4FR Toyota’s Scotty Van Hawk was invited to be a “Secret Reader” at Culver Elementary School in Culver, Indiana on Oct 2nd. The school hosts a Four Feathers Racing helmet safety program every spring and asked Scotty to read a book of his choice to the students and talk about the importance of education this fall. Scotty chose “The Little Motorcycle” by C. Edward Link to read to the students. “It is a great book with a great message and a bit of excitement. The kids really enjoyed it.” said Scotty. The students were also given activity sheets that are available at www.roadracingworld.com featuring characters from the book. He read to Kindergarten and 2nd grade classes and spoke about the importance of focus, hard work, and good behavior. The 4FR Toyota team would like to thank the staff of Culver Elementary for another opportunity to make a positive impact on young minds. More, from a press release issued by the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC): Motorcycle Industry Council Wins Top Honors As One of Orange County’s “Best Places to Work” IRVINE, Calif. — At the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) many associates “ride” their work home with them every day — and they love it. So it didn’t come as a surprise to them when the MIC recently was named the best place to work in Orange County for medium-sized businesses by the “Orange County Business Journal.” “This honor is especially meaningful because it reflects the positive attitudes of our own valued team members,” said MIC President, Tim Buche. “Since many of our associates are motorcycle enthusiasts, they are the greatest ambassadors for this mode of transportation. They clearly understand MIC’s mission to preserve, promote and protect motorcycling and deliver on it every day. The MIC thanks them for their ongoing dedication to the industry and motorcycling community.” Buche said the vast majority of motorcycles are sensible transportation exactly right for the times. The latest Motorcycle Industry Council Owner Survey revealed that, among reasons for riding, “commuting and errands” jumped to the No. 2 spot only behind riding for pleasure. According to the MIC Owner Survey, there are far more riders than ever. The number of American households that own motorcycles jumped 26 percent from 2003 to 2008, while the overall number of U.S. households increased roughly 5 percent. During the same period, the motorcycle population grew 19 percent while the U.S. population rose by about 5 percent. Some 25 million Americans swung a leg over a bike and rode last year. Award winners were determined from the results of a survey conducted by independent workplace research organization Best Companies Group (BCG) of Harrisburg, Penn. The survey consisted of a 67-point questionnaire in which employees were asked to rate their respective company on such criteria as purpose, mission, fairness, flexibility, benefits and values. Honors went to three categories of employers based on company size (small, 15-24 employees; medium, 25-249 employees; and large, 250+ employees) deemed to provide exceptional workplace environments. The Motorcycle Industry Council, based in Irvine, has been recognized five times since 2005 for workplace excellence: Family Friendly Business of the Year by the City of Irvine (2005 and 2008), One of the Best Places to Work in Orange County by OC Metro Business Magazine (2005), #1 Best Small Company to Work for in California by the Employers Group (2007 and 2008). The organization is a not-for-profit, national trade association representing manufacturers and distributors of motorcycles, scooters, motorcycle/ATV/ROV parts and accessories, and members of allied trades such as publishing companies, advertising agencies, insurance firms and consultants. MIC exists to preserve, protect and promote motorcycling through its various activities. More, from a press release issued by Slednecks: Slednecks had the opportunity to catch up with team rider Josh Galster after he completed a 100-mile bicycle ride and just before the launch of Minor Details; a documentary film staring himself, Misti Hurst, Danny Eslick, and many other stars from the AMA Superbike world. Here’s what he had to say: Late last month, I participated in a century ride, a 100-mile bicycle ride, outside of Columbus , OH in Westerville for the 24th Annual Dry Run bicycle tour. It was a benefit ride that was put on by Westerville Bicycle Club that my brother was going to ride in. I happened to be in the area when the tour was going to happen so I signed up and said, “Why not, sounds like fun, I’ve never done a 100-mile bicycle ride, let’s do