whale (Kaw), 18.643

6. Jesse Janisch (Hus), 18.655

7. James Ott (KTM), 18.671

8. Blake Lomas (Hon), 18.681

9. Cole Zabala (Hon), 18.708

10. Henry Wiles (Hon), 18.716

11. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 18.796

12. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), 18.808

13. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 18.814

14. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 18.824

15. Michael Rush (Yam), 18.828

16. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 18.832

17. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 18.878

18. Cameron Smith (Hon), 18.960

19. Brandon Kitchen (KTM), 18.962

21. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), 19.005

22. Shane Narbonne (Hon), 19.033

23. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 19.065

24. Dylan Bell (Hon), 19.074

25. Brian McRoberts (Hon), 19.203

26. Shelby Miller (Hon), 19.224

27. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 19.238

28. Aaron Kennedy (Hon), 19.315

29. David Wiggin (KTM), 19.382



Provisional Royal Enfield BTR Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jillian Deschenes (Roy), 21.470 seconds

2. Melissa Paris (Roy), 21.835

3. Malary Lee (Roy), 22.783

4. Trisha Dahl (Roy), 24.083



Provisional AFT SuperTwins Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 18.325 seconds

2. Briar Bauman (Ind), 18.329

3. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 18.343

4. Robert Pearson (Ind), 18.440

5. Jake Johnson (Ind), 18.451

6. Jared Mees (Ind), 18.513

7. Davis Fisher (Ind), 18.526

8. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 18.552

9. Bryan Smith (Har), 18.631

10. Dan Bromley (Ind), 18.631

11. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 18.639

12. Jay Maloney (Ind), 18.662

13. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), 18.685

14. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 18.714

15. JD Beach (Yam), 18.728

16. Brandon Price (Ind), 18.737

17. Andrew Luker (Ind), 18.846




Provisional AFT Production Twins Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 18.785 seconds

2. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 18.824

3. Cory Texter (Yam), 18.839

4. Cody Johncox (Yam), 18.892

5. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 18.966

6. Ben Lowe (Yam), 19.015

7. James Rispoli (Har), 19.046

8. Danny Eslick (Kaw), 19.097

9. Chad Cose (Har), 19.122

10. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), 19.202

11. Shelby Miller (Kaw), 19.315

12. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 19.569



Provisional AFT Singles Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Chad Cose (Suz), 18.171 seconds

2. Max Whale (Kaw), 18.190

3. Andrew Luker (Yam), 18.234

4. Henry Wiles (Hon), 18.258

5. Trent Lowe (Hon), 18.266

6. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 18.277

7. Blake Lomas (Hon), 18.288

8. Shayna Texter (KTM), 18.366

9. Tanner Dean (Hon), 18.367

10. Cole Zabala (Hon), 18.375

11. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 18.396

12. Brandon Kitchen (KTM), 18.398

13. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 18.402

14. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 18.429

15. Cameron Smith (Hon), 18.434

16. Jesse Janisch (Hus), 18.454

17. Shane Narbonne (Hon), 18.492

18. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), 18.511

19. James Ott (KTM), 18.512

20. Dylan Bell (Hon), 18.575

21. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 18.595

22. Michael Rush (Yam), 18.604

23. Brian McRoberts (Hon), 18.656

24. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 18.722

25. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), 18.813

26. Aaron Kennedy (Hon), 18.831

27. David Wiggin (KTM), 18.850

28. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 19.053

29. Shelby Miller (Hon), 19.210




Provisional Royal Enfield BTR Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Melissa Paris (Roy), 20.541 seconds

2. Jillian Deschenes (Roy), 21.063

3. Malary Lee (Roy), 21.708

4. Trisha Dahl (Roy), 23.322



Provisional AFT SuperTwins Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Briar Bauman (Ind), 17.866 seconds

2. Jake Johnson (Ind), 17.876

3. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 17.978

4. Jared Mees (Ind), 18.041

5. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 18.055

6. Bryan Smith (Har), 18.105

7. Andrew Luker (Ind), 18.119

8. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 18.142

9. Robert Pearson (Ind), 18.150

10. Davis Fisher (Ind), 18.156

11. Jay Maloney (Ind), 18.236

12. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 18.242

13. Dan Bromley (Ind), 18.297

14. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), 18.317

15. JD Beach (Yam), 18.342

16. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 18.363

17. Brandon Price (Ind), 18.490



Provisional AFT Production Twins Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Cory Texter (Yam), 18.261 seconds

2. James Rispoli (Har), 18.422

3. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 18.512

4. Ben Lowe (Yam), 18.534

5. Chad Cose (Har), 18.575

6. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), 18.692

7. Cody Johncox (Yam), 18.765

8. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 18.874

9. Danny Eslick (Kaw), 19.036

10. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 19.132

11. Shelby Miller (Kaw), 19.264

12. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), no time recorded



Provisional AFT Singles Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Andrew Luker (Yam), 17.654 seconds

