Age 10 Upper Marlboro, Maryland Mikayla Moore grew up surrounded by motorcycles. Her dad, Will, owns a mobile motorcycle service business—he’ll haul his 20-foot trailer to your home or business and perform maintenance tasks on your bike. And her brother, Will Jr., rides dirtbikes. Still, Mikayla didn’t really take to the sport at first. She started on a little four-wheel off-roader, and when she crashed it, Will thought she might be done. Instead, Mikayla asked for the chance to ride her brother’s Suzuki DRZ70. And she dug that. Now, she races minimoto, and has a title to go along with her hobby. Her first ride took place when she was six years old, in a dirt field near the house. Moore remembers that she enjoyed it, and she got her own bike—a Yamaha TTR50. Having the kids race motorcycles wasn’t part of a career path, Will Moore says; it’s just something that the family enjoyed, and started doing it, a little at a time. Eventually, Will and both kids wound up on the kart track at Sandy Hook Speedway in Maryland. Moore’s first race came in September of 2011, and she was on the same little minibike. She finished second, but what she remembers was realizing that she belonged on the grid: “I remember that I was keeping up with everybody,” she says. Since then, she’s won races and titles with the Sandy Hook MiniGP Series. On a good weekend, she, Will and Will Jr. all will stand on the podium. For 2014 she’ll be racing on her latest bike, a Honda XR100. “I’m enjoying it,” Moore says. “I like leading my friends.”
The Kid’s Page Racer Profile: Mikayla Moore
The Kid’s Page Racer Profile: Mikayla Moore
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