Wisconsin Motorcycle Campaign Saves Lives An initiative to reduce impaired motorcycle riding shows promise as an effective campaign to keep motorcyclists safe. VERONA, Wis., July 15 /PRNewswire/ — The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) published a report this week showing the results of Project Green-Yellow-Red (GYR). GYR is a motorcycle safety initiative developed under a cooperative agreement between NHTSA and Innocorp, Ltd. to reduce impaired motorcycle riding. Innocorp is the Wisconsin based company that developed the impairment simulation goggles called Fatal Vision and other innovative impaired driving prevention tools and programs. With motorcycle fatalities on the rise in 2009 and impairment playing a role in many of the crashes, GYR is a vital tool in fostering behaviors that will stop alcohol related motorcycle crashes in Wisconsin. “NHTSA’s publication of the program is an important step in expanding this campaign,” said Green-Yellow-Red Campaign Manager and Innocorp President Michael Aguilar. “We will continue to partner with taverns and law enforcement to create a network of people and organizations who care about motorcyclists and have the power to provide them with options to prevent impaired riding.” GYR succeeded in reducing impaired riding crashes in two Wisconsin counties in 2006 and 2007. GYR is unusual because it acknowledges but does not endorse drinking and riding. Therefore, the campaign can focus on providing options to motorcycle riders who have chosen to mix drinking and riding. The participation of taverns, motorcycle dealerships, law enforcement and many other organizations interested in and committed to motorcycle safety make the campaign’s safety record possible. “By forming an alliance of tavern owners, motorcycle dealerships, law enforcement and other motorcycle-related organizations, Project Green-Yellow-Red provides options for drinking motorcycle riders that, if taken, will stop the increasing toll of deaths and injuries due to alcohol,” said Aguilar. At participating Green-Yellow-Red taverns, riders can secure their motorcycles and get a ride home if they’ve had too much to drink; the red option. The yellow option means a rider will consume alcohol but moderates consumption to minimize impairment. The green option means the rider chooses to ride alcohol free, the choice that the campaign promotes as the only safe option. “Project Green-Yellow-Red has been quite successful in Wisconsin,” said Aguilar. “The report by NHTSA brings about exciting possibilities – Project Green-Yellow-Red can be implemented anywhere, helping keep motorcycle riders safe around the nation.” Find more information about the campaign: www.gyr-riders.com.
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