AHRMA Trustee Candidate Alice Sexton’s Response to Debbie Poole’s Post on the Vintagebikeracing.com Discussion Board. Most AHRMA members have seen first hand my capabilities during my tenure as AHRMA’s Communications Director- in particular, my overhaul of Vintage Views, the 2008 AHRMA Handbook, and my initiative to increase AHRMA’s advertising revenue through more effective marketing. I think such real work for AHRMA members speaks louder than diatribes on discussion boards. I was recently made aware of various posts on internet discussion boards by Candidate Debbie Poole that questioned my integrity and professionalism. My campaign for the position of AHRMA Trustee will continue to avoid personal attacks and other actions that harm the organization. Right now, AHRMA simply needs leadership that can put aside personal interests and act to improve AHRMA. I would, however, like to set the record straight on the subject that Ms. Poole broached. Candidate Debbie Poole recently criticized me on one internet discussion board for acting on supposed confidential information that indicated Cindy Cowell was being railroaded by Treasurer Jeff Smith. Poole then immediately related her own knowledge of privileged AHRMA information. If Ms. Poole wants to further explore the dissemination of confidential information within AHRMA, she should first examine her own actions and those of her associates. Ms. Poole should first explain how she is privy to so much information on confidential AHRMA business dealings, including details of an AHRMA Communication Director’s employee personnel file. Ms. Poole is not on AHRMA’s payroll, holds no AHRMA executive title and commands no more power than any other AHRMA volunteer. Poole’s tone is of authority, but she currently has none, except that authority derived by her proximity to certain Trustees. Let’s further examine questions that Candidate Poole has raised. By her own admission on another internet discussion board, Candidate Poole uses Kay Mann’s [wife of Trustee Dick Mann] personal computer to post to discussion boards. Where do you think Poole gets her information? It’s also a well-known fact that Dick and Kay Mann share an e-mail address ([email protected]) that is used for AHRMA business. How can AHRMA Trustee business be kept confidential with such an arrangement? Further consider that Trustee Jeff Smith’s daughter Chris has also answered Jeff’s confidential e-mails involving Trustee business. I don’t remember Chris Smith, or Kay Mann winning seats on AHRMA’s board, so why are these non-Trustees observing and performing (confidential) AHRMA Trustee business? In summary, Candidate Poole is well aware of the shadowy circulation of sensitive and confidential information within AHRMA because she associates with people who engage in and perpetuate such communication. AHRMA is held together mainly by members’ goodwill. This commodity is in increasingly short supply, and is being crowded out by unflinching wills of a few egomaniacal Trustees. Make no mistake: this election will decide the fate of AHRMA for the near future. If AHRMA’s course is not changed, AHRMA will continue to implode, more good people will leave, and event quality and membership value will spiral downward. Please read your Trustee statements carefully and then vote for the candidate who you think will best serve the organization. I personally think AHRMA members are tired of lawsuits, shady dealings, and partisan proxy wars. I think AHRMA needs fewer lackeys and more leadership. My work for the organization has provided value to the membership above all other concerns and I will continue that work as a Trustee. Alice Sexton [email protected] www.alicesextontrustee.com
Campaign For AHRMA Board Seat Heats Up
Campaign For AHRMA Board Seat Heats Up
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