American Flat Track: Running Results From Volusia Half-Mile II

American Flat Track: Running Results From Volusia Half-Mile II

© 2021, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc. By David Swarts.

American Flat Track Championship Series

Volusia Half-Mile II

Volusia Speedway

Deleon Springs, Florida

March 13, 2021

AFT Mission SuperTwins Provisional Free Practice One Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Robert Pearson (Ind), 20.295

2. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 20.529

3. Jared Mees (Ind), 20.547

4. Briar Bauman (Ind), 20.558

5. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 20.587

6. James Rispoli (Har), 20.609

7. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 20.680

8. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), 20.687

9. Brandon Price (Ind), 20.706

10. Davis Fisher (Ind), 20.737

11. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 20.928

12. JD Beach (Yam), 20.936


AFT Production Twins Provisional Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Dan Bromley (Yam), 20.683

2. Cory Texter (Yam), 20.690

3. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 20.691

4. Ben Lowe (Har), 20.695

5. Chad Cose (Har), 20.754

6. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 20.763

7. Daniel Eslick (Kaw), 20.771

8. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 20.891

9. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 20.908

10. Cameron Smith (Yam), 21.035

11. Dylan Bell (Har), 21.112

12. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 21.479

13. Garret Wilson (Kaw), 21.576

14. Nick Armstrong (Yam), no time recorded


AFT Singles Provisional Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), 20.021

2. Max Whale (KTM), 20.064

3. Trent Lowe (Suz), 20.087

4. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 20.119

5. Hunter Bauer (KTM), 20.121

6. Henry Wiles (Hon), 20.233

7. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 20.272

8. Cole Zabala (Hon), 20.284

9. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 20.308

10. Tanner Dean (Hon), 20.324

11. Ryan Wells (Hon), 20.351

12. Billy Ross (KTM), 20.363

13. Michael Rush (Yam), 20.403

14. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 20.504

15. Kody Kopp (Hon), 20.551

16. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 20.562

17. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 20.569

18. Jayson Bloss (KTM), 20.587

19. David Wiggin (KTM), 20.616

20. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), 20.664

21. Ezra Brusky (Hon), 20.711

22. James Ott (KTM), 20.721

23. Tarren Santero (Kaw), 20.737

24. Brandon Newman (KTM), 20.790

25. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 20.856

26. Jared Lowe (Hon), 20.862

27. Michael Hill (Yam), 20.915

28. Andrew Luker (Yam), 20.973

29. Ian Wolfe (Hon), 21.049

30. Trent Pickle (Hus), 21.092

31. Jacob Cascio (Yam), 21.293

32. Noah Miller (Hon), 21.324

33. Brandon Kitchen (Hus), 21.338

34. Jordan Jean (Hon), no time recorded


Astro Invitational Provisional Free Practice 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Garth Brow (Bul), 21.262

2. Ronnie Jones (Bul), 21.422

3. Kevin Varnes (Bul), 21.447

4. Jackie Mitchell (Bul), 21.475

5. Lance Jones (Bul), 21.846

6. Charles Roberts (Bul), 22.754

7. Shane Fox (Bul), 23.881

8. Greg Scalf (Bul), 23.887

9. Wyatt Campbell (Bul), 24.464

10. Jerry Lacy (Bul), 24.545

11. Mark Zeissler (Bul), 25.305


AFT Mission SuperTwins Provisional Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), 19.805

2. Robert Pearson (Ind), 19.897

3. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 19.902

4. Jared Mees (Ind), 19.919

5. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 19.998

6. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 20.016

7. Briar Bauman (Ind), 20.022

8. James Rispoli (Har), 20.053

9. JD Beach (Yam), 20.078

10. Brandon Price (Ind), 20.190

11. Davis Fisher (Ind), 20.311

12. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 20.316


AFT Production Twins Provisional Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Chad Cose (Har), 20.035

