More Contributions Push Air Fence Fund To $104,170

More Contributions Push Air Fence Fund To $104,170

© 2001, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.

New contributions have pushed the Roadracing World Air Fence Fund to $104,170 for the purchase, transportation, deployment and maintenance of Air Fence/Air Modules for our brave racers across the country.

New contributions Thursday afternoon included $400 from Jon Rust, $330 from Pirelli racetrack distributor Jerry Jirkovsky, $300 from Richard Hood/Reptillian Racing, $250 from John Ross/Ross Racing, $200 from Jodie York/RPM Cycles Ventura/WSMC #11, $100 from John Light/Lightsmith Racing, $100 from Ken & Arlene Block (Ed Sorbo’s Mom), $50 from James Aragon and $50 from James Hayton/Kochenbaulz Racing/WERA BBS.

Along with the latest round of donations came a few notes and letters, as follows:

James Hayton/Kochenbaulz Racing/WERA BBS:
“Thanks. Check will go out first post tomorrow. Keep up the good work – hope this gets you to 100K!”

Scott Cloninger /ICR Chattanooga, TN/ former CCS racer and avid fan of the sport:
“I just wanted you to know how thankful I am that you initiated the fundraising effort to install Air Fences at AMA events. I know that when our group (the Intrepid Cafe Racers of Chattanooga, TN) learned of the effort we were quick to act and we learned that $50 here and $50 there adds up quickly. I didn’t realize, however, how many people are truly concerned over the safety and well-being of American racers. I just finished reading through the list of contributors and I was deeply touched at the length of the list and the monetary outpouring of support for this cause. Hell, I nearly cried when I saw Don Emde’s contribution in memory of Cal Rayborn!

“Race organizers should take a greater role in the safety of riders, as should track owners and other sanctioning bodies. In the final calculation, though, it is the riders themselves who have the greatest say in their own safety. Riders often ride at unsafe tracks for points, or for money, or for trophys, but the majority of riders race for the enjoyment of the sport. The riders’ enjoyment of the sport is often spoiled, or at least diminished, by staring at concrete abutments and Armco barriers while racing at full tilt. I think if Roadracing World would push a grass roots boycott of unsafe facilities maybe the aforementioned second parties might spend a few of their precious bucks to attend to the safety of participants, and maybe tragedies like the one that befell Cal and hundreds of others might be avoided in the future. Just my humble opinion.”

Max McAllister, President, Traxxion Dynamics, Inc.:
“Roadracing World has allowed me the frequent opportunity to stand on a soapbox and prod racers as a community to take action to cover their own butts and make the places they race safer. I want people to know how I feel about the racing community as a whole. Not four years ago, no one had heard of Traxxion Dynamics because it didn’t exist. With a great deal of hard work and your support, I have a growing business as a result of the racing community. When I stand at the pitwall and see such a saturation of my company’s decals on the forks of the competitors, I am very proud. But I also realize that the odds are high
that if someone is hurt, it will be a friend of mine, and a customer of my business. Such is the case with Jamie Bowman and Dirk Piz. I’m not Dunlop or Honda, they have several more zeros in their gross income than my company does, but I want you to know that I am giving back all I can to make sure that I will have the same friends and customers when the 2005 model bikes come out! See you at the track.”

Allen Lyon:
“What you have achieved with your Air Fence fund drive is amazing. I admire you for having this creative idea and knowing how to put it into action. It’s easy to get caught up in the rhetoric of bureaucracy. It’s thoroughly refreshing to see someone get outside the box and do things a new and better way. This rapid deployment of the fences for the upcoming races is a significant step in protecting racers. Good work!”

Richard Hood/ Reptilian Racing:
“Just a quick note: I called in and donated $300 to the fund. My rider(s) safety comes first and a small donation to a good is well worth every penny. If you had waited around for the AMA to secure the budget and funding for the fence, this would have never happened. Thank you for taking the initiative and circling the wagons for this cause.”

Jodie York/RPM Cycles Ventura? WSMC #11:
“John – Thank you for NOT being a good, quiet little cow and minding your place in the herd. This is fabulous what you are MAKING happen. We wanted to say ‘Bravo!’ and add our contribution to this necessary cause. Thanks for looking out for your fellow racers, John. Good on YOU, sir.”