2. Chad Cose (Suz), 17.857

3. Trent Lowe (Hon), 17.871

4. Shayna Texter (KTM), 17.941

5. Cole Zabala (Hon), 17.964

6. Brandon Kitchen (KTM), 17.977

7. Jesse Janisch (Hus), 17.990

8. Max Whale (Kaw), 18.001

9. Tanner Dean (Hon), 18.016

10. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 18.039

11. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 18.048

12. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 18.057

13. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), 18.085

14. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 18.138

15. Henry Wiles (Hon), 18.145

16. Dylan Bell (Hon), 18.147

17. Blake Lomas (Hon), 18.149

18. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 18.164

19. Shane Narbonne (Hon), 18.220

20. James Ott (KTM), 18.227

21. Cameron Smith (Hon), 18.252

22. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 18.361

23. Michael Rush (Yam), 18.378

24. Brian McRoberts (Hon), 18.427

25. David Wiggin (KTM), 18.509

26. Aaron Kennedy (Hon), 18.512

27. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), 18.599

28. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 18.734

29. Shelby Miller (Hon), 18.800



Provisional Royal Enfield BTR Race Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Melissa Paris (Roy), 10 laps

2. Jillian Deschenes (Roy), -0.615 second

3. Malary Lee (Roy), -16.240 seconds

4. Trisha Dahl (Roy), -3 laps



Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 8 laps

2. Cory Texter (Yam), -1.650 seconds

3. Chad Cose (Har), -2.628

4. Cody Johncox (Yam), -4.381

5. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), -5.625

6. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), -16.416



Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. James Rispoli (Har), 8 laps

2. Ben Lowe (Yam), -0.415 second

3. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), -1.833 seconds

4. Danny Eslick (Kaw), -3.287

5. Shelby Miller (Kaw), -4.972

6. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), -8 laps



Provisional AFT Singles Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Michael Rush (Yam), 8 laps

2. Andrew Luker (Yam), -1.573 seconds

3. Henry Wiles (Hon), -1.869

4. Jesse Janisch (Hus), -2.263

5. Trent Lowe (Hon), -2.658

6. Tanner Dean (Hon), -3.274

7. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), -3.730

8. Cole Zabala (Hon), -4.776

9. Blake Lomas (Hon), -5.483

10. Cameron Smith (Hon), -6.241

11. Kevin Stollings (Hon), -6.303

12. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), -7.408

13. Shane Narbonne (Hon), -7.673

14. David Wiggin (KTM), -8.179

15. Shelby Miller (Hon), -8.960



Provisional AFT Singles Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Chad Cose (Suz), 8 laps

2. Max Whale (Kaw), -1.058 seconds

3. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), -2.843

4. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), -3.812

5. Dallas Daniels (Yam), -3.947

6. Dylan Bell (Hon), -4.343

7. James Ott (KTM), -4.553

8. Shayna Texter (KTM), -4.939

9. Tyler Raggio (Hon), -5.275

10. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -5.368

11. Trevor Brunner (Hon), -6.085

12. Brian McRoberts (Hon), -7.698

13. Aaron Kennedy (Hon), -9.035

14. Brandon Kitchen (KTM), -11.638



Provisional AFT SuperTwins Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Briar Bauman (Ind), 8 laps

2. Robert Pearson (Ind), -1.736 seconds

3. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -2.284

4. Andrew Luker (Ind), -2.311

5. Jay Maloney (Ind), -3.361

6. Brandon Price (Ind), -3.820

7. JD Beach (Yam), -4.225

8. Dan Bromley (Ind), -6.370

9. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -11.294



Provisional AFT SuperTwins Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jared Mees (Ind), 8 laps

2. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), -1.125 seconds

3. Bryan Smith (Har), -1.834

4. Davis Fisher (Ind), -3.217

5. Dalton Gauthier (Har), -3.426

6. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -3.807

7. Jake Johnson (Ind), -4.111

8. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), -4.582



Provisional AFT Production Twins Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 21 laps

2. Cory Texter (Yam), -0.247 second

3. Ben Lowe (Yam), -0.956

4. James Rispoli (Har), -1.210 seconds

5. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), -1.838

6. Cody Johncox (Yam), -3.347

7. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), -3.794

8. Shelby Miller (Kaw), -5.322

9. Danny Eslick (Kaw), -7.512

10. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), -13.768

11. Chad Cose (Har), -21 laps

12. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), -21 laps

13. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -21 laps



Provisional AFT Singles Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Chad Cose (Suz), 22 laps

2. Henry Wiles (Hon), -0.270 second

3. Max Whale (Kaw), -0.491

4. Dallas Daniels (Yam), -0.749

5. Michael Rush (Yam), -2.968 seconds

6. Trent Lowe (Hon), -3.244

7. Tanner Dean (Hon), -4.253

8. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), -5.571

9. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), -5.690

10. Jesse Janisch (Hus), -7.061

11. Andrew Luker (Yam), -7.457

12. James Ott (KTM), -7.935

13. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -8.346

14. Shayna Texter (KTM), -9.401

15. Dylan Bell (Hon), -11.262

16. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), -17 laps, DNF

17. Cole Zabala (Hon), -22 laps



Provisional AFT SuperTwins Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 35 laps

2. Briar Bauman (Ind), -2.360 seconds

3. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), -3.716

4. Jared Mees (Ind), -4.906

5. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -10.598

6. Davis Fisher (Ind), -10.824

7. Robert Pearson (Ind), -11.177

8. JD Beach (Yam), -12.207

9. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -12.478

10. Dan Bromley (Ind), -17.186

11. Dalton Gauthier (Har), -17.464

12. Brandon Price (Ind), -1 lap

13. Andrew Luker (Ind), -1 lap, 0.411 second

14. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), -1 lap, 0.559

15. Jay Maloney (Ind), -1 lap, 5.381 seconds

16. Bryan Smith (Har), -15 laps, DNF

17. Jake Johnson (Ind), -34 laps, DNF

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