2. Dylan Bell (Har), 20.082

3. Cory Texter (Yam), 20.083

4. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 20.150

5. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 20.153

6. Ben Lowe (Har), 20.180

7. Cameron Smith (Yam), 20.335

8. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 20.346

9. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), 20.358

10. Dan Bromley (Yam), 20.405

11. Daniel Eslick (Kaw), 20.656

12. Nick Armstrong (Yam), 20.696

13. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 20.935

14. Garret Wilson (Kaw), 21.148

15. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 21.257

16. Shelby Miller (Kaw), 22.111


AFT Singles Provisional Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Trent Lowe (Suz), 19.778

2. Max Whale (KTM), 19.782

3. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), 19.813

4. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 19.907

5. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 19.918

6. Michael Rush (Yam), 19.953

7. Brandon Kitchen (Hus), 20.016

8. Henry Wiles (Hon), 20.045

9. Tanner Dean (Hon), 20.062

10. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 20.071

11. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 20.110

12. Ryan Wells (Hon), 20.128

13. Cole Zabala (Hon), 20.145

14. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), 20.193

15. Tarren Santero (Kaw), 20.213

16. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 20.235

17. Jayson Bloss (KTM), 20.239

18. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 20.269

19. James Ott (KTM), 20.286

20. Hunter Bauer (KTM), 20.307

21. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 20.344

22. Jordan Jean (Hon), 20.345

23. Jared Lowe (Hon), 20.377

24. Ezra Brusky (Hon), 20.380

25. Billy Ross (KTM), 20.384

26. Andrew Luker (Yam), 20.427

27. Kody Kopp (Hon), 20.457

28. Michael Hill (Yam), 20.593

29. David Wiggin (KTM), 20.754

30. Trent Pickle (Hus), 20.761

31. Ian Wolfe (Hon), 20.776

32. Brandon Newman (KTM), 20.785

33. Noah Miller (Hon), 20.808

34. Jacob Cascio (Yam), 20.947


Astro Invitational Provisional Qualifying 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Kevin Varnes (Bul), 21.183

2. Ronnie Jones (Bul), 21.371

3. Jackie Mitchell (Bul), 21.398

4. Lance Jones (Bul), 21.700

5. Charles Roberts (Bul), 22.474

6. Greg Scalf (Bul), 22.840

7. Shane Fox (Bul), 23.920

8. Jim Stump (Bul), 23.964

9. Wyatt Campbell (Bul), 24.004

10. Jerry Lacy (Bul), 25.113

11. Mark Zeissler (Bul), 25.266

12. Garth Brow (Bul), no time recorded


AFT Mission SuperTwins Provisional Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Brandon Robinson (Ind), 19.585

2. Briar Bauman (Ind), 19.665

3. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), 19.691

4. Jared Mees (Ind), 19.721

5. Bronson Bauman (Ind), 19.860

6. Robert Pearson (Ind), 19.878

7. Brandon Price (Ind), 19.882

8. Davis Fisher (Ind), 19.893

9. Sammy Halbert (Ind), 19.907

10. James Rispoli (Har), 19.961

11. JD Beach (Yam), 19.979

12. Kolby Carlile (Yam), 20.048


AFT Production Twins Provisional Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Cory Texter (Yam), 19.905

2. Chad Cose (Har), 19.951

3. Dalton Gauthier (Har), 20.044

4. Dan Bromley (Yam), 20.065

5. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), 20.168

6. Dylan Bell (Har), 20.200

7. Ben Lowe (Har), 20.251

8. Cameron Smith (Yam), 20.345

9. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), 20.386

10. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), 20.400

11. Nick Armstrong (Yam), 20.484

12. Daniel Eslick (Kaw), 20.487

13. Johnny Lewis (Roy), 20.493

14. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), 21.147

15. Garret Wilson (Kaw), 21.283

16. Shelby Miller (Kaw), 21.357


AFT Singles Provisional Qualifying 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Max Whale (KTM), 19.821

