New donations for our expanded fund-drive to raise money to deploy Air Fence at non-AMA races brought our grand total so far to $106,451.
When our Air Fence fund got up over $104,000 and with negotiations with AMA in full swing over cooperative deployment, we figured it was time to designate new donations towards Air Fence for use at non-AMA races.
All contributors will still be listed in the contributor list, but additional donations pledged (as a result of our website postings) after 9:00 a.m. PDT Friday, April 27 are not being used for the purchase, transport, maintenance and deployment of Air Fence at AMA races. Instead, the additional money is being used to obtain and deploy Air Fence for the protection of racers at non-AMA events.
Many of the riders who compete at AMA races also compete in, for example, Formula USA races and WERA National Challenge races as well as at their home tracks.
And, as Metzeler/Pirelli’s Andreas Bronnen, himself a racer, points out, we need to protect all our racers and try to prevent all serious injuries, because “For me there is no difference if some guy gets killed in an AMA or CCS race,” such an event is equally tragic no matter what the sanctioning body.
So we’re continuing the Air Fence fund for the overall good of our racers nationwide, no matter what their sanction or affiliation.
Our first additional project will be to fund four sections of Air Fence for use in the turn at Texas World Speedway where Ryan Smith died two seasons ago, with use of the sections (we hope) to be shared by CMRA and RPM when the Texas-based organizations hold races at Texas World.
Anyone who has already mailed a contribution we have not yet received, and who objects to the continuation of the Air Fence project with funds directed at non-AMA races and venues, should contact us for a complete refund. All funds received prior to April 27 at 9:00 a.m. PDT will go towards the use of Air Fence at AMA events or at AMA-sanctioned events, or at events at which AMA officials wish to deploy Air Fence.
Direct questions/comments to [email protected]
And now, on to new donations, headed up by $500 from Bob Holcomb, the father of Aprilia Cup Challenge racer Gus Holcomb. Donations of $200 came from Fillmore, Jeff Bowis, Rich & Lynda Alexander/In Memory of Dirk Piz, and Nils Menton. A donation of $101 came from Chris Normand/Firestorm Racing, with $100 donations coming in from Chris Link/CMRA/In Memory of Jamie Bowman, Josh Steinberg, Broad Squad/CCS NE, Logan Young, and Bob & Sherrie Young. Racer Vito Dionisio/WERA BBS donated $75, Erica B. Smith & John F.X. Walsh together donated $55, Anthony D’Augusta donated $50 and Mike Henry donated $25.
That brings our new total to $106,451 raised in nine business days.
Erica B. Smith wrote with her donation:
“You are doing a wonderful thing. My husband and I decided we would rather spend the money on Air Fence than on renewing our AMA memberships. So the check’s in the mail for $55, the amount of my full AMA membership and my husband’ associate membership.”
Catherine Sorbo, wife of racer Ed Sorbo, wrote (with her previous donation):
“Hello! I am writing this memo to give you little feedback, from a racer’s wife’s vantage point. As a matter of courtesy I am copying this memo to Ron Barrick, Roadracing World and Ed Sorbo (my husband/racer).
“I understand everyone is concerned about safety issues, and everyone wants to make things better, yet it seems there is a standoff between some folks. You see, I look at the AMA, racers and Roadracing World as organizations, made from groups of individuals, instead of the big picture, as individual people vote/make decisions, not organizations or their icons. I want to stress my understanding that rider safety is a highly emotional subject with strong feelings on all sides, as I would never want to entertain the thought that decision-makers would compromise safety, to save a dollar; or use rider safety in a barter for some other idea that one would want to see to fruition. I believe you can make things happen, when everyone on a team has the same goal.
“Personally, if I were the leader of a team and safety was a priority, only individuals with safety as a priority would be on my team, as anyone with an agenda differing would ultimately be voting to harm someone. I am correct in assuming that safety is a priority, right?
“I know that individuals can become the ‘whipping boys’ when problems and concerns arise. I believe you could all accomplish a great deal more if you kept personalities and personal feelings out of the way (if there are differences). Issues and concerns must not become grudge matches or opportunities to take cheap shots at someone. It should be an opportunity to increase safety awareness and embrace the spirit of camaraderie within the racing organization (the amount of money raised for Air Fence, in such a short time, speaks volumes!).
