Entry costs reduced for 2014 Australian Superbike Championship International Entertainment Group today confirmed fees and charges for the 2014 Australian Superbike Championship have been heavily reduced in an effort to assist teams with budget constraints and encourage greater participation. Many classes will benefit from upwards of a 50% reduction in fees at all stand alone rounds of the 2014 championship, and IEG has maintained its proposed $100.00 entry fee for all classes. In addition, with the championship not visiting Western Australia, South Australia and New Zealand in 2014, the entry fee and MA levi for participants in those states will be waved for stand alone events. All New Zealand entrants will also receive a $500.00 travel subsidy in addition to the free entry for all stand alone rounds. The V8 Supercar rounds will incur higher entry fees based on live TV and garage costs. IEG Managing Director Yarrive Konsky said the changes were made to accomodate expenditure in the current economic climate, “I was once a privateer trying to compete, racing in a trying economy can be near impossible,” Konsky explained. “Running the championship over two days will help riders and their respective crews. We need to be mindful of their work commitments and racing expenditure. Two days means less time off work, less tyres and less logistical costs”. Stand Alone Two-day Event Entry Fee – $100 MA Levi – $60 Medical Levi – $65 Timing Fee – $25 Total Fees $250 * Please note garages fees will change pending the venue.
Australian Superbike Championship: Lower Entry Fees And Two-Day Events Reduce Costs
Australian Superbike Championship: Lower Entry Fees And Two-Day Events Reduce Costs
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