Adopt A kid racer, a Texas non profit 501 (c) (3) corporation has sponsored the US MINI GP class final with $4700. The race will be SEPT. 17-18 at Nashville Super Speedway in conjunction with WERA which will produce 5 finalists to represent the USA at the World Mini GP festival in Spain this December 2005. The World Mini GP festival takes place at the famous Valencia GP circuit. This is the Metrakit Spec. bike class which has been growing through out the US and Canada over the last 3 years. Ozzie Saez, of OZBIKE in Miami, FL. is the class promoter for the Mini GP series
Mini Race This Weekend Will Determine U.S. Riders For Spanish Metrakit Final
Mini Race This Weekend Will Determine U.S. Riders For Spanish Metrakit Final
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