American Flat Track: Running Results From The Atlanta Super TT (Updated)

American Flat Track: Running Results From The Atlanta Super TT (Updated)

© 2021, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc. By David Swarts.

Yamaha Atlanta Super TT/American Flat Track

Atlanta Motor Speedway

Hampton, Georgia

May 1, 2021

Provisional Mission Super Twins Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. JD Beach (Yam), 35.039 seconds

2. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 35.102

3. Davis Fisher (Ind), 35.369

4. Briar Bauman (Ind), 35.402

5. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), 35.808

6. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 35.854

7. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 35.872

8. Tyler O’Hara (Ind), 35.905

9. James Rispoli (Har), 36.150

10. Robert Pearson (Ind), 36.323

11. Dan Bromley (Yam), 36.409

12. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 36.437

13. Larry Pegram (Ind), 36.471

14. Brandon Price (Ind), 36.672

15. Jared Mees (Ind), no time recorded



Provisional AFT Production Twins Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 35.669 seconds

2. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 36.152

3. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 36.270

4. Kayl Kolkman (Yam), 36.607

5. Ben Lowe (Yam), 36.643

6. Cory Texter (Yam), 36.960

7. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 37.263

8. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), 37.328

9. Dan Bromley (Yam), 38.083

10. Chad Cose (Har), 38.154

11. Daniel Eslick (Kaw), 38.332

12. Shelby Miller (Kaw), 38.997

13. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 39.383

14. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 42.524



Provisional AFT Singles Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Michael Rush (Yam), 35.211 seconds

2. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 35.214

3. Henry Wiles (Hon), 35.266

4. Ferran Cardus (Hon), 35.275

5. Andrew Luker (Yam), 35.344

6. Kody Kopp (Hon), 35.531

7. Travis Pastrana (KTM), 35.643

8. Brandon Kitchen (Hus), 35.686

9. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 35.687

10. Ryan Sipes (Gas), 35.709

11. Max Whale (KTM), 35.731

12. Tanner Dean (Hon), 35.919

13. Ryan Wells (Hon), 36.130

14. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 36.180

15. Billy Ross (KTM), 36.205

16. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), 36.213

17. Jared Lowe (Hon), 36.273

18. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 36.280

19. Trent Lowe (Suz), 36.516

20. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 36.603

21. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), 36.662

22. Kyler Adams (KTM), 36.957

23. Andre Ochs (KTM), 36.982

24. Tarren Santero (Kaw), 36.986

25. James Ott (KTM), 37.027

26. Ian Wolfe (Hon), 37.225

27. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 37.957

28. David Wiggin (KTM), 37.968

29. Shane Narbonne (Hon), 37.970

30. Ezra Brusky (Hon), 38.102

31. Jordan Jean (Hon), 38.110

32. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 38.183

33. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), 38.336

34. Blake Steinwagner (Hon), 38.396

35. Brandon Newman (KTM), 38.776

36. Jacob Cascio (Yam), 39.652

37. Trent Pickle (Hus), no time recorded

38. Cole Zabala (Hon), no time recorded



Provisional Mission Super Twins Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. JD Beach (Yam), 34.848

2. Briar Bauman (Ind), 34.993

3. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 35.005

4. Davis Fisher (Ind), 35.157

5. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), 35.276

6. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 35.576

7. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 35.797

8. James Rispoli (Har), 35.805

9. Robert Pearson (Ind), 35.834

10. Tyler OHara (Ind), 36.100

11. Larry Pegram (Ind), 36.429

12. Dan Bromley (Yam), 36.437

13. Brandon Price (Ind), 36.491

14. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 36.644

15. Jared Mees (Ind), 40.463



Provisional AFT Production Twins Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 35.523 seconds

2. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 35.878

3. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 36.078

4. Kayl Kolkman (Yam), 36.138

5. Ben Lowe (Yam), 36.187

6. Cory Texter (Yam), 36.771

7. Dan Bromley (Yam), 36.790

8. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 36.791

9. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), 37.002

10. Chad Cose (Har), 37.537

11. Daniel Eslick (Kaw), 37.846

12. Shelby Miller (Kaw), 38.516

13. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 39.804

14. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 40.835



Provisional AFT Singles Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Michael Rush (Yam), 35.058 seconds

2. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 35.079

3. Andrew Luker (Yam), 35.136

4. Max Whale (KTM), 35.213

5. Ferran Cardus (Hon), 35.230

6. Ryan Sipes (Gas), 35.278

7. Tanner Dean (Hon), 35.287

8. Henry Wiles (Hon), 35.359

9. Kody Kopp (Hon), 35.421

10. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 35.452

11. Brandon Kitchen (Hus), 35.473

12. Travis Pastrana (KTM), 35.538

13. Trent Lowe (Suz), 35.845

14. Tarren Santero (Kaw), 35.877

15. Ryan Wells (Hon), 35.986

16. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), 36.054

17. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 36.154

18. Billy Ross (KTM), 36.160

19. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 36.192

20. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 36.261

21. Jared Lowe (Hon), 36.282

22. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), 36.302

23. Cole Zabala (Hon), 36.387

24. Kyler Adams (KTM), 36.852

25. James Ott (KTM), 37.024

26. Jordan Jean (Hon), 37.090

27. Ian Wolfe (Hon), 37.104

28. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 37.375

29. Andre Ochs (KTM), 37.506

30. Shane Narbonne (Hon), 37.524

31. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 37.599

32. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), 37.914

33. David Wiggin (KTM), 38.490

34. Ezra Brusky (Hon), 38.633

35. Blake Steinwagner (Hon), 38.733

36. Trent Pickle (Hus), 39.232

37. Jacob Cascio (Yam), 39.254

38. Brandon Newman (KTM), 39.770



Provisional Mission Super Twins Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. JD Beach (Yam), 35.252 seconds

2. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 35.270

3. Davis Fisher (Ind), 35.691

4. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 35.734

5. Tyler OHara (Ind), 35.803

6. Briar Bauman (Ind), 35.822

7. Dan Bromley (Yam), 35.935

8. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 35.996

9. James Rispoli (Har), 36.047

10. Robert Pearson (Ind), 36.075

11. Larry Pegram (Ind), 36.355

12. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), 36.608

13. Brandon Price (Ind), 37.169

14. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 37.452



Provisional AFT Production Twins Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 35.449 seconds

2. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 35.705

3. Dan Bromley (Yam), 36.048

4. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 36.054

5. Ben Lowe (Yam), 36.249

6. Kayl Kolkman (Yam), 36.380

7. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 36.961

8. Cory Texter (Yam), 36.994

9. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), 37.006

10. Chad Cose (Har), 37.552

11. Shelby Miller (Kaw), 38.734

12. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 39.189

13. Daniel Eslick (Kaw), 39.776

14. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 39.858



Provisional AFT Singles Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Ferran Cardus (Hon), 34.801 seconds

2. Henry Wiles (Hon), 35.102

3. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 35.213

4. Michael Rush (Yam), 35.272

5. Max Whale (KTM), 35.275

6. Travis Pastrana (KTM), 35.295

7. Tanner Dean (Hon), 35.360

8. Kody Kopp (Hon), 35.453

9. Ryan Sipes (Gas), 35.520

10. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 35.535

11. Tarren Santero (Kaw), 35.629

12. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 35.676

13. Trent Lowe (Suz), 35.746

14. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), 35.850

15. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 35.892

16. Ryan Wells (Hon), 35.995

17. Cole Zabala (Hon), 36.047

18. Jared Lowe (Hon), 36.116

19. Billy Ross (KTM), 36.131

20. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), 36.141

21. Andrew Luker (Yam), 36.271

22. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 36.479

23. Brandon Kitchen (Hus), 36.549

24. James Ott (KTM), 36.736

25. Andre Ochs (KTM), 36.738

26. Kyler Adams (KTM), 36.824

27. Jordan Jean (Hon), 36.966

28. Shane Narbonne (Hon), 37.190

29. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 37.642

30. Ian Wolfe (Hon), 37.689

31. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 37.746

32. Blake Steinwagner (Hon), 38.166

33. David Wiggin (KTM), 38.223

34. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), 38.339

35. Trent Pickle (Hus), 38.392

36. Jacob Cascio (Yam), 38.621

37. Ezra Brusky (Hon), 38.653

38. Brandon Newman (KTM), 38.851



Provisional Mission SuperTwins Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. JD Beach (Yam), 8 laps

2. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -3.053 seconds

3. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), -6.647

4. Dan Bromley (Yam), -10.014

5. James Rispoli (Har), -10.173

6. Kolby Carlile (Yam), -10.636

7. Brandon Price (Ind), -11.502

8. Jared Mees (Ind), -8 laps



Provisional Mission SuperTwins Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Briar Bauman (Ind), 8 laps

