Roadracing World Action Fund Recognized By SMRI

Roadracing World Action Fund Recognized By SMRI

© 2003, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.


Copyright 2003, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.

The Roadracing World Action Fund was presented an award in recognition of its efforts to prevent racetrack injuries from Sandia Motorcycle Roadracing Inc. (SMRI), Monday at the Fund’s office in Lake Elsinore, California.

Juan Romero, the outgoing President of the Albuquerque, New Mexico-based organization, took time away from visiting family and friends in Carlsbad, California over the holidays to present Fund founder John Ulrich with the award in person.

The framed glass etching read: “To the Roadracing World Action Fund in great appreciation for your contribution to the safety & growth of motorcycle road racing in New Mexico during the 2003 season. Thank you from Sandia Motorcycle Roadracing, Inc.”

The Fund deployed 15 sections of Airfence Bike safety devices for use by the AMA-sanctioned and –chartered SMRI at Sandia Motorspeedway early in the 2003 racing season, and the money was well spent, according to Romero.

“We had two guys go into it this year where it’s protecting a concrete wall,” Romero told “The guys were both fine, and there wasn’t even any damage to their bikes. We’ve even had shifter kart guys run into it with good results. The stuff is incredible, unbelievable.”

For additional information on the SMRI, go to

The Roadracing World Action Fund is a 501.c.3 not-for-profit organization with a mission statement to help prevent racetrack injuries by educating race organizers, racetrack officials and racers on the benefits of using soft barriers. From April of 2001 through October 10, 2003, the Fund has received over $253,000 in donations, of which it has disbursed over $218,000 to purchase, transport and deploy soft barriers, train racetrack personnel on installing and repairing soft barriers and to provide education on racetrack safety. Overhead, including credit card transaction fees, labor and office space, is donated to the Fund by Roadracing World Publishing, Inc. To make a donation to the Roadracing World Action Fund or to learn more improving racetrack safety by deploying soft barriers, go to or call (800) 464-8336.

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