The list of contributions now reads:
Erik Buell/Buell Motorcycle Company $5800
Trent Thompson/Paramount Racing $5000
Anonymous $4725
Dynojet Research $3200
Steve Brubaker/Race Tire Service $3000
John Ulrich/Roadracing World $2900
Aprilia USA $2900
American Suzuki Motor Corp. $2900
Ducati North America $2900
Jonathan Glaefke $2900
Susie and Bruce Meyers/BCM Racing Ducati $2900
Wegman Benefit Fund/Gordon Lunde Sr. $2900
Performance Machine $2900
Dunlop $2900
Max McAllister/Traxxion Dynamics $2900
Wendell Phillips/Lockhart Phillips $2500
Advanced Motor Sports/In Memory of Dirk Piz $2000
L.A. Bikers/ $1810
Dennis Smith/Sport Tire Services $1500
Marc Salvisberg/Factory Pro Tuning $1450
Bob Dragich/Roadracing World $1450
Fred Renz/Yoyodyne $1450
WERA Motorcycle Roadracing $1450
Bob Blandford/N.E. Sportbike Assn. $1100
Chuck Warren/Arclight Suzuki $1000
Jim Rashid/4&6 Cycle $1000
Scott Willock $1000
Don Emde/In Memory of Cal Rayborn $1000
Jason Pridmore’s Star Motorcycle School $1000
Mark E. Dobeck/Techlusion Performance Group $1000
G.M.D. Computrack Network $1000
California Superbike School $1000
Tachyon Racing/Tachyon Sports Injury Research Foundation $1000
Intrepid Café Racers $775
Yoshimura Racing $750
Team Daemon Racing $600
Don Lemelin/Scuderia West $500
Kevin Erion/Erion Racing $500
Pinky’s Pizza of Walnut Creek $500
Doug Gonda $500
Jerry Wood/Penguin School $500
Mike Canfield/Chandelle Motorsports $500
Jim Davis/J6 Racing/In Memory of Dirk Piz $500
Brooks Gremmels/Shogun Motorsports $500
Jim Di Salvo/Alien Racing $500
Dale Kieffer/Racers Edge Performance $500
The Plummer Menapace Group $500
Bill St. John/Project Monza $400
Jon Rust $400
Jerry Jirkovsky $330
Richard Hood/Reptillian Racing $300
Edward S. Siccardi, Jr. $300
Dan Fischer/ $300
David Finniff $300
Marietta Motorsports $300
Brendan Guy $300
Dean Scarpa $300
Anonymous $300
Kurtis Roberts $300
James Siddall/World Sports/Corbin Grand Prix $300
Scott Fisher/Fisher Technical Services $250
Chris Pyles & Beth Walters $250
Peter Hively $250
Brian Mitchell $250
Al Ludington $250
Tim Simpson $250
Spectrum Motorsports/VJB Racing $250
David Roy, Ducati N. America $250
Debbie Roy/Frenotec $250
Joshua Hayes $250
Gina Nadeau $250
Jeannne Pyles $250
John Ross/Ross Racing $250
Papa Thiam/WERA BBS $200
Bill Capshaw/ICE Motorsports $200
Scott Decker $200
Terry Embury $200
Jim “Dutch” MacKenzie/WERA BBS $200
Scott Jenkins/Desmoto-sport $200
Cliff Nobles $200
Aaron Yates $200
Jodie York/RPM Cycles Ventura/WSMC #11 $200
MZ Scorpion Cup Racers $175
Chris Kelley/California Cycleworks $150
Robb Mc Elroy $150
Tim Chin/Team Bandit $150
Ed & Catherine Sorbo $150
Damon Buckmaster $150
Chris Hamilton/Grand Prix Direct $150
Jim Williams/ $125
David Boosales/WERA BBS $125
Mike Brown/Team 222 $125
Pat Stricker $100
Gary Rand $100
Michael Roberson/WERA BBS $100
Sean Jordan/WERA BBS $100
Army of Darkness $100
Stuart Gregg $100
Pinky’s Pizza/Lippman Racing $100
Bob Szoke $100
TyrSox $100
Ron West/Omzig Productions $100
Joe Facer $100
Preston Rash $100
Geoff Maloney/GP Tech $100
Melissa Berkoff/Neighbor Of The Beast $100
Caesar Gonzales/WERA BBS $100
Dorina Groves $100
Dorina Groves $100/In Memory of Jamie Bowman $100
Philip Rusin/ $100
Allen “Spence” Spencer $100
Matt Wadsworth $100
Dean N. De St. Croix $100
Tony Tugwell/ $100
Bart Fuqua/Team LGC $100
Brian Stokes/Marietta Motorsports $100
Chris “Opie” Caylor/Marietta Motorsports $100
David McElvain/NEDoD $100
Ned “Peanut” Brown/NESBA/TPM $100
Vance Hacecky $100