“The communication breakdown is not between organizations, it is between individuals; and this breakdown is affecting the safety of the men and women, who get on the tracks to race; and most of all depend on the wise and thoughtful decisions of individuals, to ensure the safety of all racers. I know the AMA, as an organization, places a great deal of importance on the relationship it has with its racing members, yet somehow it seems to not be working very well. In the light of this situation it is easy to forget the times you have worked hard to solve a problem or deal with a concern, taking the guff from whoever, yet continuing to do your best, as I know you will concerning this issue (I understand your position because mine is similar, yet on a much smaller scale).
“When racers become upset, they will first complain about the programs and services they are (not) receiving, then they quit depending on the AMA for assistance, then they start forming associations outside of the AMA and try to get things done, which will further weaken the relationship, thus the relationship becomes very adversarial. Judging by the number of people who have donated to the Air Fence Fund, one can clearly see the priority of motorcycle racing fans and racers versus the AMA organization.
“I know that John Ulrich/Roadracing World created the Air Fence Fund out of frustration, compassion and concern, with rider safety as his number one priority, nothing more. John Ulrich/RW kept his nose to the grindstone and he did what he needed to do, to get this program going. Besides raising enough money, it has generated many conversations concerning safety; and maybe within one of those conversations a rider learned a lesson or two regarding safety, thus preventing a mishap down the road.
“We should all be thankful that John Ulrich/RW took action and got the program going. I, for one, am grateful beyond words. This could be a wonderful opportunity for all concerned and chance to work together, towards a great relationship, benefiting all sides. I also know that the AMA has had to deal with a lot of Bull (uh, droppings?) from RW, at times, yet it has always been in an effort to try and make things better for those at risk of losing something needlessly. This can be a good thing, because if someone cares enough to speak up about important issues, you can get honest perspectives, rather than people-pleasing answers. Then you can get a team together to work toward possible solutions. To me, this is how business is done, looking at all sides, even the uncomfortable and not so fun sides of an issue, then learning and growing, together. Everyone and their opinion is valuable and I do my best to incorporate everyone’s ideas and concerns, even if they seem a bit outlandish at first. To me, it not who had the idea first, or who did the best job getting it done, it’s the benefits of the end result. I’ll bet you a nickel that is how the AMA organization started.
“Please, please, please understand that the above is my personal opinion, based on the fact my husband is a racer and I want him to be as safe as humanly possible to enjoy his passion, with the least amount of frustrations. I am motivated to voice my concerns because Ed’s safety is my number one priority, because before he is Eddie the Racer, he is Eddie the Husband! If there is anything you can humanly do to increase his safety, I know you will get beyond the ‘politics’ and get things done. Thank you very much, in advance, for taking care of all the riders and the people who love them and the people who come out and watch them.
“Kindest regards, Eddie the Racer’s wife,
“Catherine Sorbo