2. Davis Fisher (Ind), -1.083 seconds

3. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -1.577

4. Tyler OHara (Ind), -2.546

5. Robert Pearson (Ind), -9.735

6. Larry Pegram (Ind), -10.717

7. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -11.237



Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 8 laps

2. Kayl Kolkman (Yam), -5.756 seconds

3. Dalton Gauthier (Har), -7.855

4. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), -12.939

5. Cory Texter (Yam), -13.230

6. Daniel Eslick (Kaw), -31.758

7. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), -32.405



Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 8 laps

2. Dan Bromley (Yam), -0.377 second

3. Ben Lowe (Yam), -0.390

4. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), -5.674 seconds

5. Shelby Miller (Kaw), -14.743

6. Chad Cose (Har), -16.615

7. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), -8 laps



Provisional AFT Singles Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Ferran Cardus (Hon), 8 laps

2. Dallas Daniels (Yam), -0.453 second

3. Ryan Sipes (Gas), -3.227 seconds

4. Trevor Brunner (Hon), -6.574

5. Trent Lowe (Suz), -7.398

6. Cole Zabala (Hon), -8.140

7. Travis Pastrana (KTM), -8.674

8. Tarren Santero (Kaw), -10.154

9. Andrew Luker (Yam), -11.029

10. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -13.409

11. Andre Ochs (KTM), -15.221

12. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), -18.179

13. Jared Lowe (Hon), -18.688

14. Shane Narbonne (Hon), -20.781

15. Jordan Jean (Hon), -20.909

16. Tyler Raggio (Hon), -21.340



Provisional AFT Singles Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Michael Rush (Yam), 8 laps

2. Max Whale (KTM), -1.719 seconds

3. Kody Kopp (Hon), -2.949

4. Henry Wiles (Hon), -3.716

5. Tanner Dean (Hon), -8.629

6. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), -11.723

7. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), -11.768

8. Brandon Kitchen (Hus), -12.341

9. Billy Ross (KTM), -12.508

10. Ryan Wells (Hon), -14.415

11. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), -18.191

12. Kyler Adams (KTM), -18.514

13. James Ott (KTM), -20.898

14. Kevin Stollings (Hon), -22.441

15. Ian Wolfe (Hon), -22.826

16. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), -33.202



Provisional Mission SuperTwins Mission Challenge Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. JD Beach (Yam), 4 laps

2. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -0.843 second

3. Briar Bauman (Ind), -1.767 seconds

4. Davis Fisher (Ind), -2.606



Provisional AFT Production Twins Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 16 laps

2. Dalton Gauthier (Har), -5.105 seconds

3. Dan Bromley (Yam), -9.819

4. Kayl Kolkman (Yam), -10.370

5. Johnny Lewis (Roy), -16.485

6. Cory Texter (Yam), -20.495

7. Ben Lowe (Yam), -22.500

8. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), -30.730

9. Shelby Miller (Kaw), -1 lap

10. Chad Cose (Har), -1 lap

11. Daniel Eslick (Kaw), -1 lap

12. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), -5 laps

13. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), -7 laps

14. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), -7 laps



Provisional AFT Singles Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 16 laps

2. Michael Rush (Yam), -0.869 second

3. Ferran Cardus (Hon), -2.616 seconds

4. Max Whale (KTM), -3.709

5. Henry Wiles (Hon), -8.389

6. Kody Kopp (Hon), -8.654

7. Trevor Brunner (Hon), -13.287

8. Ryan Sipes (Gas), -14.066

9. Travis Pastrana (KTM), -20.705

10. Andrew Luker (Yam), -24.421

11. Brandon Kitchen (Hus), -25.035

12. Tanner Dean (Hon), -26.415

13. Trent Lowe (Suz), -28.067

14. Tarren Santero (Kaw), -29.018

15. Cole Zabala (Hon), -29.625

16. Jacob Lehmann (Hon), -29.887

17. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), -6 laps



Provisional Mission SuperTwins Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. JD Beach (Yam), 20 laps

2. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), -4.846 seconds

3. Briar Bauman (Ind), -12.962

4. Davis Fisher (Ind), -14.810

5. Kolby Carlile (Yam), -16.339

6. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -17.161

7. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -19.343

8. Tyler OHara (Ind), -26.336

9. Larry Pegram (Ind), -31.224

10. Robert Pearson (Ind), -32.737

11. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -1 lap

12. Brandon Price (Ind), -1 lap

13. James Rispoli (Har), -4 laps

14. Dan Bromley (Yam), -5 laps

15. Jared Mees (Ind), -18 laps



More, from a press release issued by American Flat Track:

Yamaha Completes Historic Triple Victory Sweep at Atlanta Super TT

The victorious Estenson Racing team. Photo by Kristen Lassen, courtesy AFT.
The victorious Estenson Racing team. Photo by Kristen Lassen, courtesy AFT.



