Roadracing World Action Fund: $2.1 Million In Donations Improve Motorcycle Racing And Track Ride Safety, Helping Save Lives And Prevent Injuries Since 2001

Roadracing World Action Fund: $2.1 Million In Donations Improve Motorcycle Racing And Track Ride Safety, Helping Save Lives And Prevent Injuries Since 2001

© 2019, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.


About the Roadracing World Action Fund

The Roadracing World Action Fund – a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization – began back in 2001 as a grassroots movement to improve racetrack safety for motorcycle racers and riders. At the time, hay bales or stacks of tires were sometimes placed in front of concrete walls for rider protection in case of a crash. A far better solution for rider safety existed –
inflatable soft barriers which absorb the energy of a crash. Soft barriers – made by Airfence or Alpina – can allow racers to often walk away from a crash which in the past might have caused catastrophic injury, or even death.

The Roadracing World Action Fund gained the support of the motorcycle community, as racers, riders, family and friends, motorcycle businesses, and racing organizations and racetracks helped to make use of soft barriers the standard, rather than the exception, for motorcycle races and track days at racetracks across the nation. Now, from Laguna to
Daytona, Motorsports Ranch to VIR, AutoClub Speedway to Blackhawk Farms, and many more, soft barriers are deployed more frequently and in greater quantities than ever before, thanks to the contributors who, over 18 years, have donated $2,101,154.09 to support the Roadracing World Action Fund mission of helping prevent racetrack injuries and spread the word through motorcycle road racing safety education.

2018 Donations

“This donation is a thank-you for saving the life of my friend and coach, Kyle Wyman,” Robert Weaver wrote in a note that accompanied his $100 donation to the Roadracing World Action Fund. Soft barriers often make a huge difference in the outcome when a rider crashes on the racetrack, as was demonstrated in dramatic fashion by Wyman when he fell during Superbike practice during the MotoAmerica weekend finale at Barber Motorsports Park in September, 2017. His racing suit’s GPS showed Wyman decelerating from 104 mph to 0 mph in the thickness of an Airfence–and walking away.

Here is a review of Roadracing World Action Fund 2018 highlights.

Steady Donations Add Up…

Rand Kennedy once again sent in a year-end donation of $200 for the Action Fund, as he has done every year since 2013, for a grand total of $1200 since 2013. Also making it a habit to donate to the Action Fund: James Bonner, in his third year of $100 donations, for a total of $300; and Gary Rand (whose first donation was in the year 2001, when the Roadracing World Action Fund was established) added $300 this year; after donating steadily over the years his all-time grand total is $2,726.

David Pierce first donated to the Action Fund in 2005. His latest contribution of $500 brings his grand total to $6000.

Since 2017, Juan & Gudrun Negreira have donated to the Action Fund frequently, with checks arriving in amounts of $25 or $50, all-in-all totaling $340 through 2018.

Roger Lyle of Motorcycle Xcitement donated $1000, bringing his all-time total donations to $4,950. He wrote, “Thank you for Roadracing World & Motorcycle Technology and the Roadracing World Action Fund. Your dedication to our sport of motorcycling
and racing has saved and improved many lives. Keep up the great work!”


Under the leadership of John Allen, P.R.E. has reached the pinnacle of Roadracing World Action Fund fundraising, holding the top position on the all-time total donations chart. This year’s annual fundraiser at VIR raised $27,700, bringing P.R.E.’s grand total to $105,378 raised since 2014. When combined with the amount raised for the Action Fund while he was with NESBA, John Allen-led fundraisers total $163,878.

The N2 Track Days 2018 fundraising event brought in $20,103.80 in donations for the Action Fund, with a grand total of $99,529.25 in donations over five years. N2 Track Days leads the charge for safety at tracks in the Northeast U.S., including NJMP, PittRace and NCBike.

The Seventh Annual Motovid Broken Wing Benefit: With their sights on safety at Road America and Blackhawk Farms Raceway and led by the ever-tenacious visionary Kathleen Casey, 2018’s fundraiser brought in record donations totaling $19,993.24, nearly double the amount raised at their 2017 event. The Motovid Broken Wing Benefit grand total now stands at $63,605.32.

