Take it 2 the Track is pleased to announce that it will be the premier motorcycle track day organization at Inde Motorsports Ranch in Willcox, AZ for the 2010 season. “Inde Motorsports Ranch is a beautiful facility set in the high desert in Willcox, AZ. This track has a little bit to offer every motorcycle enthusiast including, elevation changes, technical sections, and a long front straight tipping in to a high speed turn. Motorcycle enthusiasts will have a blast at this track,” said Matt Guilbert, one of the owners of Take it 2 the Track. CJ Dorland of Inde Motorsports Ranch added, “We are very excited to have Take it 2 the Track at Inde Motorsports. They are a great group and we are glad that we are able to help with their Eastern expansion.” Inde is located about 80 miles East of Tucson and has a close proximity to Tucson, Phoenix, El Paso, and Albuquerque. It can be run in many different configurations both forwards and backwards, and is 2.75 miles long in its fullest configuration. It will have a lot of amenities on site for the customer, and is within 8 miles from many hotels in Willcox. “I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun at a race track!” raved Aaron Morgan, the other owner of Take it 2 the Track. “The setting is just amazing.” Inde Motorsports Ranch can be found online at www.indemotorsports.com. Take it 2 the Track will be running 8 full weekends there for the 2010 season.
Take It 2 The Track Will Hold Events At New Track In Arizona In 2010
Take It 2 The Track Will Hold Events At New Track In Arizona In 2010
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