American Flat Track: Running Results From The Texas Half Mile (All Results Now Posted)

American Flat Track: Running Results From The Texas Half Mile (All Results Now Posted)

© 2019, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc. By John Ulrich.

AFT: Running Results From Texas Half Mile

Al Lamb’s Dallas Honda Texas Half-Mile presented by Russ
Brown Motorcycle Attorneys/American Flat Track
Texas Motor Speedway
Fort Worth, Texas
April 20, 2019

AFT Production Twins Provisional Free Practice 1 Results
(all on Dunlop tires):

1. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 20.671
2. J.R. Addison (Kaw), 20.848
3. Chad Cose (Kaw), 20.885
4. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 20.887
5. Michael Inderbitzin (Kaw), 20.960
6. Kayl Kolkman (Yam), 20.971
7. Cory Texter (Yam), 21.067
8. Dalton Gauthier (Kaw), 21.107
9. Andrew Luker (Kaw), 21.117
10. Kevin Stollings (Kaw), 21.198
11. Jordan Harris (Kaw), 21.345
12. Jeremy Orr (Kaw), 21.456
13. Danny Eslick (Har), 21.482
14. Cody Johncox (Yam), 21.509
15. Ben Lowe (Kaw), 21.555
16. Damon Coca (Kaw), 21.704
17. Parker Lange (Kaw), 21.758
18. Broderick Buchan (Kaw), 21.966
19. Dan Lowther (Kaw), 22.217
20. Brian Lehfeldt (Kaw), 22.251

AFT Twins Provisional Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop

1. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 20.286
2. Briar Bauman (Ind), 20.287
3. Jared Mees (Ind), 20.473
4. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 20.535
5. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 20.542
6. Robert Pearson (Ind), 20.596
7. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), 20.689
8. Sammy Halbert (Har), 20.784
9. Patrick Jacobsen (Ind), 20.799
10. Larry Pegram (Ind), 20.807
11. Henry Wiles (Ind), 20.817
12. Jake Johnson (Yam), 20.850
13. JD Beach (Yam), 20.881
14. Bryan Smith (Kaw), 21.003
15. Stevie Bonsey (Har), 21.010
16. Davis Fisher (Ind), 21.020
17. Nick Armstrong (Yam), 21.021
18. Brandon Price (Ind), 21.033
19. James Monaco (Ind), 21.101
20. Justin Jones (Kaw), 21.427
21. Jay Maloney (Ind), 21.450
22. Gary Ketchum (Kaw), 22.000

AFT Singles Provisional Free Practice 1 Results (all on
Dunlop tires):

1. Dalton Gauthier (Hus), 20.882
2. Shayna Texter (KTM), 20.928
3. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 20.931
4. Jesse Janisch (Yam), 20.940
5. Tanner Dean (Hon), 20.977
6. Max Whale (Kaw), 21.030
7. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 21.034
8. Kayden Downing (KTM), 21.056
9. Kurtis Lee (Hon), 21.060
10. Ryan Wells (Yam), 21.101
11. Mikey Rush (Hon), 21.105
12. James Rispoli (Kaw), 21.131
13. Dan Bromley (KTM), 21.141
14. Tristan Avery (KTM), 21.173
15. Blake Lomas (Hon), 21.183
16. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 21.220
17. Andrew Luker (Kaw), 21.225
18. Jeremiah Duffy (Hon), 21.243
19. Clayton Williams (Hon), 21.259
20. Brandon Kitchen (Hon), 21.265
21. Danny Eslick (Yam), 21.267
22. Cole Zabala (Hon), 21.284
23. Dan Lowther (Hon), 21.298
24. Chad Cose (Hon), 21.358
25. Matthew Guenther (Yam), 21.360
26. Trent Lowe (Yam), 21.368
27. Jacob Walter (Hon), 21.375
28. Oliver Brindley (Yam), 21.386
29. Cameron Smith (Hon), 21.388
30. Lowell Carson (Hon), 21.411
31. Dylan Bell (Hon), 21.454
32. James Ott (Hon), 21.489
33. Damon Coca (Hon), 21.518
34. Hunter Even (Hon), 21.545
35. Beau Thompson (Hon), 21.622
36. Jayson Bloss (Kaw), 21.731
37. Christian Spurgeon (Yam), 21.759
38. Cole Crowley (Hon), 21.775
39. Jay Newton (Yam), 21.913
40. Jordan Jean (Hon), 21.920
41. Hayden Schultz (Hon), 22.013
42. Patrick Foy (Hon), 22.175
43. Xavier Zayat (Kaw), 22.182
44. David Wiggin (KTM), 22.237

