Copyright 2001, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.
Funeral services were held today in Mt. Carmel, Illinois for racer Tony Wright, 33, who was killed Sunday in a bizarre crash at Putnam Park Road Course in Mt. Meridian, Indiana.
Wright, from Mt. Carmel, died during a track day held by Cycle Options of Cincinnati, when he took his TTR125 Yamaha dirt bike out on the course during an open session and was hit by another rider on the front straightaway.
Wright had ridden in previous sessions on a Honda RS125 racebike. He normally competed on the RS125 as a member of Emerge Racing in the WERA North Central Region.
According to racer Jim Connor, who was also participating in the track day, “…during one practice session Tony decided to ride his Yamaha TTR125 trail bike. He was on the straightaway when he was rear-ended at speed by a GSX-R750 doing approximately 140 mph. Wright’s estimated speed was 50-60 mph. The Gixxer was third in a line of three bikes when they came upon Wright three-quarters down the straight. The two front bikes swung around Wright at the last minute, leaving the Gixxer surprised and unable to avoid colliding with Wright. He was thrown approx. 700 feet. Wright died within minutes at the scene. Godspeed, Tony Wright.”
Connor said that the track was staffed with minimal cornerworkers and that the person working pit-out when Wright took the TTR125 onto the track normally worked a corner.
Wright was hit by GLRRA racer Steve Scholz, who remains hospitalized in Indianapolis with two broken wrists and severe facial and jaw injuries.
Wright, who was Director of Telecommunications for Advance Micro Electronics, is survived by his mother, Delores Shoemaker Wright; his fiance, Teresa Howe and her daughter, Shea Howe; his brother, Shannon Wright; and his grandmother, Anna May Shoemaker.
Max McAllister Remembers Tony Wright:
“I am saddened to hear about the passing of Tony Wright. He was a Traxxion Dynamics customer, and really loved riding his RS125. He worked really hard at improving his chassis and his riding skills. He even loaded his bike into his van and drove from Indiana to Georgia, just so I could push on his suspension and help him adjust it! That is real dedication to improvement! God Speed, Tony.”
Racer Shane Williams remembers Tony Wright:
“From all the racers and fans from Cincinnati, our thoughts and prayers are with our good friend Tony Wright (a fellow GP’er) who was taken from us on Sunday the 28th for a higher calling. GOD SPEED, Tony Wright, Theresa, and both of their families. Everyone whoever met Tony knows we have suffered a great loss.”
Funeral Services Held Today For Racer Tony Wright
Funeral Services Held Today For Racer Tony Wright
© 2001, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.