American Flat Track: Running Results From The Charlotte Half-Mile

American Flat Track: Running Results From The Charlotte Half-Mile

© 2021, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc. By David Swarts.

Honda Charlotte Half-Mile/American Flat Track

Charlotte Half-Mile

Charlotte, North Carolina

October 9, 2021

AFT Mission SuperTwins Provisional Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 19.888

2. Jared Mees (Ind), 19.934

3. Davis Fisher (Ind), 20.056

4. Briar Bauman (Ind), 20.059

5. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 20.061

6. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), 20.117

7. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 20.225

8. JD Beach (Yam), 20.265

9. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 20.327

10. Ryan Varnes (Ind), 20.484

11. James Rispoli (Har), 20.573

12. Brandon Price (Ind), 20.608

13. Bronson Bauman (Ind), no time recorded



AFT Singles Provisional Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Trent Lowe (Suz), 20.352

2. James Ott (KTM), 20.407

3. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 20.418

4. Michael Rush (Yam), 20.471

5. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 20.479

6. Max Whale (KTM), 20.496

7. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 20.497

8. Tanner Dean (Hon), 20.511

9. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), 20.567

10. Cole Zabala (Hon), 20.577

11. Kody Kopp (Hon), 20.614

12. Ferran Cardus (Hon), 20.660

13. Justin Jones (Hon), 20.692

14. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 20.699

15. Aidan RoosEvans (Hon), 20.751

16. Michael Lainhart (Kaw), 20.758

17. Ezra Brusky (Hon), 20.766

18. Blake Lomas (Suz), 20.784

19. Hunter Bauer (KTM), 20.827

20. Billy Ross (KTM), 20.841

21. Ryan Wells (Hon), 20.883

22. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 21.013

23. Damon Ream (KTM), 21.042

24. Jared Lowe (Hon), 21.056

25. Jordan Jean (Hon), 21.104

26. Blake Steinwagner (Hon), 21.119

27. Noah Miller (Hon), 21.645



AFT Production Twins Provisional Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jesse Janisch (Har), 20.482

2. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 20.484

3. Cory Texter (Yam), 20.505

4. Ben Lowe (Har), 20.517

5. Chad Cose (Har), 20.585

6. Dan Bromley (Yam), 20.603

7. Morgen Mischler (Har), 20.758

8. Kasey Sciscoe (Kaw), 20.818

9. Danny Eslick (Kaw), 20.918

10. Patrick Buchanan (Har), 20.946

11. Jordan Harris (Kaw), 20.954

12. Michael Hill (Yam), 21.253

13. Brandon Newman (Kaw), 21.257

14. Mitch Harvat (Kaw), 21.266

15. Shelby Miller (Kaw), 21.365

16. Brock Schwarzenbacher (Kaw), 21.514

17. Garret Wilson (Kaw), 21.731

18. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 21.745



RSD Super Hooligans Provisional Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Kevin Varnes (Har), 20.965

2. Scooter Vernon (KTM), 21.065

3. Andrew DiBrino (KTM), 21.301

4. Scott Baker (Har), 21.317

5. Joe Kopp (Ind), 21.457

6. Robert Lewis (Har), 21.659

7. Dave Kilkenny (Har), 21.753

8. Frankie Garcia (Ind), 21.824

9. Chris Boone (Har), 21.879

10. AJ Kirkpatrick (Ind), 22.023

11. George Price (Har), 22.058

12. Joseph Houston (Har), 22.073

13. Johnny Bova II (Har), 22.110

14. Josh Young (Har), 22.251

15. Jason Griffin (Duc), 22.337

16. Jim Ottele (Tri), 22.581

17. Stace Richmond (KTM), 22.940

18. Sarah Dixon (Duc), 22.988

19. Robby-Bobby McLendon (Tri), 23.110

20. Alex Childs (Har), 23.889

21. Erin Ferris (Duc), 25.527

22. Matt Jensen (Har), no time recorded

23. Daniel Swislosky (Har), no time recorded



AFT Mission SuperTwins Provisional Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jared Mees (Ind), 19.919

2. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 19.949

3. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 19.963

4. Davis Fisher (Ind), 20.028

5. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 20.055

6. JD Beach (Yam), 20.075

7. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), 20.089

8. Ryan Varnes (Ind), 20.132

9. Briar Bauman (Ind), 20.182

10. Brandon Price (Ind), 20.242

11. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 20.273

12. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 20.411

13. James Rispoli (Har), 20.620



AFT Singles Provisional Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Trent Lowe (Suz), 20.255