AFT Production Twins Provisional Free Practice 2 Results
(all on Dunlop tires):

1. Chad Cose (Kaw), 20.663
2. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 20.786
3. J.R. Addison (Kaw), 20.905
4. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 20.949
5. Michael Inderbitzin (Kaw), 20.998
6. Kayl Kolkman (Yam), 21.023
7. Cory Texter (Yam), 21.061
8. Dalton Gauthier (Kaw), 21.168
9. Ben Lowe (Kaw), 21.281
10. Andrew Luker (Kaw), 21.312
11. Jordan Harris (Kaw), 21.332
12. Kevin Stollings (Kaw), 21.377
13. Danny Eslick (Har), 21.484
14. Cody Johncox (Yam), 21.503
15. Broderick Buchan (Kaw), 21.668
16. Dan Lowther (Kaw), 21.778
17. Parker Lange (Kaw), 21.961
18. Jeremy Orr (Kaw), 22.105
19. Damon Coca (Kaw), 22.132
20. Brian Lehfeldt (Kaw), 22.350

AFT Twins Provisional Free Practice 2 Results (all on Dunlop

1. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 20.614
2. Briar Bauman (Ind), 20.630
3. Jared Mees (Ind), 20.672
4. Larry Pegram (Ind), 20.825
5. James Monaco (Ind), 20.826
6. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), 20.835
7. Henry Wiles (Ind), 20.860
8. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 20.864
9. Bryan Smith (Kaw), 20.877
10. Robert Pearson (Ind), 21.020
11. JD Beach (Yam), 21.082
12. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 21.091
13. Stevie Bonsey (Har), 21.141
14. Davis Fisher (Ind), 21.160
15. Jake Johnson (Yam), 21.173
16. Patrick Jacobsen (Ind), 21.246
17. Justin Jones (Kaw), 21.255
18. Brandon Price (Ind), 21.280
19. Nick Armstrong (Yam), 21.379
20. Jay Maloney (Ind), 21.563
21. Sammy Halbert (Har), 21.655
22. Gary Ketchum (Kaw), 22.114

AFT Singles Provisional Free
Practice 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Shayna Texter (KTM), 21.002
2. Ryan Wells (Yam), 21.010
3. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 21.014
4. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 21.024
5. Mikey Rush (Hon), 21.069
6. James Rispoli (Kaw), 21.074
7. Dalton Gauthier (Hus), 21.109
8. Clayton Williams (Hon), 21.170
9. Lowell Carson (Hon), 21.182
10. Danny Eslick (Yam), 21.189
11. Kurtis Lee (Hon), 21.200
12. Tristan Avery (KTM), 21.205
13. Brandon Kitchen (Hon), 21.207
14. Andrew Luker (Kaw), 21.212
15. Dylan Bell (Hon), 21.215
16. Max Whale (Kaw), 21.227
17. Matthew Guenther (Yam), 21.258
18. Chad Cose (Hon), 21.264
19. Kayden Downing (KTM), 21.312
20. Trent Lowe (Yam), 21.314
21. Jeremiah Duffy (Hon), 21.317
22. Oliver Brindley (Yam), 21.323
23. Blake Lomas (Hon), 21.328
24. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 21.343
25. Cole Zabala (Hon), 21.364
26. Cameron Smith (Hon), 21.368
27. Damon Coca (Hon), 21.461
28. Christian Spurgeon (Yam), 21.462
29. Jordan Jean (Hon), 21.478
30. Dan Bromley (KTM), 21.489
31. James Ott (Hon), 21.493
32. Cole Crowley (Hon), 21.531
33. Hunter Even (Hon), 21.554
34. Jacob Walter (Hon), 21.561
35. Beau Thompson (Hon), 21.574
36. Hayden Schultz (Hon), 21.593
37. Patrick Foy (Hon), 21.594
38. Jay Newton (Yam), 21.609
39. Jayson Bloss (Kaw), 21.666
40. Dan Lowther (Hon), 21.761
41. Xavier Zayat (Kaw), 22.002
42. David Wiggin (KTM), 22.559
43. Tanner Dean (Hon), no time recorded
44. Jesse Janisch (Yam), no time recorded