2. Morgen Mischler (KTM), 19.866

3. Trent Lowe (Suz), 19.891

4. Henry Wiles (Hon), 19.969

5. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), 19.973

6. Michael Rush (Yam), 19.996

7. Tanner Dean (Hon), 20.000

8. Dallas Daniels (Yam), 20.035

9. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), 20.062

10. Tyler Raggio (Hon), 20.137

11. Ryan Wells (Hon), 20.139

12. Billy Ross (KTM), 20.157

13. Kody Kopp (Hon), 20.159

14. Jayson Bloss (KTM), 20.167

15. Trevor Brunner (Hon), 20.186

16. Kevin Stollings (Hon), 20.194

17. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), 20.198

18. James Ott (KTM), 20.204

19. Tarren Santero (Kaw), 20.253

20. Cole Zabala (Hon), 20.264

21. Hunter Bauer (KTM), 20.266

22. Jordan Jean (Hon), 20.306

23. Brandon Kitchen (Hus), 20.313

24. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), 20.316

25. David Wiggin (KTM), 20.425

26. Michael Hill (Yam), 20.503

27. Trent Pickle (Hus), 20.506

28. Jared Lowe (Hon), 20.521

29. Ezra Brusky (Hon), 20.525

30. Brandon Newman (KTM), 20.736

31. Andrew Luker (Yam), 20.775

32. Noah Miller (Hon), 20.799

33. Jacob Cascio (Yam), 20.803

34. Ian Wolfe (Hon), 21.069


Provisional Astro Invitational Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Ronnie Jones (Bul), 8 laps

2. Jackie Mitchell (Bul), -5.538 seconds

3. Charles Roberts (Bul), -16.166

4. Greg Scalf (Bul), -16.351

5. Wyatt Campbell (Bul), -17.488

6. Jim Stump (Bul), -1 lap, 1.997

7. Jerry Lacy (Bul), -1 lap, -7.840

8. Mark Zeissler (Bul), -1 lap, 9.162

9. Kevin Varnes (Bul), -4 laps

10. Lance Jones (Bul), -6 laps

11. Shane Fox (Bul), -8 laps

12. Garth Brow (Bul), -8 laps


Provisional Mission SuperTwins Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Brandon Price (Ind), 6 laps

2. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -0.098 second

3. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -1.017 seconds

4. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -1.544

5. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), -1.560

6. JD Beach (Yam), -1.826


Provisional Mission SuperTwins Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jared Mees (Ind), 8 laps

2. Briar Bauman (Ind), -0.072 second

3. Davis Fisher (Ind), -1.310 seconds

4. Robert Pearson (Ind), -3.671

5. James Rispoli (Har), -4.073

6. Kolby Carlile (Yam), -7 laps


Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Cory Texter (Yam), 8 laps

2. Dylan Bell (Har), -1.415 seconds

3. Ben Lowe (Har), -2.183

4. Johnny Lewis (Roy), -3.034

5. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), -4.967

6. Nick Armstrong (Yam), -5.026

7. Dalton Gauthier (Har), -7.997

8. Garret Wilson (Kaw), -8.341


Provisional AFT Production Twins Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Dan Bromley (Yam), 8 laps

2. Chad Cose (Har), -0.304 second

3. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), -0.544

4. Cameron Smith (Yam), -0.723

5. Daniel Eslick (Kaw), -2.070 seconds

6. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), -4.726

7. Shelby Miller (Kaw), -5.319

8. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), -6 laps


Provisional AFT Singles Semi 1 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), 8 laps