“PS: Plus, the more people see racing with the AMA as the safest way to go, then more racers will race, then more people will watch, then more people will join, then more people will buy products, then the bottom line just becomes bigger, with less effort, then everyone is happy! Okay, I will get off my soapbox and go to work. 🙂 Thank you again for taking the time to read this memo/novel. Guess it is obvious how much this racer’s wife cares! Of course we are donating to the Air Fence Fund, $150.”
The updated list of contributions now reads:
Erik Buell/Buell Motorcycle Company $5800
Trent Thompson/Paramount Racing $5000
Anonymous $4725
Dynojet Research $3200
Steve Brubaker/Race Tire Service $3000
John Ulrich/Roadracing World $2900
Aprilia USA $2900
American Suzuki Motor Corp. $2900
Ducati North America $2900
Jonathan Glaefke $2900
Susie and Bruce Meyers/BCM Racing Ducati $2900
Wegman Benefit Fund/Gordon Lunde Sr. $2900
Performance Machine $2900
Dunlop Motorcycle Tire Co. $2900
Max McAllister/Traxxion Dynamics $2900
Wendell Phillips/Lockhart Phillips $2500
Advanced Motor Sports/In Memory of Dirk Piz $2000
L.A. Bikers/ $1810
Dennis Smith/Sport Tire Services $1500
Marc Salvisberg/Factory Pro Tuning $1450
Bob Dragich/Roadracing World $1450
Fred Renz/Yoyodyne $1450
WERA Motorcycle Roadracing $1450
Bob Blandford/N.E. Sportbike Assn. $1100
Chuck Warren/Arclight Suzuki $1000
Jim Rashid/4&6 Cycle $1000
Scott Willock $1000
Don Emde/In Memory of Cal Rayborn $1000
Jason Pridmore’s Star Motorcycle School $1000
Mark E. Dobeck/Techlusion Performance Group $1000
G.M.D. Computrack Network $1000
California Superbike School $1000
Tachyon Racing/Tachyon Sports Injury Research Foundation $1000
Intrepid Café Racers $775
Yoshimura Racing $750
Team Daemon Racing $600
Don Lemelin/Scuderia West $500
Kevin Erion/Erion Racing $500
Pinky’s Pizza of Walnut Creek $500
Doug Gonda $500
Jerry Wood/Penguin School $500
Mike Canfield/Chandelle Motorsports $500
Jim Davis/J6 Racing/In Memory of Dirk Piz $500
Brooks Gremmels/Shogun Motorsports $500
Jim Di Salvo/Alien Racing $500
Dale Kieffer/Racers Edge Performance $500
The Plummer Menapace Group $500
Bill St. John/Project Monza $400
Jon Rust $400
Jerry Jirkovsky $330
Richard Hood/Reptillian Racing $300
Edward S. Siccardi, Jr. $300
Dan Fischer/ $300
David Finniff $300
Marietta Motorsports $300
Brendan Guy $300
Dean Scarpa $300
Anonymous $300
Kurtis Roberts $300
James Siddall/World Sports/Corbin Grand Prix $300
Scott Fisher/Fisher Technical Services $250
Chris Pyles & Beth Walters $250
Peter Hively $250
Brian Mitchell $250
Al Ludington $250
Tim Simpson $250
Spectrum Motorsports/VJB Racing $250
David Roy, Ducati N. America $250
Debbie Roy/Frenotec $250
Joshua Hayes $250
Gina Nadeau $250
Jeannne Pyles $250
John Ross/Ross Racing $250
Papa Thiam/WERA BBS $200
Bill Capshaw/ICE Motorsports $200
Scott Decker $200
Terry Embury $200
Jim “Dutch” MacKenzie/WERA BBS $200
Scott Jenkins/Desmoto-sport $200
Cliff Nobles $200
Aaron Yates $200
Jodie York/RPM Cycles Ventura/WSMC #11 $200 Fillmore $200
Jeff Bowis $200
Rich & Lynda Alexander/In Memory of Dirk Piz $200
Nils Menton $200
MZ Scorpion Cup Racers $175
Chris Kelley/California Cycleworks $150
Robb Mc Elroy $150
Tim Chin/Team Bandit $150
Ed & Catherine Sorbo $150
Damon Buckmaster $150
Chris Hamilton/Grand Prix Direct $150
Jim Williams/ $125
David Boosales/WERA BBS $125
Mike Brown/Team 222 $125
Chris Normand/Firestorm Racing $101
Pat Stricker $100
Gary Rand $100
Michael Roberson/WERA BBS $100
Sean Jordan/WERA BBS $100
Army of Darkness $100
Stuart Gregg $100
Pinky’s Pizza/Lippman Racing $100
Bob Szoke $100
TyrSox $100
Ron West/Omzig Productions $100
Joe Facer $100
Preston Rash $100
Geoff Maloney/GP Tech $100
Melissa Berkoff/Neighbor Of The Beast $100
Caesar Gonzales/WERA BBS $100
Dorina Groves $100
Dorina Groves $100/In Memory of Jamie Bowman $100
Philip Rusin/ $100
Allen “Spence” Spencer $100
Matt Wadsworth $100
Dean N. De St. Croix $100
Tony Tugwell/ $100
Bart Fuqua/Team LGC $100
Brian Stokes/Marietta Motorsports $100
Chris “Opie” Caylor/Marietta Motorsports $100
David McElvain/NEDoD $100
