Sandia Motorcycle Roadracing Inc (SMRI) has one of the most prolific vintage roadracing programs in the Southwest. Located in Albuquerque with races at Sandia Motor Speedway, the normal race schedule runs from April thru October of each year. Detailed info on the club can be found at Even though they regularly field decent grids in several vintage classes, the SMRI Vintage Rules committee thought that there was a gap in the list of eligible bikes that needed to be addressed. Modern Vintage bikes only go back 10 years. The Historic Vintage classes that SMRI has run for several years typically run bikes made thru 1978. There is an existing SuperVintage class that serves as a bump up class for Historic Vintage bikes and also expands the list of legal modifications and extends the model year cut off to 1983. However, this leaves a gap of nearly 20 years worth of classic race ready bikes that have no primary race class to call home. To address this situation, the SuperVintage class is being expanded to include all bikes made up thru the 1989 model year (with “like design” newer bikes also allowed). The new rules package for the expanded SuperVintage class closely mirrors that adopted by the AMA for its “Gen X Superbike” class. Specific rules for all the available vintage classes are as follows. VINTAGE All Historic Vintage competition classes are intended for motorcycles built up through the 1978 model year and “like design” as approved by the SMRI Vintage Rules Committee. Requirements All machines must meet the requirements of Section 5 (Technical Inspection and Safety Requirements) in addition to the following: Engine modifications are not limited as long as period or period-production components are used and class displacement limit is not exceeded. Where the class displacement limit would be exceeded by over boring the standard size bore, a maximum overbore of 1.0 mm is allowed. Frames may be modified or changed to racing type, though must be period type and style. Period fairings are encouraged but not mandatory (no GSXR style bodywork). Front forks and swing-arm may be changed, though must be period type and style. (no upside down forks in Historic Vintage) Period or reproduction race gearboxes are permitted. 6-speed maximum. Disc type front brakes are permitted regardless of whether they came OEM on that motorcycle. Rotors must be period type and style. No floating rotors. No double front disc unless OEM on that model. Calipers can not have more than 2 live cylinders. Two-strokes must use silencers. Throttles must be self-closing type and a handlebar mounted kill switch included. All modifications must be consistent with the spirit of the class and period. Appearance and workmanship of a reasonable standard shall be enforced. All historic vintage roadrace numbers must be BLACK on a WHITE background. Numbers must be at least 6″ high and 1″ wide, of standard block lettering. All historic vintage machines must display three number plates. One on the front and one on each side in such a manner that a rider in the normal riding position will not block them. All racing numbers are assigned on a first come, first served basis. The burden is on the second racer with the same number to change his racing number to be scored. An “SMRI” decal of approved design must be displayed on both sides of each machine raced (provided upon tech inspection). More “machine specific” historic vintage classes will be developed and scored separately as demand merits. NO SLICKS or tire warmers allowed on ULW, LW, MW or HW vintage machines (SuperVintage bikes can run slicks, warmers and wider rims of varied sizes.) Maximum rim width of WM6 (3.5″) on Historic Vintage machines. Spoke wheels or period style mags only. Note that any Historic Vintage bike can bump to a higher displacement HV class at the discretion of the rider. Historic Vintage bikes can also bump to SuperVintage. SuperVintage bikes also qualify for Modern Vintaage under the 10 year VIN ruling. Factory race bikes (ie TZ250 Yamahas. H1R Kawasakis etc) are automatically bumped up one class from where they would normally fit based upon displacement and number of cylinders. So, for example, TZ250 Yamahas that would otherwise qualify for Historic Vintage based upon year of construction, wheel and brake sizes etc, would not be allowed in HV LW (two stroke twins up to 250cc), but must bump up one class to HV MW. The Vintage Rules Committee still withholds the right to bump any given bike up in class if it otherwise dominates the class that it fits