AFT Production Twins Provisional
Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 20.777
2. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 20.793
3. Chad Cose (Kaw), 20.809
4. Dalton Gauthier (Kaw), 20.846
5. Cory Texter (Yam), 20.998
6. Ben Lowe (Kaw), 21.022
7. J.R. Addison (Kaw), 21.048
8. Michael Inderbitzin (Kaw), 21.115
9. Kevin Stollings (Kaw), 21.203
10. Andrew Luker (Kaw), 21.227
11. Kayl Kolkman (Yam), 21.318
12. Cody Johncox (Yam), 21.506
13. Jordan Harris (Kaw), 21.513
14. Parker Lange (Kaw), 21.834
15. Danny Eslick (Har), 21.836
16. Dan Lowther (Kaw), 22.064
17. Jeremy Orr (Kaw), 22.107
18. Damon Coca (Kaw), 22.223
19. Brian Lehfeldt (Kaw), 22.227
20. Broderick Buchan (Kaw), 22.326

AFT Twins Provisional Free Practice
3 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 20.401
2. Briar Bauman (Ind), 20.490
3. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 20.589
4. Larry Pegram (Ind), 20.669
5. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), 20.677
6. Jared Mees (Ind), 20.691
7. Davis Fisher (Ind), 20.713
8. Patrick Jacobsen (Ind), 20.739
9. JD Beach (Yam), 20.813
10. Jake Johnson (Yam), 20.857
11. Robert Pearson (Ind), 20.877
12. James Monaco (Ind), 20.891
13. Bryan Smith (Kaw), 20.962
14. Sammy Halbert (Har), 20.965
15. Justin Jones (Kaw), 20.968
16. Stevie Bonsey (Har), 21.009
17. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 21.051
18. Henry Wiles (Ind), 21.051
19. Brandon Price (Ind), 21.106
20. Nick Armstrong (Yam), 21.211
21. Jay Maloney (Ind), 21.219
22. Gary Ketchum (Kaw), 22.311

AFT Singles Provisional Qualifying 1
Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Tristan Avery (KTM), 20.836
2. James Rispoli (Kaw), 20.868
3. Ryan Wells (Yam), 20.893
4. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 20.897
5. Dalton Gauthier (Hus), 20.907
6. Jesse Janisch (Yam), 20.910
7. Mikey Rush (Hon), 20.997
8. Cameron Smith (Hon), 21.059
9. Oliver Brindley (Yam), 21.087
10. Lowell Carson (Hon), 21.093
11. Shayna Texter (KTM), 21.095
12. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 21.103
13. Chad Cose (Hon), 21.113
14. Dylan Bell (Hon), 21.129
15. Andrew Luker (Kaw), 21.133
16. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 21.150
17. James Ott (Hon), 21.153
18. Dan Bromley (KTM), 21.173
19. Max Whale (Kaw), 21.174
20. Danny Eslick (Yam), 21.175
21. Patrick Foy (Hon), 21.191
22. Brandon Kitchen (Hon), 21.201
23. Jeremiah Duffy (Hon), 21.205
24. Blake Lomas (Hon), 21.257
25. Trent Lowe (Yam), 21.277
26. Kurtis Lee (Hon), 21.277
27. Dan Lowther (Hon), 21.317
28. Hunter Even (Hon), 21.353
29. Cole Zabala (Hon), 21.361
30. Clayton Williams (Hon), 21.362
31. Matthew Guenther (Yam), 21.374
32. Kayden Downing (KTM), 21.404
33. Jayson Bloss (Kaw), 21.405
34. Jacob Walter (Hon), 21.439
35. Damon Coca (Hon), 21.449
36. Beau Thompson (Hon), 21.456
37. Cole Crowley (Hon), 21.460
38. Christian Spurgeon (Yam), 21.558
39. Jordan Jean (Hon), 21.564
40. Hayden Schultz (Hon), 21.635
41. David Wiggin (KTM), 21.645
42. Jay Newton (Yam), 21.779
43. Xavier Zayat (Kaw), 22.073
44. Tanner Dean (Hon), no time recorded