Ned “Peanut” Brown/NESBA/TPM $100
Vance Hacecky $100
Patrick Mee $100
Dave and Jason Parker $100
Paul Kingsburgh/ $100
Lucky Deleoni $100
Tom Drumm $100
David Brown $100
Steve Moonitz $100
Jake Swan $100
Chris Story $100
Chris Eklund $100
Randy Ball/WERA BBS $100
Mark Hellvig $100
Gary Schilling/On Time Racing/WERA BBS $100
Steve Sumner $100
Laura Granato/WERA BBS $100
Norm Viano/Lawdog Sports Mgmt $100
Kevin Jordan/Jordan Motorsports $100
Val Gregory/In Memory of Dirk Piz $100
Dave Gess $100
Rob Berlind $100
Paul Black $100
Steve Hewitt $100
Mike Ciccotto $100
Tripp Nobles $100
Scott Rehl $100
Steve & Lorraine Aledort $100
Jeff Rozycki/ Racing $100
Chris Ulrich/In Memory of Russ Paulk And Toby Jorgensen $100
Giorgio Milesi/Galfer Brakes USA $100
Al Lyons/CMRRA $100
Linda Hopkins $100
John Hopkins/In Memory of Jamie Bowman and Toby Jorgensen $100
Vicky&Michael Menard $100
Silvia Salenius/ Online $100
HG Racing/AMA Pro Thunder $100
Red Fox Racing $100
Greg Ruffin $100
John Donald/PTC Racing $100
Larry Pegram $100
Pamela Skaff/WERA BBS $100
J.D. Hord/Meccanica Corse Racing $100
Mark Sutton $100
Steve Scott/LRRS#47 $100
Eric Putter $100
Jim Doerfler $100
Ira Englebardt $100
Joe & Nancy Fenech $100
Earl Hayden $100
Chuck Sorensen $100
D&D Thrush Farms $100
Jeff Wilson/American Suzuki $100
Adam Vella/Webcrush Racing $100
Chuck Gault/Motobama $100
Gary Longren $100
Stephan Hottenrott $100
David Kunzelman $100
C.R. “Critter” Gittere/WERA BBS $100
John Light/Lightsmith Racing $100
Ken & Arlene Block (Ed Sorbo’s Mom) $100
Chris Link/CMRA/In Memory of Jamie Bowman $100
Josh Steinberg $100
Broad Squad/CCS NE $100
Logan Young $100
Bob & Sherrie Young $100
Tyson Kamp $75
Vito Dionisio/WERA BBS $75
Erica B. Smith & John F.X. Walsh $55
Max Buxton/NEDoD $50
Nelo Hakola $50
Tyler Sandell $ 50
David J. Kopfinger $ 50
Aaron Loyd $50
Martin Voelker $50
Steve Hopkins $50
Louis DeBlois $50
Leigh Taunton/EMGO $50
Randy Sinisi $50
Danny Hull $50
Team Skidmark Racing $50
Ryan Meskimen/WERA BBS $50
Erik Astrup $50
Paul Zavada $50
James Greeson/WERA BBS $50
Victor Mokler $50
Steve Clark/J. Guthridge/Tight Squeeze Racing $50
Nate Olsen $50
Anthony Moey $50
Dustin Miller $50
Jim Frost/NEDoD $50
Steve Martinez $50
Jason Temme/Serpent Racing $50
Mike Hodgson/WERA BBS $50
Chris Borre/ $50
Richard Barker/AIM/In Memory of Dirk Piz $50
Mike Reish/Reish Dot Net $50
Kenyon Kluge/K2 Racing $50
Darin Nichols/Team Unit $50
Richard Davis $50
Allen Lyon/ Online $50
Eric H. Mathy $50
Steve Breckenridge $50
Jim Race/Speaksy Racing $50
James Aragon $50
James Hayton/Kochenbaulz Racing/WERA BBS $50
Anthony D’Augusta $50
Don Moody $35
Lindsey Leard $30
Dave Deggendorf/WERA BBS $30
Steve Sturm/Squidvision Racing $30
George Gervasi/Projekt9 Racing $30
Bob Elam $30
The Heidepriems/WERA BBS $30
Kimberly Scheffel/rider/race fan/pit keeper $30
Greg Gabis $29
Ripley Howe $29
Mark Hatten/Meccanica Corse Racing $29
Ted Angle $25
Susanne Hopkins $25
Nolan Ballew $25
Josh Loberant $25
Charles Tomes $25
Jon DeMent $25
Timothy Wilson $25
Mark Novak $25
Rene Ferron $25
Sean Patrick Brisini $25
Richard Korol $25
Eric and Christine Loranger $25
Dee Moses $25
Kyle Kirschenmann/Bayou Riders of Louisiana $25
Marc Asmus $25
Mike Henry $25
S.C. Pittman $20
Jamieson D. Yonker $20
Garret Swearingen $20
Darrin Zumbaum $20
To pledge a contribution, call Roadracing World at (800) 464-8336 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, when operators will be standing by. Credit cards accepted. Pledges can also be made by e-mailing [email protected]. Make checks payable to Roadracing World. Money raised will be used for buying Air Module/Air Fence sections, as well as for deployment expenses and for shipping, tax and import duties.
Expanded Air Fence Fund Drive Total Reaches $106,451
Expanded Air Fence Fund Drive Total Reaches $106,451
© 2001, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.