ATLANTA, Ga. (May 1, 2021) – The Yamaha Atlanta Super TT could not have possibly been scripted more perfectly for title sponsor Yamaha at its home race in what proved to be a historic evening of Progressive American Flat Track racing at Atlanta Motor Speedway.

Just miles from its American base of operations, Yamaha became the first manufacturer to ever pull off a victory sweep across all three classes in a single evening thanks to the virtuoso performances of Estenson Racing’s JD Beach and Dallas Daniels.

Beach completed the remarkable triple win in absolutely crushing form aboard the No. 95 Estenson Racing Yamaha MT-07 DT in the Mission SuperTwins presented by S&S Cycle Main Event.

The multi-time national champion roadracer and TT race winner came into Atlanta considered the heavy race favorite and that status only increased with each successive session. By the time the Main rolled around, Beach made real the fears that the remainder of the field was relegated to a fight for second. He tore open up a sizable lead by the time the pack hit the jump for the first time and piled it on from there.

After earlier opening up an full straightaway’s advantage, Beach cruised home to a near-five-second margin-of-victory in the end.

“This feels amazing,” Beach said. “I can’t thank my team enough. Through the tough times, they’re always working. I have to thank my trainer, Ty Kady, too; coming into this race, I was kind of in a dark spot just because I felt like I had so much pressure on me to do good. We were able to pull it through. This race went smooth for me — it was my best race ever. Just like (Supercross racer) Jett Lawrence said after his win a few weeks ago, ‘You’ve got to let the big dogs eat!”

While Beach put a quick conclusion on the chase for the win, an entertaining melee for second took shape behind him, featuring Sammy Halbert (No. 69 Coolbeth-Nila Racing Indian FTR750), Briar Bauman (No. 1 Indian Motorcycle/Progressive Insurance FTR750), Jarod Vanderkooi (No. 20 Mission Roof Systems Indian FTR750), and Davis Fisher (No. 67 BMC Racing/Dick Wall 60 Indian FTR750).

Bauman put a move on second-placed Halbert with eight minutes to go, only to see Halbert immediately counter. That sequence then allowed Vanderkooi to slip under Bauman and do the same to Halbert a few short laps later.

Bauman worked past Halbert and did what he could to pressure Vanderkooi. But ultimately the defending Grand National Champion could climb no higher than third as Vanderkooi put the finishing touches on his best-ever premier-class result.

Fisher took fourth, while Beach’s teammate, Kolby Carlile (No. 36 Estenson Racing Yamaha MT-07 DT), was the beneficiary of a late mistake on Halbert’s part, allowing Carlile to sneak through and take fifth at the flag.

Title contender Jared Mees (No. 9 Indian Motorcycle/Progressive Insurance FTR750) made a courageous attempt to fight through the pain and compete after recently injuring his knee in a motocross training accident. Unfortunately, he was forced to pull out early in the Main Event and will now look to heal up with a few weeks off to rest.

AFT Production Twins presented by Vance & Hines

Dallas Daniels (No. 32 Estenson Racing Yamaha MT-07) added to his quickly burgeoning legend, not only winning in his Progressive AFT twin-cylinder debut but flat-out dominating the AFT Production Twins presented by Vance & Hines Main Event.

Daniels stormed away from pole and was never bothered as he made relatively easy work of an extremely challenging circuit. Like his premier-class teammate, JD Beach, Daniels’ sublime blend of elite dirt track and roadracing chops proved unbeatable on the hybrid Atlanta Super TT course.

Daniels said, “The Single is our main priority; that’s our championship goal, but tonight I wanted to get the win on the Production Twin. The track is amazing — it’s so much fun. My roadrace and supermoto experience really plays well into this, and it’s been a blast riding this thing. I thought maybe it would take a little longer getting used to it, but it was great right from the beginning.”

