From a release issued by Andrew Stutzman, General Manager Rausch Creek Motorsports Park, via the Rausch Creek electronic mailing list:
“First the road course, things have definitely not been going as planned, but we are still 100% committed to completing the road course.
“Currently our engineers are resubmitting the drainage plan to the state. All the concerns of the Department of Environmental Protection have been met in the resubmit and we are now awaiting their inspection to allow our construction to proceed. This should be happening in the next few weeks.
“The original plan was turned down and the DEP mandated we stop track construction and will only allow work to amend the drainage plan until approved.
“In the down time from construction of the road course, we have solicited and gained support from local and state government for the project.
“Also the AMA has offered to support us in any way possible with future governmental issues we might incur. Thank you to everyone who has offered to support Rausch Creek.”
Rausch Creek Finally Explains Why Construction Has Halted
Rausch Creek Finally Explains Why Construction Has Halted
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