AFT Production Twins Provisional
Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Chad Cose (Kaw), 20.768
2. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 20.906
3. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 20.919
4. Cory Texter (Yam), 21.007
5. J.R. Addison (Kaw), 21.029
6. Kayl Kolkman (Yam), 21.068
7. Dalton Gauthier (Kaw), 21.113
8. Michael Inderbitzin (Kaw), 21.123
9. Kevin Stollings (Kaw), 21.342
10. Ben Lowe (Kaw), 21.379
11. Cody Johncox (Yam), 21.498
12. Jordan Harris (Kaw), 21.513
13. Danny Eslick (Har), 21.588
14. Andrew Luker (Kaw), 21.590
15. Parker Lange (Kaw), 21.716
16. Dan Lowther (Kaw), 21.997
17. Damon Coca (Kaw), 22.086
18. Jeremy Orr (Kaw), 22.180
19. Brian Lehfeldt (Kaw), 22.186
20. Broderick Buchan (Kaw), 22.432

AFT Singles Provisional Qualifying 2
Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Ryan Wells (Yam), 20.710
2. Shayna Texter (KTM), 20.795
3. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 20.797
4. Mikey Rush (Hon), 20.870
5. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 20.877
6. Chad Cose (Hon), 20.904
7. Tristan Avery (KTM), 20.935
8. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 20.947
9. James Rispoli (Kaw), 20.950
10. James Ott (Hon), 20.966
11. Jesse Janisch (Yam), 20.978
12. Kayden Downing (KTM), 21.038
13. Jayson Bloss (Kaw), 21.113
14. Matthew Guenther (Yam), 21.124
15. Dan Bromley (KTM), 21.128
16. Max Whale (Kaw), 21.130
17. Oliver Brindley (Yam), 21.139
18. Jeremiah Duffy (Hon), 21.143
19. Dalton Gauthier (Hus), 21.150
20. Kurtis Lee (Hon), 21.159
21. Cole Zabala (Hon), 21.168
22. Lowell Carson (Hon), 21.179
23. Patrick Foy (Hon), 21.235
24. Dylan Bell (Hon), 21.263
25. Danny Eslick (Yam), 21.280
26. Clayton Williams (Hon), 21.283
27. Andrew Luker (Kaw), 21.331
28. Trent Lowe (Yam), 21.337
29. Dan Lowther (Hon), 21.344
30. Brandon Kitchen (Hon), 21.376
31. Jacob Walter (Hon), 21.393
32. Jordan Jean (Hon), 21.398
33. Christian Spurgeon (Yam), 21.461
34. Cameron Smith (Hon), 21.464
35. Blake Lomas (Hon), 21.506
36. Beau Thompson (Hon), 21.510
37. Cole Crowley (Hon), 21.553
38. Jay Newton (Yam), 21.564
39. Damon Coca (Hon), 21.712
40. Hunter Even (Hon), 21.747
41. Xavier Zayat (Kaw), 21.905
42. Hayden Schultz (Hon), 21.990
43. David Wiggin (KTM), 22.007
44. Tanner Dean (Hon), no time recorded

Provisional AFT Singles Heat 1
Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 5 laps
2. Jesse Janisch (Yam), -00.336 seconds
3. Tristan Avery (KTM), -00.735
4. Ryan Wells (Yam), -00.904
5. Andrew Luker (Kaw), -01.006
6. Cole Zabala (Hon), -01.593
7. Clayton Williams (Hon), -01.874
8. Dan Bromley (KTM), -02.102
9. Jay Newton (Yam), -02.475
10. Lowell Carson (Hon), -02.685
11. Brandon Kitchen (Hon), -02.799
12. Jacob Walter (Hon), -03.126
13. Xavier Zayat (Kaw), -05.126
14. Beau Thompson (Hon), -05.365
15. Kayden Downing (KTM), -14.597

Provisional AFT Singles Heat 2 Results (all on Dunlop

1. Shayna Texter (KTM), 5 laps
2. Kevin Stollings (Hon), -00.973 seconds
3. James Rispoli (Kaw), -01.114
4. Cameron Smith (Hon), -01.319
5. Dylan Bell (Hon), -01.751
6. Chad Cose (Hon), -01.861
7. Blake Lomas (Hon), -02.071
8. Jordan Jean (Hon), -02.485
9. Jayson Bloss (Kaw), -02.820
10. Jeremiah Duffy (Hon), -03.239
11. Danny Eslick (Yam), -03.319
12. Dan Lowther (Hon), -04.131
13. Cole Crowley (Hon), -04.179
14. Hayden Schultz (Hon), -05.828