it.” Well it was a lot more work than I had prepared for, but I was determined to finish. I had a lot of fun in the process and it went really well. The terrain consisted of many rolling hills with a couple steep climbs, flat roads through corn fields, and just a good overall scenic view. It was good training since I’m in the off-season right now, I need to stay in shape and be ready for next season. I plan on riding heaps this winter whether it is on a bicycle, dirt bike, race bike, sled, snowboard, surf board, whatever that I can do to ‘cross-train,’ so I’ll see you on the road, dirt, or snow. Right after the century ride I drove to Colorado for the movie release party of Minor Details. We had the release party at Hooters in Colorado along with the Grandprix Motorsports Bike Night. It was a great turnout with roughly 250-300 motorcycles there, door prizes, and free Slednecks give-a-ways. The movie was a huge hit with the crowd. More, from a press release issued by Roaring Toyz: Roaring Toyz Partners with Kuryakyn; See Both at Daytona Biketoberfest SARASOTA, Fla.””In a unique partnership that includes the King of Custom Sportbikes and a leader in V-twin and Metric motorcycle accessories, Roaring Toyz and Kuryakyn have announced a distribution partnership. Kuryakyn now distributes aftermarket sportbike accessories by Roaring Toyz. In addition, keep an eye on the Roaring Toyz website for Kuryakyn products. Just as Roaring Toyz engineers products that blend looks and performance, Kuryakyn offers everything from chrome accessories to high-performance air cleaners. “I’m really excited to team up with Kuryakyn, an established leader in the V-twin and Metric industries. This is the perfect partnership,” noted Roaring Toyz owner Robert Fisher. To promote the new partnership, Roaring Toyz will head to Daytona Beach Biketoberfest from October 15-18 to show off new products and custom sportbikes in the Kuryakyn display tent outside of Daytona International Speedway. One of the featured bikes will be customized with both Roaring Toyz and Kurakyn accessories, demonstrating some of the great possibilities available through this new partnership. In addition to the display, Biketoberfest riders will be able to pick up the latest Roaring Toyz accessories for their own bikes. Roaring Toyz will be on hand throughout all four days of Biketoberfest. Visit www.RoaringToyz.com for more information and to find the latest aftermarket sportbike accessories. More, from a press release issued by Pirelli: Pirelli and The Xtreme Team Stunt Riders Celebrate Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Recovery Month in Daytona Beach MIAMI, FL Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare of Volusia and Flagler Counties in Florida, in conjunction with title-sponsor Pirelli Tire North America hosted The Xtreme Show September 26th, 2009 on the boardwalk of the “World’s Most Famous Beach” in Daytona Beach, Florida in association with National Recovery Month. The Xtreme Show is an exciting and motivational freestyle motorcycle stunt riding demonstration that combines extreme freestyle motorcycle stunt riding with a strong anti-drug and anti-violence message. The D.A.R.E Xtreme and The Xtreme Show Team have over 35 years of combined experience in professional stunt riding, motocross, endurance riding and drag racing. Officer Frank Geremia (Daytona Beach Police Department), Kris VanOrden (Manager of The Xtreme Show), Mark Marteniek, Kirby Mullins Jr., Rick Payne, Matt Zeiler and Brett Bennett (Professional Freestyle Riders) use motorcycle stunts and tricks in a controlled, safe, and protected environment intertwined with strong positive anti-drug and anti-violence messages during their show to communicate with children and adults alike. The Xtreme Show interacts with show-goers and demonstrates teamwork, healthy living, safety, and provides positive long-lasting positive impressions in the minds of children and adults that will help them remain positive, healthy and drug free. Reinforcing positive, smart and fun choices in every day life, The Xtreme Show utilizes a variety of researched and science-based programs, such as D.A.R.E., G.R.E.A.T., Partnership for Drug Free America and the National Night Out among others to support their message. The Xtreme Show/DARE Xtreme is a new and very progressive method used to capture the imaginations of those in attendance by using freestyle motorcycle stunt riding demonstrations in combination with strong drug awareness lectures and positive motivational speaking. Using the core principals of D.A.R.E., The Xtreme Show’s key message is that anything is possible & fun when they make the right and positive choices in everyday life to remain drug and alcohol free. This program works in conjunction with incredible partners and sponsors, like Pirelli Tire North America, The Florida D.A.R.E Officers Association, EBC Brakes, Seminole Power sports, Naarden Sport bike Products, Stomp Grip, Spider Grips and many other outstanding organizations. For more information about this topic, please contact [Frank Geremia or Kris VanOrden] by calling [386-341-4965], or e-mail at [[email protected] or [email protected]]. More, from a press release issued by Brock’s Performance: BROCK’S PERFORMANCE OFFERS MILITARY DISCOUNT DAYTON, Ohio – Brock’s Performance is honored to salute the men and women of our armed forces by offering them a 10 percent discount on all Brock’s Performance products. Because recent events have placed a heavy burden on military families dealing with multiple, extended deployments, Brock’s is offering military motorcyclists the healing power of go-fast goodies at lower prices. “All motorcycle enthusiasts can relate to the more pleasant place the mind travels when dreaming about personalizing their bike. I’m very proud that we can be a source of these happier thoughts in this time of great sacrifice in protecting our country,” said company president Brock Davidson. This program is available to all active duty members and reserves of the U.S. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, National Guard and Navy. To receive Brock’s military discount, service members must submit a copy of their armed forces ID via e-mail, snail mail or fax when ordering. For your service and sacrifice, we thank you. More information on Brock’s Performance products can be found at BrocksPerformance.com. More, from a press release issued by Isle of Man TT organizers: DTL invites further expressions of interest for Isle of Man TT Races related services – Four new opportunities available for TT Races commercial partnerships The Isle of Man Government’s Department of Tourism and Leisure, promoters of the Isle of Man TT Races, today invited expressions of interest regarding four key areas associated with the delivery of the event. The services that suppliers are invited to express an interest in are the Official Travel and Ticketing Agent, the Provider of VIP Hospitality, the Official Car supplier and the Official Motorcycle supplier. All of the profits generated by these, and all of the commercial activities, are re-allocated back into the event to offset some of the running costs. Many of the partners also provide ‘benefit in kind’ products and services as part of their partnership, which represent a budget saving against required costs. Hon Martyn Quayle, MHK, Minister for Tourism and Leisure, Isle of Man Government commented: “We are inviting companies to express an interest for these required services associated with the running and successful delivery of the TT Races and we look forward to working with our commercial partners to jointly achieve our objectives.” More, from a press release issued by Brandware PR, on behalf of Vespa USA: BREAST CANCER ORGANIZATIONS AND VESPA USA ZOOM TOWARD NEW PINK VESPA FUND-RAISING MILESTONES NEW YORK, Oct. 14, 2009 As National Breast Cancer Awareness Month nears the midway point, several nonprofit agencies participating in Vespa USA’s Pink fund-raising program are reaching and reaching for impressive new milestones. The newest initiative underway is www.armyofwomen.org/Pink_Vespa_Contest from the Love/Avon Army of Women, a program of the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation, whose goal is to encourage members to recruit one million women to take part in breast cancer research. The top five individuals who recruit the most new members for the Army of Women will be entered into a drawing to win a pink Vespa LX 50. Others, like Young Survival Coalition (YSC), are just a few paces away from reaching their target of recruiting 10,000 fans on their Facebook fan page www.facebook.com/youngsurvivalcoalition. Vespa USA is working with a number of women’s organizations as part of Lifetime Networks’ 15th annual National Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign, “Stop Breast Cancer for Life: The Power of 15.” Each agency received a donated pink Vespa LX 50 to help raise funds for their unique missions from research and education to peer and resource support. Consumers who want to help support these causes are invited to check out all the current Pink Vespa initiatives at www.vespausa.com. PURSUING THE CURE: MILES TO GO BEFORE WE SLEEP Large or small, professionally organized or grassroots; it