Midwest Track Day’s fundraiser brought in $32,510 at this year’s event, for a grand total of $75,521 since 2014, targeting NCM for increased soft barrier deployment in 2019.

For many years, the Midwest Safety Crew has donated to the Roadracing World Action Fund, sponsoring many soft barrier sections at Blackhawk Farms in memory of founding member Bill Ritger. According to David Fanning (Treasurer), this year’s
donation of $8,615.46 will be its final. Fanning writes, “Alas, it is time to fully close out Midwest Safety Crew, Inc. … We, the Board of Directors, Jan Boogaard, Claudia Ritger, Lina Fanning, and David Fanning, want to thank you, the staff, and all the workers that make protecting racers a top priority.” The Midwest Safety Crew leaves a legacy of contributions
totaling $27,342.11.

Xcel Trackdays held a “Commemorative Trackday Fundraiser in Remembrance of Elaine Carpenter and Ted Rich” during its September 30th track day event, sponsored by XCEL Trackdays, Arizona Motorsports Park, and The Helmet Center, and organized by XCEL Trackdays director Tyler Smith, raising $6,500 for the Roadracing World Action Fund. A press release from XCEL Trackdays stated: “Ms. Carpenter and Mr. Rich were motorcycle enthusiasts, ambassadors, and instructors in the close-knit Phoenix-area motorcycle community and tragically lost their lives August 20, 2018, in a small plane accident in Phoenix, Arizona. They will forever be remembered by their family and friends and love of motorcycle riding and racing.”

Racers Nate Simmons & Lisa Fitzgerald sent in a donation of $1,497.50 following their November wedding, along with a note reading: “Me and the new hubs raised money for the Action Fund at our wedding this past Saturday. We’re both racers ourselves so we asked for donations in lieu of gifts. We hope this helps save someone’s life someday and makes racing a little safer. Love, Lisa & Nate.” Donating separately in honor of the newlyweds was Melissa Acord, at $100, bringing the grand total raised to $1597.50.

The Christian Motorcyclists Association of Virginia sent in a donation of $150 to the Action Fund. Virginia State Coordinator Kimberley Collins wrote: “The CMA Virginia state leadership team recently had an opportunity to attend a race event at Summit Point Raceway in WV. Two of our members who volunteer with the safety crew there explained the invaluable safety benefit of soft barriers. Please accept the enclosed donation to the RW Action Fund to support your track safety mission. Thank you for all you do for the community.”

Since 2011, has matched customer contributions to the Roadracing World Action Fund dollar-for- dollar. The company’s total contribution for 2018 was $6,681, bringing the grand total after eight years to $37,750.

Racer’s Edge Performance and Dunlop hosted a special “Test And Tune” event in May at Chuckwalla Valley Raceway, donating a portion of the proceeds to the Roadracing World Action Fund. The event, held over two days, raised $700.

Seacoast Sport Cycle’s Annual Holiday Party in November was filled with good will and a giving spirit, with attendees donating to the Roadracing World Action Fund. Seacoast Sport Cycle collected and matched those donations, for a grand total of $1,312.

Team Hammer’s Chris Ulrich once again gave two-up Superbike rides on the Dunlop 2-Seat Superbike Suzuki GSX-R1000R at MotoAmerica events in 2018, promoting the sport of motorcycle road racing and also raising money for the Roadracing World Action Fund. Fans who donated a minimum of $250 got to experience the ride of a lifetime, and support a good cause at the same time. A total of $5000 was raised in 2018, and added to the 2017 total, this program has raised a grand total of $12.950. Chris Ulrich concluded his two-up fundraising year with the annual Thanksgiving weekend Fastrack Riders event at
Auto Club Speedway, raising $2,440, and bringing the all-time total for this annual event (since 2006) to $59,500.

Roadracing World Action Fund soft barriers were able to be deployed at numerous events across the U.S. thanks to donations from sponsors and racing organizations who rallied to pay the costs of transportation and deployment, and made donations of $2500 or more per event. Road race events included Laguna Seca WSB and the Pirelli Track Day, as well as the X-Games dirt track event.