All-around ace Dalton Gauthier (No. 79 D&D Cycles/Vance & Hines Harley-Davidson XG750R) came home a clear second despite struggling in his Semi and starting on Row 2.

Dan Bromley (No. 62 Memphis Shades/Vinson Construction Yamaha MT-07) tracked down and ultimately out-dueled Kayl Kolkman (No. 98 B&L Plumbing/Uncle D Yamaha MT-07) to finish third as the most recent AFT Singles champions went 1-2-3 on the evening.

Daniels’ task was made a bit easier immediately after the restart when fellow Semi winner Johnny Lewis (No. 10 Moto Anatomy X Powered by Royal Enfield Twins FT) suffered a huge opening-lap high side, which brought out an immediate red flag.

Lewis was able to make the restart, albeit from the back of the pack. Shaken but not deterred, the former factory AMA Supermoto star slashed his way back through the field to finish a gritty fifth at the checkered flag.

AFT Singles

The most difficult component of a potential Yamaha triple-class sweep was widely expected to be the AFT Singles Main; while Mikey Rush (No. 15 Estenson Racing Yamaha YZ450F) won his Semi, teammate and defending class champion Dallas Daniels (No. 1 Estenson Racing Yamaha YZ450F) was beaten in a thrilling straight fight in his Semi by Spanish flat track superstar Ferran Cardús (No. 377 Roof Systems of Dallas/Vanilla Cycles Honda CRF450R).

Rush and Daniels managed to get away 1-2, but their dream start was quickly erased due to a red flag following a lap one crash by Trent Lowe (No. 48 WBR/Suzuki Motor of America RM-Z450).

Daniels took the holeshot in the restart but with Cardús right on his tail. After the Spaniard had earlier demonstrated he had the lines and skills necessary to overtake him on multiple occasions in the Semi, Daniels put his head down in an attempt to not allow Cardús an opportunity when it mattered the most.

Daniels slowly opened a small advantage, eventually forcing Cardús into a mistake, which put Rush on his case. That development proved pivotal, allowing Daniels to suffer no real consequences when he later made a significant mistake of his own, and giving Yamaha the added joy of a 1-2 finish after Rush made his way through into second.

Despite coming up short in his bid for the win, Cardús did earn the first career Progressive AFT podium in third.

After becoming the first rider to win two classes at a single event since the inimitable Ricky Graham, Daniels said, “As soon as I finished my interviews for Production Twins, they were firing bikes up for Singles. I got my stuff back on and thought to myself, ‘I just have to get a good start and stay with the guys and do something with them in the end.’

“But I got the holeshot and knew I was the guy — I just needed to maintain. I was kind of nervous, and I was like, ‘Put in laps, put in laps, hit your marks.’ As I was going into the last corner, the sound was kind of going away. I looked at the jumbotron and saw I had a little gap. I knew I had to keep going fast but I thought I could relax a bit. But then I went into the righthander and ended up going off the track and had to go through the mud. My heartrate was back up, so I almost went off the track again with two laps to go. I just had to calm down. But this is awesome.”

Max Whale (No. 18 Red Bull KTM Factory Racing 450 SX-FFE) finished fourth, while TT legend Henry Wiles (No. 17 American Honda/United Rentals CRF450R) narrowly edged rookie prodigy Kody Kopp (No. 143 Smartop/Jones Honda/Latus Motors CRF450R) for fifth.

Ryan Sipes (No. 264 Red Bull/Troy Lee Designs GASGAS MC450F) won his $1 bet with fellow future Hall of Famer Travis Pastrana (No. 199 Red Bull KTM 450 SX-F), as the two-wheeled icons finished eighth and ninth, respectively. Pastrana will look to get his revenge as the two will compete in the Hoosier GNCC on Sunday.

The Yamaha Atlanta Super TT will air on NBCSN on Sunday, May 2, starting at 10:30 p.m. ET/7:30 p.m. PT. The broadcast will include exclusive features, cutting-edge aerial drone and onboard footage, and expert commentary.

Next Up:

Progressive AFT will be back in action on Saturday, May 22, for the Mission Foods Texas Half-Mile presented by Roof Systems at Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas. Tickets are already available for purchase by visiting Gates will open at 5:00 p.m. ET/2:00 p.m. PT with Opening Ceremonies set to begin at 8:00 p.m. ET/5:00 p.m. PT. For those viewing from home, live coverage will be available on any device for only $1.99 a month via TrackPass on NBC Sports Gold.

For more information on Progressive AFT visit

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