is these nonprofit organizations that have put the national spotlight on breast cancer and garnered strong public and corporate support to fight the disease; by providing patients and affected families with important tools and resources. There is still much work to be done, and Vespa USA invites everyone to support these or any of the great ongoing efforts by individuals and companies alike. Now through Nov. 23, 2009, the Army of Women is adding a special incentive to those helping the organization reach its goal of one million members. The top five registered member recruiters will be entered into a drawing and will have a chance to win a limited edition pink Vespa LX 50 by recruiting the most new members during the specified dates. Official details for the contest can be found at www.armyofwomen.com. The winner also agrees to extend the reach of this campaign by using the pink Vespa to promote the Army of Women and documenting their recruitment journey through a blog on the Army of Women Web site. Young Survival Coalition (YSC), an organization focused on women under 40 affected by breast cancer, is inviting supporters to become fans on their Facebook page. With a goal of recruiting 10,000 Facebook fans currently their page has more than 9,000 the YSC is rapidly approaching the finish line. Anyone who becomes a fan prior to Nov. 16, 2009, will be eligible to win the pink Vespa LX 50. Vespa fans also have a chance to support breast cancer awareness by bidding and ultimately donating their purchase price to one of a number of online auctions. Several auctions are ending soon, such as the Breast Cancer Research Foundation’s (www.bcrfcure.org) online auction through charitybuzz.com which ends Oct. 22, 2009. Cup With Love (www.cupwithlove.org), an organization providing emotional support to anyone impacted by cancer; and Nueva Vida (www.nueva-vida.org), an organization that informs, supports and empowers Latinas whose lives are affected by cancer; are also raffling off a pink Vespa through their respective Web sites during October. The Vespa Pink Campaign invites all current and future scooter fans to actively participate in one or all the Breast Cancer Awareness Month programs. Agencies adding a pink Vespa to their October fund-raising initiatives include: Breast Cancer Network of Strength, The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, Breastcancer.org, Bright Pink, Cup With Love, Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation, The Greater New York City Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, My Vision Foundation, Nueva Vida, Prevent Cancer Foundation, SHARE and Young Survival Coalition. For more information on all of the participating breast cancer organization programs, visit www.vespausa.com and learn how to support unique breast cancer fundraising efforts around the country. Breast cancer affects everyone. This year alone, 192,370 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed among women in the United States. It is the leading cause of cancer death in women ages 15 to 54, and nearly half of all Vespa riders are women. A woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every three minutes and the disease claims a life every 13 minutes. These women are mothers, sisters and wives but breast cancer also directly touches men. Every year almost 2,000 men are diagnosed with breast cancer and 440 will die. ABOUT VESPA USA: Vespa USA is a division of Piaggio Group USA. Established in 1884, by Rinaldo Piaggio, in the industrial town of Pontedera in Tuscany, Italy a province of Pisa; the Piaggio Group is one of the world’s top manufacturers of two-wheeled vehicles. With more than 7,000 employees, an annual production of more than 650,000 vehicles in 2008, five R&D centers, seven production facilities in Europe and Asia, and operations in more than 50 countries the Piaggio Group has a consolidated leadership in the European two-wheeler market. The company produces scooters, motorcycles and mopeds in the 50cc to 1,200 cc displacement range, marketed under the Piaggio, Vespa, Gilera, Derbi, Aprilia, Scarabeo and Moto Guzzi brands. Piaggio also manufactures three- and four-wheel light transportation vehicles for the Ape, Porter and Quargo ranges. For more information about Vespa USA visit www.vespausa.com. Get social with Vespa USA by following the latest news and events on Twitter at www.twitter.com/vespausa or becoming a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/vespausa.
Assorted Press Releases For A Thursday Morning
Assorted Press Releases For A Thursday Morning
© 2009, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.