AMA teams were greeted with rain as they arrived at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course Saturday morning, putting the day’s schedule of practice, qualifying, Superbike heat races and the Formula Xtreme finale on hold and contingency plans to reschedule the weekend’s events into place. AMA teams were told at Friday’s rider’s meeting that because the weekend’s weather forecast included rain with significant periods of dry time that activities would be postponed if it rained in hopes of running the activities in the dry later. So it was with great surprise to team members Saturday morning when calls were made to start Superstock practice, the first scheduled event, on time even though it was raining. The confusion the calls for practice caused resulted in the teams requesting a meeting with AMA Pro Racing officials. At 9:10 a.m. local time, team representatives and AMA Pro Racing officials held a meeting that AMA Pro Racing barred from attending. AMA Pro Racing officials freely spoke with after the meeting, however. “We’re looking at a possible clear window later,” AMA Pro Racing Road Race Series Director Ron Barrick told “We’re hoping to get the track dried and get some events in this afternoon. Our priorities are the Superbike heat races and the Formula Xtreme race. The heat races are one of the unique features of this event, and we don’t want to lose those. So if it continues raining today, we have an alternate schedule for Sunday that includes the Superbike heat races.” During the meeting, the rain stopped falling, and as Barrick spoke, the track’s jet-powered dryers were fired up and sent out on track. It takes approximately two hours to completely dry the racetrack, according to AMA Pro Racing, meaning the heat races could start as soon as noon local time. If dry time remains after the Superbike heat races and Formula Xtreme race, timed qualifying for Supersport and Superstock will be held. When asked why practices were held (not one single rider went out) Saturday morning if there were to be no activities in the rain at Mid-Ohio, Barrick said, “That was just in case anyone wanted to go out and get some track time in the wet.” Team members who were at the meeting, however, said AMA Pro Racing officials told them that they were honoring their agreement with Mid-Ohio to hold practice and left it up to the riders whether they would go out or not. AMA Sports Vice President Douglas Neubauer also held a meeting Saturday morning for the riders entered in the AMA Sports 600cc Supersport race at Mid-Ohio and told those riders, “I think we’re pretty much done for the day. I know most of you raced here in the rain last weekend, and I doubt anyone wants to run in it again.” The AMA Sports 600cc Supersport riders only had one 30-minute practice scheduled Saturday.
It’s Raining At Mid-Ohio, Contingency Plans Put Into Action
It’s Raining At Mid-Ohio, Contingency Plans Put Into Action
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