In Memory of…

Bobby L. Lewis II

Donating to the Roadracing World Action Fund in memory of Bobby Lewis, the father of racer Jake Lewis: The Morro Family, $500; Daniels Family & Linda Daniels $285; Ohlins USA, $150; Debra Wilder, $100; Paris Dirt Trackers (Paris, TN), $100; Dena & Richard Martin $100; Trice Hughes Family & Employees, $100; Paul & Gail Thorne, $100; Priscilla Corbett, $100; Mary Young, $100; Curtis Comer, $50; Pat & Bob Hayes, $50; Donna Sadler & Steve Ortt, $50; Stephanie Galusha, $50; Jeff Soltys, $25; Chris Woodall, $25; and First Southern National Bank, $25.

Stephanie Galusha wrote: “Please accept this donation in memory of Bobby L. Lewis II. I was not fortunate enough to have met him, but my best friend was very close to him and the rest of the family, so I have heard many wonderful stories.”

Don Meadows

Donating in memory of racer Donnie “Pone” Meadows, #606: Barry Reed, $100; Joseph Henderson, $50; and Jeff Schratner, $20.

Peter Lenz

Donating in memory of racer Peter Lenz: Ted Schroeder $50; Karl Eiermann, $25.

Mike Moore

Dave Yarnell and Julie A. Moore have once again donated $2000 in memory of Mike Moore, the NESBA Atlantic Race director who was killed in a crash at NJMP in November of 2011. Over the years racers and friends have honored Mike Moore’s memory with donations to the Roadracing World Action Fund totaling $25,634.

Nicky Hayden

Donating in memory of Nicky Hayden: Jeffrey Schuster, $69.69.

Summary of Posted 2018 Contributions

(Contributor comments and dedications are included below with their listing. Total overall contribution appears in parentheses.)

Roadrace Fund

Midwest Track Days $32,510 ($75,521)

P.R.E. Annual Fundraiser $27,700 ($105,378)

N2 TrackDays Fundraiser $20,103 ($99,529)

Motovid Broken Wing Fundraiser $19,993 ($63,605)

Midwest Safety Crew $8,615.46 ($27,342.14) In Memory of Bill Ritger

XCEL Trackdays Fundraiser $6,500 In Memory of Elaine Carpenter & Ted Rich

Sports Car Racing Association of Monterey Peninsula $5,000 ($52,179)

Pirelli Tire LLC $5,000

Chris Ulrich Two-Up Superbike Rides With Dunlop and MotoAmerica $5,000 ($12,950)

Chris Ulrich Two-Up Superbike Rides/Fastrack Fundraisers $2,440 ($59,500)

Bob Robbins $2,000 ($30,400)

In Memory of Mike Moore $2,000 ($25,634)

“In Honor of Nobby Clark, A True Racing Treasure” $2,000

Lisa (Fitzgerald) Simmons & Nate Simmons $1,497.50

Penguin Racing School $1,410

Seacoast Sport Cycle Holiday Party Donations $1,312

Backcountry/Motosport $6,681 ($37,750)

Anonymous $1,000 $1,000

MARRC $1,000

Roger Lyle $1,000 ($4,950)

Thomas Moner $1,000

Craig Beardsley $900 ($4,110) Includes Disney Employee Matching Funds

Champions Riding School $760

WERA Fines Program/Barber $750 ($1,861)

Racers Edge Performance/Dunlop Test & Tune Event $700

Yoshimura Racing $500 ($1,650)

David Pierce $500 ($6,000)

George & Janette Nassaney $500

Jimmy Fox $500 “On Behalf of Daniel Davie, who narrowly survived a horrible crash.”

Photos By Marty LLC $500 “Thank you for keeping my track day and road racing family  safe.”