Provisional AFT Singles Heat 3 Results (all on Dunlop

1. Mikey Rush (Hon), 5 laps
2. Dalton Gauthier (Hus), -00.460 seconds
3. James Ott (Hon), -00.660
4. Oliver Brindley (Yam), -00.753
5. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), -01.702
6. Matthew Guenther (Yam), -02.252
7. Max Whale (Kaw), -02.349
8. Hunter Even (Hon), -03.781
9. Patrick Foy (Hon), -04.044
10. Damon Coca (Hon), -04.216
11. Kurtis Lee (Hon), -04.574
12. Christian Spurgeon (Yam), -04.722
13. David Wiggin (KTM), -05.789
14. Trent Lowe (Yam), -06.922

AFT Twins Provisional Qualifying 1
Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 20.251
2. Briar Bauman (Ind), 20.272
3. Jared Mees (Ind), 20.375
4. Stevie Bonsey (Har), 20.384
5. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), 20.397
6. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 20.616
7. Patrick Jacobsen (Ind), 20.645
8. Jake Johnson (Yam), 20.691
9. JD Beach (Yam), 20.723
10. James Monaco (Ind), 20.758
11. Henry Wiles (Ind), 20.771
12. Davis Fisher (Ind), 20.775
13. Bryan Smith (Kaw), 20.809
14. Sammy Halbert (Har), 20.868
15. Robert Pearson (Ind), 20.909
16. Nick Armstrong (Yam), 20.943
17. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 20.951
18. Jay Maloney (Ind), 20.994
19. Brandon Price (Ind), 21.050
20. Larry Pegram (Ind), 21.277
21. Justin Jones (Kaw), 21.563
22. Gary Ketchum (Kaw), 21.951

Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 1 Results (all on
Dunlop tires):

1. Cory Texter (Yam), 10 laps
2. Chad Cose (Kaw), -03.537 seconds
3. Kolby Carlile (Yam), -03.654
4. J.R. Addison (Kaw), -03.824
5. Michael Inderbitzin (Kaw), -04.814
6. Danny Eslick (Har), -09.840
7. Jordan Harris (Kaw), -12.088
8. Andrew Luker (Kaw), -12.207
9. Damon Coca (Kaw), -14.586
10. Brian Lehfeldt (Kaw), -14.806
11. Parker Lange (Kaw), -15.090

Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 2 Results (all on
Dunlop tires):

1. Ben Lowe (Kaw), 10 laps
2. Dalton Gauthier (Kaw), -00.309 seconds
3. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), -00.408
4. Kayl Kolkman (Yam), -00.985
5. Cody Johncox (Yam), -03.630
6. Kevin Stollings (Kaw), -06.467
7. Jeremy Orr (Kaw), -10.109
8. Dan Lowther (Kaw), -10.261
9. Broderick Buchan (Kaw), -11.227
10. Danny Eslick (Har), -10 laps

AFT Twins Provisional Qualifying 2 Results
(all on Dunlop tires):

1. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 19.988
2. Briar Bauman (Ind), 19.994
3. Jared Mees (Ind), 20.083
4. Sammy Halbert (Har), 20.246
5. Stevie Bonsey (Har), 20.247
6. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 20.317
7. Patrick Jacobsen (Ind), 20.327
8. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), 20.368
9. Robert Pearson (Ind), 20.442
10. Larry Pegram (Ind), 20.455
11. Jake Johnson (Yam), 20.458
12. JD Beach (Yam), 20.528
13. Davis Fisher (Ind), 20.546
14. Henry Wiles (Ind), 20.601
15. Bryan Smith (Kaw), 20.629
16. James Monaco (Ind), 20.645
17. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), 20.674
18. Nick Armstrong (Yam), 20.692
19. Brandon Price (Ind), 20.719
20. Jay Maloney (Ind), 20.883
21. Justin Jones (Kaw), 21.061
22. Gary Ketchum (Kaw), 21.629

Provisional AFT Singles Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop

1. Shayna Texter (KTM), 8 laps
2. Tristan Avery (KTM), -01.541 seconds
3. James Rispoli (Kaw), -01.692
4. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -01.796
5. Oliver Brindley (Yam), -04.178
6. Dylan Bell (Hon), -04.381
7. Blake Lomas (Hon), -04.572
8. Dalton Gauthier (Hus), -04.803
9. Clayton Williams (Hon), -05.174
10. Hunter Even (Hon), -07.251
11. Jayson Bloss (Kaw), -07.362
12. Andrew Luker (Kaw), -07.513
13. Matthew Guenther (Yam), -07.623
14. Danny Eslick (Yam), -07.634
15. Damon Coca (Hon), -07.951
16. Jay Newton (Yam), -08.532

