FIRST PERSON/OPINION Via e-mail: Hello, I am very disappointed to see this article and attempt to slam me on your website. I would have appreciated someone at least contacting me. None of the information on my website was for the record and only intended for inside sources. You also released my personal information which is completely unnecessary. I would have been open to speaking with someone about who I am and who’s involved with me in this venture. You might be surprised that someone with no racing background has been able to put together the people that I have. You might also be surprised to know that my email has been flooded with email of support. I would greatly appreciate if you would remove this article and all of my personal information. Thank you for your time, Alan Smith Sacramento, California Roadracing World’s response: Dear Mr. Smith: Nobody has attempted to slam anybody. We have been monitoring the situation since your e-mail exchange with our David Swarts. When we received a forwarded (recent) e-mail in which you state to a company involved in motorcycle racing that your mission is to destroy the AMA Pro Superbike Series, that made this story completely and immediately newsworthy. Which led us to basic fact-checking, i.e., have you actually signed up tracks appearing on your proposed schedule, do you have a deal with NHRA to run at their events, etc. If anybody at any racetrack, racing organization (such as SBK) or at the NHRA had told us that they were actually involved in or open to hosting SBKA events, we would have reported that. But that’s not what they told us. The website registration information is a matter of public record and is relevant because it establishes who registered the referenced website. As for your being “open to speaking with someone about who I am and who’s involved,” we tried that: You declined to speak with Roadracing World’s David Swarts when he contacted you. If you’re ready to talk now, give him a call at 951-245-6411. Best regards, John Ulrich Vice President, Editor ROADRACING WORLD PUBLISHING, Inc. The latest from Mr. Smith, via e-mail: Mr. Swarts, I want to apologize for any confusion or mis-communication in my emails and responses to you. At this time I cannot disclose any further information about SBKA to yourself, Mr. Ulrich or I can respond to the picture of the SBKA logo on the Cycle World Suzuki. It was a computer graphic designed image. We have one of the world’s top graphic designers involved in SBKA and those were simply examples he had sent to us to give us an idea of what the logo would look like. It was never intended for public display and at no time was there an actual sticker on any motorcycles. Good luck to your magazine, Alan Smith
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