Rich Oliver’s Mystery School announces an additional Ultra Pro Camp date
Rich Oliver’s Mystery School has added a four-day Ultra Pro Camp in June. This times nicely with the scheduled break during the AFM racing season, so if you want to learn to train and race the Rich Oliver way, now is your chance. Come back strong for the second half and watch your times drop! Spend a little money on your personal training and it will be an investment that will pay off for years to come.
The course will be held from Thursday, June 14 – Sunday, June 17, 2007 and will include a tremendous amount of dirt track training, close racing, strategic drills, nutritional analysis, cross training exercises and many more skills, both for physical and mental strength. These techniques will improve the results for anyone at any level. It works, just ask around!
For maximum instruction and riding time, the course is limited to only six individuals so be sure to reserve your spot now! Visit for all of the inside details on the four day Ultra Pro Camp!