Provisional AFT Singles Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop

1. Mikey Rush (Hon), 8 laps
2. Jesse Janisch (Yam), -00.351 seconds
3. Cameron Smith (Hon), -00.719
4. James Ott (Hon), -00.863
5. Dan Bromley (KTM), -01.339
6. Kevin Stollings (Hon), -02.121
7. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), -02.190
8. Chad Cose (Hon), -02.282
9. Ryan Wells (Yam), -02.571
10. Lowell Carson (Hon), -02.635
11. Jeremiah Duffy (Hon), -03.089
12. Patrick Foy (Hon), -07.020
13. Cole Zabala (Hon), -8 laps
14. Max Whale (Kaw), -8 laps
15. Jordan Jean (Hon), -8 laps

Provisional AFT Production Twins Main

Results (all on
Dunlop tires):

1. Cory Texter (Yam), 15 laps
2. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), -01.851 seconds
3. Kolby Carlile (Yam), -02.204
4. Dalton Gauthier (Kaw), -03.779
5. Kayl Kolkman (Yam), -03.801
6. Chad Cose (Kaw), -04.020
7. Ben Lowe (Kaw), -06.293
8. J.R. Addison (Kaw), -06.726
9. Danny Eslick (Har), -07.064
10. Jordan Harris (Kaw), -07.708
11. Michael Inderbitzin (Kaw), -07.819
12. Kevin Stollings (Kaw), -08.911
13. Jeremy Orr (Kaw), -14.008
14. Damon Coca (Kaw), -15.591
15. Cody Johncox (Yam), -16.008
16. Dan Lowther (Kaw), -20.883
17. Andrew Luker (Kaw), -15 laps

Provisional AFT Twins Semi 1

Results (all on
Dunlop tires):

1. Jared Mees (Ind), 3 laps
2. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -00.390 seconds
3. Jake Johnson (Yam), -00.842
4. Robert Pearson (Ind), -01.011
5. Davis Fisher (Ind), -01.390
6. Patrick Jacobsen (Ind), -01.643
7. Stevie Bonsey (Har), -01.735
8. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), -02.030
9. Justin Jones (Kaw), -02.279
10. Brandon Price (Ind), -02.291
11. Bryan Smith (Kaw), -02.344

Provisional AFT Twins Semi 2

Results (all on
Dunlop tires):

1. Briar Bauman (Ind), 10 laps
2. Larry Pegram (Ind), -02.552 seconds
3. Sammy Halbert (Har), -02.723
4. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), -02.907
5. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -03.874
6. JD Beach (Yam), -04.186
7. Henry Wiles (Ind), -04.992
8. James Monaco (Ind), -06.198
9. Jay Maloney (Ind), -08.226
10. Nick Armstrong (Yam), -08.511
11. Gary Ketchum (Kaw), -18.054

Provisional AFT Singles Main

Results (all on
Dunlop tires):

1. Shayna Texter (KTM), 15 laps
2. Mikey Rush (Hon), -00.129 seconds
3. James Ott (Hon), -00.255
4. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -00.826
5. Dalton Gauthier (Hus), -01.703
6. Jesse Janisch (Yam), -01.958
7. James Rispoli (Kaw), -02.023
8. Tristan Avery (KTM), -03.563
9. Dan Bromley (KTM), -04.054
10. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), -04.099
11. Chad Cose (Hon), -04.493
12. Blake Lomas (Hon), -05.378
13. Ryan Wells (Yam), -05.845
14. Oliver Brindley (Yam), -06.270
15. Cameron Smith (Hon), -06.916
16. Dylan Bell (Hon), -11 laps
17. Kevin Stollings (Hon), -11 laps

Provisional AFT Twins Main

Results (all on
Dunlop tires):

1. Jared Mees (Ind), 25 laps
2. Briar Bauman (Ind), -01.317 seconds
3. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -03.639
4. Sammy Halbert (Har), -09.480
5. Larry Pegram (Ind), -12.431
6. Jarod Vanderkooi (Har), -12.634
7. Henry Wiles (Ind), -12.742
8. Robert Pearson (Ind), -12.768
9. JD Beach (Yam), -15.897
10. Jake Johnson (Yam), -17.410
11. Davis Fisher (Ind), -17.477
12. Jeffrey Carver Jr. (Ind), -19.054
13. Brandon Price (Ind), -19.255
14. Stevie Bonsey (Har), -19.584
15. Patrick Jacobsen (Ind), -21.396
16. James Monaco (Ind), -1 lap, -00.598
17. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -2 laps

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