From a press release issued by Ride To Work:
Worldwide Motorcycle Ride to Work Day is Wednesday
Motorcycle riders 13th annual commuting Ride to Work day is Wednesday, July 21st. Participation in the yearly demonstration is estimated to triple the number of riders on the road, and help reveal to the public that motorcyclists come from all walks of life, work in all occupations, and range in age from teenagers to grandparents. Motorcycle clubs and organizations worldwide actively encourage members to ride their cycles to work on this day.
Each week day in the United States, more than eighty million cars and light trucks commute on American roads, but only about 200,000 of the over six million registered cycles are regularly used for such daily transportation. Adding more motorcycles to the mix can help make urban parking easier and traffic flow better, according to Ride to Work, a non-profit advocacy organization. Studies have also shown that urban motorcyclists reach their destinations faster than those using automobiles, and that most motorcycles consume less resources per mile than typical automobiles.
“Riding to work on this day shows the positive value of motorcycling for transportation. For many people, riding is a socially responsible form of personal mobility that saves energy, helps the environment and provides a broad range of other public benefits,” stated Andy Goldfine, this year’s event organizer.
On Wednesday’s 13th annual Ride to Work Day, motorcyclists worldwide seek:
– Employer recognition and support for motorcycling
– Public and government awareness of the positive value of motorcycling.
– The Ride to Work nonprofit advocacy program can be reached at: POB 1072, Proctor, Minnesota, 55810 USA.
– The Ride to Work Organization’s Mission: To advocate and support the use of motorcycles for transportation, and to provide information about transportation riding to the public.
– Ride to Work Day Participating Countries include: Germany, Philippines, England, Israel, Turkey, Ecuador, United States, and many others.
Ride To Work Wednesday
Ride To Work Wednesday
© 2004, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.