Because of an unexpected e-mail filtering problem, anyone that pre-entered via the on-line pre-entry tool between 9-6-05 and 9-14-05 should send their original e-mail confirmation (the one sent to them (& AFM) when they complete the on-line pre-entry process) to Paddy & Joan at [email protected] This is necessary because some of the entries sent between 9-6 and 9-14 were unexpectedly/unknowingly filtered as SPAM by their ISP service and otherwise those pre-entries sent during this period will not have been received or recorded. If you can check the “pre-entries received” list for your AFM number prior to sending the e-mail, that would help us… if you are listed on the “pre-entries received” list, then you don’t need to do anything… if you aren’t listed, then you need to act as noted. If you for sure do not have a retain of your original pre-entry confirmation e-mail to send, please re-register using the on-line regtool w/ the same classes/bikes/practices, so it will be registered. And PLEASE REMEMBER, this only applies for on-line pre-entries made between the dates of 9-6-05 and 9-14-04. THANKS!!!
ISP Glitch Equals Trouble With AFM Online Pre-entries
ISP Glitch Equals Trouble With AFM Online Pre-entries
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