2. Tanner Dean (Hon), 20.302

3. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 20.342

4. Max Whale (KTM), 20.401

5. Cole Zabala (Hon), 20.417

6. Aidan RoosEvans (Hon), 20.420

7. Kody Kopp (Hon), 20.468

8. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), 20.515

9. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 20.551

10. Michael Lainhart (Kaw), 20.574

11. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 20.595

12. Blake Lomas (Suz), 20.602

13. James Ott (KTM), 20.650

14. Michael Rush (Yam), 20.655

15. Ferran Cardus (Hon), 20.663

16. Hunter Bauer (KTM), 20.690

17. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 20.692

18. Ryan Wells (Hon), 20.722

19. Justin Jones (Hon), 20.724

20. Jared Lowe (Hon), 20.820

21. Damon Ream (KTM), 20.830

22. Ezra Brusky (Hon), 20.851

23. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 20.939

24. Jordan Jean (Hon), 20.983

25. Billy Ross (KTM), 20.993

26. Blake Steinwagner (Hon), 21.090

27. Noah Miller (Hon), 21.607



AFT Production Twins Provisional Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Cory Texter (Yam), 20.171

2. Jesse Janisch (Har), 20.331

3. Ben Lowe (Har), 20.401

4. Chad Cose (Har), 20.404

5. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 20.486

6. Morgen Mischler (Har), 20.521

7. Danny Eslick (Kaw), 20.691

8. Kasey Sciscoe (Kaw), 20.732

9. Mitch Harvat (Kaw), 20.773

10. Patrick Buchanan (Har), 20.789

11. Jordan Harris (Kaw), 20.816

12. Dan Bromley (Yam), 20.860

13. Michael Hill (Yam), 20.980

14. Brandon Newman (Kaw), 21.084

15. Brock Schwarzenbacher (Kaw), 21.229

16. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 21.326

17. Shelby Miller (Kaw), 21.353

18. Garret Wilson (Kaw), 21.889



RSD Super Hooligans Provisional Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Kevin Varnes (Har), 20.774

2. Scooter Vernon (KTM), 20.982

3. Andrew DiBrino (KTM), 21.209

4. Joe Kopp (Ind), 21.358

5. Scott Baker (Har), 21.359

6. Dave Kilkenny (Har), 21.365

7. Johnny Bova II (Har), 21.466

8. Robert Lewis (Har), 21.523

9. Frankie Garcia (Ind), 21.643

10. Joseph Houston (Har), 21.663

11. AJ Kirkpatrick (Ind), 21.802

12. Chris Boone (Har), 21.827

13. Josh Young (Har), 21.960

14. George Price (Har), 22.095

15. Robby-Bobby McLendon (Tri), 22.146

16. Jason Griffin (Duc), 22.312

17. Jim Ottele (Tri), 22.370

18. Stace Richmond (KTM), 22.700

19. Sarah Dixon (Duc), 22.900

20. Alex Childs (Har), 23.246

21. Erin Ferris (Duc), 23.991

22. Matt Jensen (Har), no time recorded

23. Daniel Swislosky (Har), no time recorded



Provisional AFT Singles Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Trent Lowe (Suz), 8 laps

2. James Ott (KTM), -01.658 seconds

3. Trevor Brunner (Hon), -02.885

4. Aidan RoosEvans (Hon), -03.138

5. Dallas Daniels (Yam), -03.905

6. Michael Lainhart (Kaw), -04.331

7. Hunter Bauer (KTM), -04.568

8. Blake Lomas (Suz), -04.634

9. Ryan Wells (Hon), -06.005

10. Jordan Jean (Hon), -06.663

11. Billy Ross (KTM), -06.788

12. Jared Lowe (Hon), -07.324

13. Noah Miller (Hon), -12.582

14. Michael Rush (Yam), -8 laps



Provisional AFT Singles Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Kody Kopp (Hon), 8 laps

2. Cole Zabala (Hon), -00.229 seconds

3. Max Whale (KTM), -00.359

4. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -01.495

5. Ferran Cardus (Hon), -01.681

6. Kevin Stollings (Hon), -02.095

7. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), -02.177

8. Justin Jones (Hon), -04.168

9. Damon Ream (KTM), -04.373

10. Tyler Raggio (Hon), -06.918

11. Ezra Brusky (Hon), -2 laps, -10.637

12. Tanner Dean (Hon), -8 laps

13. Blake Steinwagner (Hon), -8 laps



Provisional Mission SuperTwins Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Davis Fisher (Ind), 8 laps

2. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -00.256 seconds

3. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), -00.924

4. JD Beach (Yam), -01.051

5. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -01.691

6. Ryan Varnes (Ind), -03.309

7. James Rispoli (Har), -04.697



Provisional Mission SuperTwins Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Briar Bauman (Ind), 8 laps