Morro Family $500 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Gary Rand $300 ($2,726)

Linda Daniels/Daniels Family $285 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Michael Gallagher $250 Team Hypercycle – 2018 M1GP 24-Hour

Ninfa Valdez $250 Two-Up Ride

Juan & Gudrun Negreira $240 ($340)

Diane Tribou $200

James Bonner $200 ($400)

Redspade Racing LLC $200

Rand Kennedy $200 ($1,200) “Thank you for your selfless pursuit of safety! What a difference you’ve made.”

Keith & Patti Souter $400 ($3,800)

Scott Rybarik $200

Michael Copoulos $200

Theodore Constantino & Anita Koury Charitable $200

Ohlins USA $150 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

David Wolfe $125

Robert Weaver $100 “This donation is a thank you for saving the life of my friend and coach, Kyle Wyman.”

Joseph Ufnal $100

James Bonner $100 ($300)

Paris Dirt Trackers $100 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Lester Eckert $100

Dena & Richard Martin $100 ($1,100) In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Debra Wilder $100 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Melissa Acord $100 In Honor of Nate Simmons & Lisa (Fitzgerald) Simmons – Wedding Gift Donation

Barry Reed $100 In Memory of Don Meadows

Trice Hughes Family & Employees $100 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Paul & Gail Thorne $100 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Priscilla Corbett $100 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Mary Young $100 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Robert M. Dickey $100 ($673)

Peter Hively $100 ($900)

R. “Tai” Taitano $100

Dallas Wallace $50 ($100)

John Stewardson $100 ($1505)

Nora Blankenship $100 “In Honor of Daniel Hughes. Merry Christmas.”

Timothy Kiggins $100

Frederick Luce $100 “Merry Christmas to Heidi Luce. Our daughter-in-law selected you as her charitable donation this year.”

Jeffrey Schuster $69.69 In Memory of Nicky Hayden

Trenton White $50 “Lorenzo wins at Mugello. A bet’s a bet.”

Stephen Moore (MARRC) $50

Curtis Comer $50 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Kristen Haas $50

Aaron Brown $50 ($210)

Ted Schroeder $50 In Memory of Peter Lenz

Joseph Henderson $50 In Memory of Donald Meadows

Inland Empire Paper Co $50

Pat & Bob Hayes $50 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Stephanie Galusha $50 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Donna Sadler & Steve Ortt $50 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Tess Marunich $50

Travis McNerney $50 ($1,050)

Larry Lawrence $50 ($175)

Nicole Gougis $50 “Donated on behalf of Michael J. Gougis from his Secret Santa.”

Nicole Karamichael $40 On Behalf of Senya Miles’ Birthday

Teespring LLC $48 ($206)

Jeff Soltys $25 In Memory of Bobby Lewis

Karl Eiermann $25 In Memory of Peter Lenz

Chris Woodall $25/In Memory of Bobby Lewis

First Southern National Bank $25 In Memory of Bobby L. Lewis II

Becky Meyer $25

Alan Thompson $25

Jeff Schratner $20 In Memory of Donnie “Pone” Meadows #606

Michael Leggett $20

Dirt Track Fund

X-Games $2500 ($5,000)

Tammy Stratman Brown Charities Foundation $2,000 ($13,000)

December 31, 2018

Accounting Details to Date

Road Racing Expenditure Details
Purchases of soft barriers: $1,484,639.59
Shipping/Customs: $86,290.08
Bank Fees: $7,834.76
Transportation & Installation: $201,147.17
Soft Barrier Parts, Repairs & Signage $49,802.91
Accounting/Business Fees: $6,343.00
Misc. Supplies/Services $1,170.14
Office Services: $24,987.00
Total Spent: $1,862.214.65
Total Donations Collected: $1,952,525.65
Cash on hand: $90,311.00

Dirt Track Expenditure Details
Purchases of soft barriers: $123,789.35
Shipping/Customs: $2717.72
Transportation & Installation: $2174.77
Soft Barrier Parts, Repairs, & Signage $5,800.00
Total Spent: $134,481.84
Total Donations Collected: $148,628.44
Cash on hand: $14,146.60

Certain administrative costs, including web site maintenance, promotional items, and shipping have been absorbed by Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.

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