Patrick Mee $100
Dave and Jason Parker $100
Paul Kingsburgh/ $100
Lucky Deleoni $100
Tom Drumm $100
David Brown $100
Steve Moonitz $100
Jake Swan $100
Chris Story $100
Chris Eklund $100
Randy Ball/WERA BBS $100
Mark Hellvig $100
Gary Schilling/On Time Racing/WERA BBS $100
Steve Sumner $100
Laura Granato/WERA BBS $100
Norm Viano/Lawdog Sports Mgmt $100
Kevin Jordan/Jordan Motorsports $100
Val Gregory/In Memory of Dirk Piz $100
Dave Gess $100
Rob Berlind $100
Paul Black $100
Steve Hewitt $100
Mike Ciccotto $100
Tripp Nobles $100
Scott Rehl $100
Steve & Lorraine Aledort $100
Jeff Rozycki/ Racing $100
Chris Ulrich/In Memory of Russ Paulk And Toby Jorgensen $100
Giorgio Milesi/Galfer Brakes USA $100
Al Lyons/CMRRA $100
Linda Hopkins $100
John Hopkins/In Memory of Jamie Bowman and Toby Jorgensen $100
Vicky&Michael Menard $100
Silvia Salenius/ Online $100
HG Racing/AMA Pro Thunder $100
Red Fox Racing $100
Greg Ruffin $100
John Donald/PTC Racing $100
Larry Pegram $100
Pamela Skaff/WERA BBS $100
J.D. Hord/Meccanica Corse Racing $100
Mark Sutton $100
Steve Scott/LRRS#47 $100
Eric Putter $100
Jim Doerfler $100
Ira Englebardt $100
Joe & Nancy Fenech $100
Earl Hayden $100
Chuck Sorensen $100
D&D Thrush Farms $100
Jeff Wilson/American Suzuki $100
Adam Vella/Webcrush Racing $100
Chuck Gault/Motobama $100
Gary Longren $100
Stephan Hottenrott $100
David Kunzelman $100
C.R. “Critter” Gittere/WERA BBS $100
John Light/Lightsmith Racing $100
Ken & Arlene Block (Ed Sorbo’s Mom) $100
Tyson Kamp $75
Max Buxton/NEDoD $50
Nelo Hakola $50
Tyler Sandell $ 50
David J. Kopfinger $ 50
Aaron Loyd $50
Martin Voelker $50
Steve Hopkins $50
Louis DeBlois $50
Leigh Taunton/EMGO $50
Randy Sinisi $50
Danny Hull $50
Team Skidmark Racing $50
Ryan Meskimen/WERA BBS $50
Erik Astrup $50
Paul Zavada $50
James Greeson/WERA BBS $50
Victor Mokler $50
Steve Clark/J. Guthridge/Tight Squeeze Racing $50
Nate Olsen $50
Anthony Moey $50
Dustin Miller $50
Jim Frost/NEDoD $50
Steve Martinez $50
Jason Temme/Serpent Racing $50
Mike Hodgson/WERA BBS $50
Chris Borre/ $50
Richard Barker/AIM/In Memory of Dirk Piz $50
Mike Reish/Reish Dot Net $50
Kenyon Kluge/K2 Racing $50
Darin Nichols/Team Unit $50
Richard Davis $50
Allen Lyon/ Online $50
Eric H. Mathy $50
Steve Breckenridge $50
Jim Race/Speaksy Racing $50
James Aragon $50
James Hayton/Kochenbaulz Racing/WERA BBS $50
Don Moody $35
Lindsey Leard $30
Dave Deggendorf/WERA BBS $30
Steve Sturm/Squidvision Racing $30
George Gervasi/Projekt9 Racing $30
Bob Elam $30
The Heidepriems/WERA BBS $30
Kimberly Scheffel/rider/race fan/pit keeper $30
Greg Gabis $29
Ripley Howe $29
Mark Hatten/Meccanica Corse Racing $29
Ted Angle $25
Susanne Hopkins $25
Nolan Ballew $25
Josh Loberant $25
Charles Tomes $25
Jon DeMent $25
Timothy Wilson $25
Mark Novak $25
Rene Ferron $25
Sean Patrick Brisini $25
Richard Korol $25
Eric and Christine Loranger $25
Dee Moses $25
Kyle Kirschenmann/Bayou Riders of Louisiana $25
Marc Asmus $25
S.C. Pittman $20
Jamieson D. Yonker $20
Garret Swearingen $20

To pledge a contribution, call Roadracing World at (800) 464-8336 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, when operators will be standing by. Credit cards accepted. Pledges can also be made by e-mailing [email protected]. Make checks payable to Roadracing World. Money raised will be used for buying Air Module/Air Fence sections, as well as for deployment expenses and for shipping, tax and import duties.

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