2. Jared Mees (Ind), -00.934 seconds

3. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -02.469

4. Brandon Price (Ind), -03.314

5. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), -03.468

6. Kolby Carlile (Yam), -1 lap, -11.857



Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Cory Texter (Yam), 8 laps

2. Ben Lowe (Har), -01.619 seconds

3. Johnny Lewis (Roy), -02.028

4. Dan Bromley (Yam), -02.337

5. Michael Hill (Yam), -07.100

6. Kasey Sciscoe (Kaw), -07.417

7. Shelby Miller (Kaw), -09.619

8. Patrick Buchanan (Har), -32.841

9. Brock Schwarzenbacher (Kaw), -1 lap



Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Chad Cose (Har), 8 laps

2. Jesse Janisch (Har), -00.234 seconds

3. Morgen Mischler (Har), -00.564

4. Jordan Harris (Kaw), -00.753

5. Danny Eslick (Kaw), -01.392

6. Brandon Newman (Kaw), -04.343

7. Mitch Harvat (Kaw), -05.621

8. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), -09.489



Provisional Mission SuperTwins Mission Challenge Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jared Mees (Ind), 4 laps

2. Davis Fisher (Ind), -00.015 seconds

3. Briar Bauman (Ind), -00.332

4. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -00.399


Provisional AFT Singles Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Kody Kopp (Hon), 16 laps

2. Max Whale (KTM), -00.318 seconds

3. Trevor Brunner (Hon), -01.641

4. Trent Lowe (Suz), -01.724

5. Cole Zabala (Hon), -02.176

6. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -02.267

7. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), -04.385

8. Dallas Daniels (Yam), -04.850

9. Kevin Stollings (Hon), -05.568

10. Ferran Cardus (Hon), -05.690

11. Tanner Dean (Hon), -06.718

12. Justin Jones (Hon), -07.735

13. Aidan RoosEvans (Hon), -07.911

14. James Ott (KTM), -10.183

15. Michael Lainhart (Kaw), -11.816

16. Blake Lomas (Suz), -12.013

17. Hunter Bauer (KTM), -12.024



Briar Bauman crashed while leading, and Sammy Halbert hit Bauman’s tumbling bike. Bauman may make the restart but Halbert was transported to a hospital and was reported to be alert but in pain, according to a crew member.

Sammy Halbert’s racebike after it hit Briar Bauman’s tumbling bike.

Mission SuperTwins Main Event Running Order At Red Flag:

1. Briar Bauman (Ind), 12 laps

2. Jared Mees (Ind), -00.914 seconds

3. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -02.578

4. Davis Fisher (Ind), -03.550

5. JD Beach (Yam), -03.913

6. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), -05.215

7. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -05.395

8. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -06.123

9. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), -07.376

10. Ryan Varnes (Ind), -07.556

11. James Rispoli (Har), -11.256

12. Brandon Price (Ind), -3 laps

13. Kolby Carlile (Yam), -12 laps



(Restarted) Provisional Mission SuperTwins Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Davis Fisher (Ind), 32 laps

2. Jared Mees (Ind), -00.114 seconds

3. JD Beach (Yam), -00.645

4. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), -01.124

5. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -04.278

6. Ryan Varnes (Ind), -07.740

7. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), -09.171

8. James Rispoli (Har), -13.631

9. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -3 laps

10. Briar Bauman (Ind), -17 laps

11. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -20 laps

12. Brandon Price (Ind), -23 laps

13. Kolby Carlile (Yam), -32 laps



Provisional AFT Production Twins Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jesse Janisch (Har), 17 laps

2. Ben Lowe (Har), -00.319 seconds

3. Dan Bromley (Yam), -01.019

4. Johnny Lewis (Roy), -02.869

5. Cory Texter (Yam), -03.881

6. Jordan Harris (Kaw), -04.236

7. Chad Cose (Har), -04.570

8. Patrick Buchanan (Har), -04.950

9. Danny Eslick (Kaw), -04.966

10. Michael Hill (Yam), -09.164

11. Kasey Sciscoe (Kaw), -09.978

12. Brandon Newman (Kaw), -12.587

13. Mitch Harvat (Kaw), -13.736

14. Shelby Miller (Kaw), -13.911

15. Brock Schwarzenbacher (Kaw), -20.728

16. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), -7 laps

17. Morgen Mischler (Har), -17 laps



Provisional Super Hooligans Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Scooter Vernon (KTM), 8 laps

2. Kevin Varnes (Har), -01.454 seconds

3. Andrew DiBrino (KTM), -02.733

4. Scott Baker (Har), -03.126

5. Robert Lewis (Har), -04.051

6. Johnny Bova II (Har), -06.949

7. Dave Kilkenny (Har), -07.137

8. AJ Kirkpatrick (Ind), -07.238

9. Joseph Houston (Har), -08.131

10. Frankie Garcia (Ind), -10.030

11. Joe Kopp (Ind), -10.361

12. Josh Young (Har), -12.479

13. Robby-Bobby McLendon (Tri), -15.123

14. Jason Griffin (Duc), -15.797

15. Chris Boone (Har), -23.958

16. George Price (Har), -4 laps

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