With an influx of donations of gear and services, the WERA BBS auction races into its final incarnation.
Two-class 2007 AMA Champion Jamie Hacking’s worn-and-signed Joe Rocket leathers and Alpinestars boots are the cornerstone of the newest round.
Appearing very soon in the auction will be a set of Teknic leathers from Formula Xtreme points leader and fellow WERA alumnus Josh Hayes.
To date, the WERA BBS auction has raised over $15,000 for the Roadracing World Action Fund. Thanks to racers, race fans and industry suppliers the auction has far exceeded its initial goal of raising enough money for a single section of soft barrier. Ben Spies, Jamie Hacking, John Haner, Josh Hayes, Komodo, Moto-R, Team Stargel Castrol, KWS Motorsports, Team Hammer, NESBA, TYRSOX, WERA and many others have donated items and services for this highly successful auction with commitments from many others taking the auction into its final round.
“When I was approached with the idea of a series of auctions I was all for it. I think we did a good job and I’m proud of the WERA family of racers and its BBS,” said Sean Clarke of WERA. To bid on any of the items or to just check out the auction, please go to www.wera.com and click the link to the WERA BBS.