From a press release:
Ride for Kids(r) events in Southern California and Kansas City, Missouri raise money for pediatric brain tumor research
Good buddies, Brandon and Trent, both young brain tumor survivors, enjoy the 2004 Southern California Dual Sport Ride for Kids(r)
Two Ride for Kids(r) events in very different parts of the country were held on Sunday, June 13th. While one ride was a dual-sport event in the high desert of California and the other was a road ride through the plains of the Midwest, they both had the same goal – to raise money for childhood brain tumor research. Since 1984, the Ride for Kids(r) program has raised funds to support the research and family support programs of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. Today, more children die from brain tumors than from any other childhood cancer.
The hearty dual-sporters of Southern California were out in full-force at the 12th Annual Southern California Dual Sport Ride for Kids(r). With bright sunny skies and warm summer weather as their backdrop, the dual-sporters enjoyed riding through 120 miles of the Los Padres and Angeles National Forests. At the end of the day, the 240 participants had raised $84,489 for pediatric brain tumor research.
Trent, a young brain tumor survivor, and his mother enjoyed their second Ride for Kids(r) event of the 2004 season. Hope, Trent’s mother, told those gathered, “After attending Ride for Kids event for several years, I am still amazed every time that all of these people care about us and want to help us. Thank you!”
Ten-year old Curtis Herrmann, whose younger sister died of a brain tumor, was the Top Individual Fundraiser with a total of $30,007. Curtis decided that he could do something to help kids with brain tumors and started the Laps 4 Love fundraiser in memory of his little sister Breeana. The Orange County Dualies captured the Top Club position with its members raising $18,185. The Top Dealer position went to Fineline Motorsports whose customers raised $17,710. Larry Langley of Fullerton, California had an exciting day. He was the winner of a brand new Honda motorcycle graciously donated by the American Honda Motor Company.
Special thanks to the Southern California Dual Sport Ride for Kids(r) Task Force, led by Task Force Leaders Jim Woods and Buddy Percin, for a great event.
Ben, a young brain tumor survivor, and his mom Kim enjoy a special ride with VIP escort Lou Harding at the 2004 Kansas City Ride for Kids(r)
The torrential rains and damaging storms of the weekend couldn’t keep 140 participants away from the 1st Annual Kansas City Ride for Kids(r). Many of the participating motorcyclist’s homes were either damaged in the storm the night before the Ride or were without power when they left home to ride for the kids early on Sunday morning. The unwavering spirit of those fundraisers, volunteers, and motorcyclists in the heartland of America is a true testament to the dedication of the motorcycling community’s willingness to help children with brain tumors.
While remnants of the “Big Top Tent” were strewn about the grounds, the riders regrouped and proved the old saying that the show must go on. Everyone’s mood lightened as the sun shone brightly above. The Ride, which started at Maple Woods Community College, raised $17,000 for childhood brain tumor research. The motorcyclists enjoyed a scenic ride along the perimeter of Smithville Lake north of Kansas City.
During the special Celebration of Life program, young brain tumor survivor Ben told the riders that he enjoyed his first ride in a sidecar, especially since his escort Lou Harding left the siren alarm on for the entire length of the ride. Another young brain tumor survivor, Zachary, told those in the audience that he enjoys swimming, but does not like the “big” roller coaster at a local amusement park.
Michael Helvey and Mary Helvey tied for Top Individual Fundraiser, both raising $1,050. The Top Club position went to GWRRA MO – Chapter K whose members raised $2,751. Dell’s Honda, of Blue Springs, Missouri, was the Top Dealer with its patrons raising $5,848. Stan and Judy Herbert of Kansas City, MO were the lucky winners of a brand new Honda motorcycle donated by the American Honda Motor Company.
Thanks to Kansas City Ride for Kids(r) Task Force Leaders Vicky Harding and Larry Morrison and their dedicated volunteer Task Force for such an organized and well-run event.
The next Ride for Kids(r) events will take place on Saturday, June 26th in Knoxville, Tennessee and Sunday, June 27th in Golden, Colorado. For more information, please call (800) 253-6530 or visit
Southern California, Kansas City Rides For Kids Raise Over $100,000 For Charity
Southern California, Kansas City Rides For Kids Raise Over $100,000 For Charity
© 2004, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.