HECTOR IS MAKING HUGE PROGRESS DURING HIS LEG’S REHAB Yesterday, three weeks after having his left leg operated on to rebuild both the fibula and the tibia, Héctor Barberà was back at the Instituto Universitario USP Dexeus, in Barcelona. This time, fortunately, it was only to submit Héctor to a medical examination made by Doctor Xavier Mir, the specialist who carried out the operation on HectorÂ’s leg, to evaluate the progress of the patient. In the last weeks Hèctor worked on passive therapy only, two times for each day. The Spaniard made an intensive work to complete this first rehabilitation phase and after Doctor MirÂ’s consulting, he can begin also with the active physical therapy. The Pramac Racing Team in agreement with the Spaniard confirmed that Hèctor will ride on the occasion of the Grand Prix Ceské Republiky, which will take in Brno in two weeks time. With the approval of Doctor Mir, Barberà is now able to start active physical therapy, working both in the swimming pool and in the gym. Héctor will be replace by Toni Elias, who already rode for the Pramac Racing Team in the last 2012 round that took place in Laguna Seca, two week ago. Tony has another opportunity to show his potential at the mythical Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Héctor Barberà – Pramac Racing Team Rider – “Firstly, I want to thank everybody for all their messages of support since the day of my surgery. The support and love has been overwhelming and it has been a great comfort to me at this difficult time. I’m undergoing rehab on my leg; the situation is improving. It’s been three weeks since the operation, and yesterday, Doctor Mir evaluates my physical progress. Now IÂ’m able to give the leg an active workout, in the pool and in the gym, to get ready for the 12th round of this season in Brno. I will have to work as fast as I can, but I hope to be in good shape for the Grand Prix Ceské Republiky.”
Pramac Racing: Elias Will Ride Again At Indianapolis GP, Barbera Will Return At Brno
Pramac Racing: Elias Will Ride Again At Indianapolis GP, Barbera Will Return At Brno
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