2. Trent Lowe (Suz), -0.180 second

3. Dallas Daniels (Yam), -0.284

4. Henry Wiles (Hon), -0.693

5. Brandon Kitchen (Hus), -0.763

6. Trevor Brunner (Hon), -1.329 seconds

7. James Ott (KTM), -1.456

8. Kevin Stollings (Hon), -1.729

9. Hunter Bauer (KTM), -1.884

10. Tyler Raggio (Hon), -1.990

11. Billy Ross (KTM), -2.544

12. Jayson Bloss (KTM), -3.496

13. Jared Lowe (Hon), -4.152

14. Michael Hill (Yam), -6.116

15. David Wiggin (KTM), -6.277

16. Brandon Newman (KTM), -6.417


Provisional AFT Singles Semi 2 Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Michael Rush (Yam), 8 laps

2. Tanner Dean (Hon), -0.075 second

3. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -0.202

4. Kody Kopp (Hon), -0.577

5. Ryan Wells (Hon), -0.714

6. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), -0.803

7. Max Whale (KTM), -1.150 seconds

8. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), -2.358

9. Cole Zabala (Hon), -2.388

10. Aidan RoosEvans (KTM), -2.585

11. Andrew Luker (Yam), -3.387

12. Tarren Santero (Kaw), -3.622

13. Jordan Jean (Hon), -3.903

14. Ezra Brusky (Hon), -4.188

15. Trent Pickle (Hus), -5.033

16. Ian Wolfe (Hon), -7.003


Provisional Mission 2Fast2Tasty Challenge Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jared Mees (Ind), 4 laps

2. Brandon Price (Ind), -0.201 second

3. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -1.077 seconds

4. Briar Bauman (Ind), -2.277


Provisional AFT Production Twins Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Cory Texter (Yam), 26 laps

2. Chad Cose (Har), -2.367 seconds

3. Dan Bromley (Yam), -4.694

4. Ryan Varnes (Kaw), -6.095

5. Dalton Gauthier (Har), -9.537

6. Dylan Bell (Har), -12.246

7. Nick Armstrong (Yam), -12.549

8. Ben Lowe (Har), -13.476

9. Cameron Smith (Yam), -13.775

10. Daniel Eslick (Kaw), -13.901

11. Jeremiah Duffy (Kaw), -14.056

12. Jimmy McAllister (Kaw), -1 lap, 13.616

13. Garret Wilson (Kaw), -1 lap, 13.637

14. Shelby Miller (Kaw), -1 lap, 15.826

15. Johnny Lewis (Roy), -18 laps

16. Patrick Buchanan (Kaw), -26 laps


Provisional AFT Singles Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Shayna Texter-Bauman (KTM), 26 laps

2. Michael Rush (Yam), -0.078 second

3. Morgen Mischler (KTM), -0.749

4. Dallas Daniels (Yam), -1.027 seconds

5. Henry Wiles (Hon), -1.151

6. Max Whale (KTM), -1.177

7. Michael Inderbitzin (Hon), -2.732

8. Trent Lowe (Suz), -3.859

9. Tanner Dean (Hon), -4.164

10. Brandon Kitchen (Hus), -4.418

11. Trevor Brunner (Hon), -6.032

12. Kody Kopp (Hon), -6.138

13. Cole Zabala (Hon), -6.574

14. James Ott (KTM), -6.819

15. Kevin Stollings (Hon), -9.495

16. Kasey Sciscoe (Hon), -10.052

17. Ryan Wells (Hon), -10.253


Provisional Mission SuperTwins Main Event Results (all on Dunlop tires):

1. Jared Mees (Ind), 32 laps

2. Briar Bauman (Ind), -2.061 seconds

3. Sammy Halbert (Ind), -3.870

4. Brandon Price (Ind), -10.646

5. Brandon Robinson (Ind), -10.779

6. Bronson Bauman (Ind), -11.120

7. Jarod Vanderkooi (Ind), -11.191

8. Davis Fisher (Ind), -11.474

9. JD Beach (Yam), -12.011

10. Kolby Carlile (Yam), -14.374

11. Robert Pearson (Ind), -15.083

12. James Rispoli (Har), -9 laps

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