From a press release issued by AMA:
The American Motorcyclist Association has announced the results of its recent elections for the AMA Board of Directors. In the Southeast Region, incumbent Carl Reynolds of Danville, Virginia, was re-elected. In a special election in the Northeast Region to fill a Board vacancy, Joseph W. Bromley of Warrington, Pennsylvania, was elected.
In addition to his experience as a dealer and promoter, Mr. Reynolds has been active in the AMA for more than 30 years. He first joined the AMA Board of Directors in 1991 and previously served as chairman.
In 2007, the AMA Board made changes to stagger the terms of Board members. To implement these changes, Mr. Reynolds was elected to a one-year term as Southeast Region representative. An election will be held in the Southeast Region in 2008 for a full three-year term.
Mr. Bromley was president of AMA District 6 for 12 years and was an AMA Congress delegate. He operates a family-owned dealership and has won numerous AMA amateur racing titles. He was elected to a three-year term on the Board.
The AMA Board of Directors consists of 12 members. Six individual Directors are elected by the general membership in their respective regions and six corporate Directors are elected by the corporate membership. The American Motorcyclist Association: rights. riding. racing. Founded in 1924, the AMA is a non-profit organization with 290,000 members. The Association’s purpose is to pursue, protect and promote the interests of motorcyclists, while serving the needs of its members. For more information, visit the AMA website at