in per the rules package. Historic Vintage Ultra Lightweight Class The following production based motorcycles built up thru the 1978 model year are eligible for Historic Vintage Lightweight 4-stroke twins up to 200cc 4-stroke singles up to 270cc 2-stroke singles up to 185cc 2-stroke twins up to 125cc Should any motorcycle dominate the ULW class, the SMRI withholds the right to require it to run in a different class. The ULW class is intended to include the following motorcycles: (note This list is not intended to be all inclusive) BSA 250 Ducati 250 HD Sprint 250 Honda CB/CL 160, 175, 200, XL250, CA95, CA92 Kawasaki KE175, KZ200 Parilla 250 Suzuki TS185, PE175, Stinger 125 Triumph Cub Yamaha RD125, DT175 Historic Vintage Lightweight Class The following production based motorcycles built up thru the 1978 model year are eligible for Historic Vintage Lightweight 4-stroke OHC twins up to 450cc 4-stroke OHC fours up to 400cc 4-stroke pushrod twins up to 500cc 4-stroke singles up to 550cc 2-stroke singles up to 360cc 2-stroke twins and triples up to 250cc Should any motorcycle dominate the LW class, the SMRI withholds the right to require it to run in a different class. The LW class is intended to include the following motorcycles: (note This list is not intended to be all inclusive) Honda CB350, CB360, CB350F, CB400F (stock bore), CB450, CB400 Hawk Kawasaki KZ400, KH250 Suzuki GS400 Yamaha RD200, RD250, SR500, XS400, MX360 BMW R/5 Triumph Tiger 500 Historic Vintage Middleweight Class The following production based motorcycles built up thru the 1978 model year are eligible for Historic Vintage Middleweight 4-stroke OHC fours up to 650cc 4-stroke twins and singles up to 750cc 2-stroke air cooled singles unlimited displacement 2-stroke twins and triples up to 550cc Should any motorcycle dominate the MW class, the SMRI withholds the right to require it to run in a different class. The MW class is intended to include the following motorcycles: (note This list is not intended to be all inclusive) Honda CB500, CB550, CB500T, CX500, CB650 Kawasaki KH350, KH400, H1500, KZ750B (twin) Suzuki GS550, GS650, T500, GT380, GT550 Yamaha RD350, RD400, XS500, XS650 BMW R60/7, R65 R75 Triumph Bonneville 750 Norton 750 Historic Vintage Heavyweight Class The following production based motorcycles built up thru the 1978 model year are eligible for Historic Vintage Heavyweight 4-stroke OHC fours up to 1085cc 4-stroke twins of unlimited displacement 2-stroke twins and triples up to 750cc In addition, Yamaha XS1100’s are allowed to run Historic Vintage Heavyweight. Should any motorcycle dominate the HW class, the SMRI withholds the right to require it to run in a different class. The HW class is intended to include the following motorcycles: (note This list is not intended to be all inclusive) Honda CB750 (sohc), GL1000 Kawasaki KZ750 (four), KZ900, KZ1000, H2750 Suzuki GS750, GS850, GS1000 Yamaha XS750, XS850, XS1100 BMW R80, R90, R100 Harley Sportster Norton 850 Note, if any motorcycle would otherwise be eligible for a Historic Vintage class, but has wheels or brakes, or other modifications, that would normally disqualify the bike, it can still be run in SuperVintage. SuperVintage Class Motorcycles produced thru the 1989 model year with modifications as follows: Note “Like Design” rules also apply to SuperVintage: i. Engines: Internal modifications are allowed. Aftermarket heads, cylinders and cranks are not allowed. No overbore beyond the listed displacement. ii. Carburetion: Flat slide carbs allowed, no EFI. iii. Gearbox: No modification can be made. iv. Frame: Stock frame must be used, gussets and modifications are allowed. Aftermarket swing arms are allowed. v. Forks: 46mm maximum fork tube diameter. vi. Brakes: Twin disk and calipers with a maximum of four pistons. vii. Clip-on handlebars are permitted. At some future date the class may be divided as follows: Super Vintage Heavyweight Pre 1990 two valve per cylinder (VPC) to 1200cc, 4 VPC to 1100cc and 5VPC to 1050cc, liquid cooled two-strokes up to 750cc. Any factory road racer, two or four-stroke up to 750cc. SuperVintage Lightweight Pre 1990 unlimited displacement singles, air cool two-strokes up to 750cc, liquid cooled two-stroke to 410cc, air-cooled multis to 600cc, liquid cooled multis to 500cc, air-cooled twins to 750cc, liquid cooled twins to 650cc. Other machines may be entered with approval of Vintage Rules Committee.
SMRI Expands Vintage Racing Program
SMRI Expands Vintage Racing Program
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