WHO: Retired AMA legend, Dean Mizdal, Glendora, CA, along with other professional racers will be part of a massive field trip program, conducting 14 Racers Who Care Quick Tips on Winning in Life Presentations and Paddock Tours for 300 Long Beach elementary school students throughout race weekend at the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, April 14 through April 17, 2011. The presentations will take place in Conference Room 102C, donated by the Grand Prix’s Mike McElroy to RWC, located in the Long Beach Convention Center, and are free and open to the public (with the exception of April 14, 2011), but Grand Prix tickets must be purchased to access the Conference Room which is inside the race course. Initially, students from Long Beach’s Burbank, Lafayette, Edison and Grand elementary schools will hear personalized Quick Tips on Winning in Life presentations made by the racers, then will take racer-guided paddock tours to see the Quick Tips taking place in real life! Joy Warren, Community Services Supervisor for the City of Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Department, partnering with RWC on the field trip program, has scheduled the various student groups, and her colleagues, Andrew Gekas and Carla Houser, will be coordinating the students’ transportation and on site arrival. Other Southern California racers and volunteers working on the field trip program are: 2010 SCCA SPEEDWorld Series Champion Brandon Davis, 2007 IMSA GT3 Series Champion Nathan Swartzbaugh, and SCORE Off Road racer Julie Newell, all of whom are from Orange County. From Los Angeles: actor/racer Scott Elrod [Men in Trees, The Switch], SCORE Off Road racer Felix Giles, and volunteer Denise Poon, a Los Angeles County Social Worker, and Covina volunteer Luis Hernandez are participating. Racers and volunteers from other areas of the country who are also participating are: Atlanta – 2010 SCCA SPEEDWorld Challenge Champion Randy Pobst, Denver – Robb Holland [SCCA Touring Car Series], Phoenix – Gail Truess [retired SCCA rally racer and IndyCar Pace Car Driver, now on motorsports emergency medical response team], San Diego, Off Road motorcycle racer Ken Kosiorek, and Fresno volunteers – Jim Davis, of JD Motorsports and Fresno County employee, Mike Mills. Additional racers will be joining in the field trip program as they receive their teams’ week race schedules. WHEN: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., Thursday, April 14, 2011 [THURSDAY PRESENTATIONS NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC]; 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., Friday, April 15, 2011; 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 pm. 3:00 p.m., Saturday April 16, 2011; and 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., Sunday April 17, 2011. WHERE: PROMENADE [Room Number 102C] LONG BEACH CONVENTION CENTER WHY: THE QUICK TIPS ON WINNING IN LIFE RACER PRESENTATIONS TO CHILDREN’S GROUPS, SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS ARE AN AVENUE THROUGH WHICH PROFESSIONAL RACERS CAN GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITIES WHERE THEY LIVE AND RACE, BY INSPIRING, AFFIRMING, EMPOWERING, AND FUELING THE DREAMS OF CHILDREN AND TEENS. Racer Quick Tips presentations center on key universal truths RWC calls Quick Tips on Winning in Life, applicable to all children and teens regardless of age, cultural background, or life experience: find something to do in life that you really love, study, learn the art of teamwork, find a mentor, take the long view, be flexible with your dreams and goals, avoid the path of least resistance, and more. Racers Who Care, Inc. is a West Hollywood, California-based 501c3 charitable corporation, founded in 1993, that works with auto, boat, motorcycle, truck and snowmobile racers dedicated to making a positive difference for our next generation. In Southern California, and throughout the U.S. in communities surrounding their tracks, RWC’s racers have unforgettably impacted kids with exciting observations on how to succeed, presented by people who have — very publicly, and in a field perceived as ruthless, tough and unforgiving. CONTACT: RACERS WHO CARE, INC.: JUDY STRAWN 323/375-9225 [email protected] FURTHER INFORMATION: WWW.BGCPV.ORG WWW.MRACINGPERFORMANCE.COM WWW.AMERICANMOTORCYCLIST.COM WWW.AMAPRORACING.COM WWW.TOYOTA.COM WWW.GPLB.COM WWW.SCCA.COM WWW.SCORE-INTERNATIONAL.COM WWW.MYSPACE.COM/RACERSWHOCARE WWW.RACERSWHOCARE.ORG WWW.NATIONALCHILDSDAY.COM
Former AMA Pro Racer Mizdal To Participate In Special Presentations During This Coming Weekend’s Long Beach Grand Prix
Former AMA Pro Racer Mizdal To Participate In Special Presentations During This Coming Weekend’s Long Beach Grand Prix
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