In an era where race clubs are forced to cut events and cancel dates due to lack of registrations, licensing and fan attendance… two AMA affiliated clubs have worked together to make racing a continued possibility in New Mexico. As 2010 broke through the calendar, there were a lot of questions regarding the forecast of racing in New Mexico. With racers concerned about the cost of racing (and crashing) the SMRI needed help to ensure its members could enjoy a complete season of racing. Sandia Speedway stepped up the game a bunch by adding more pavement to the raceway and repairing some existing pavement, adding options for path of travel. This meant the SMRI would have to put some things in action, but could run multiple configurations in one location. Safety is always a huge issue with racing. The new configurations were going to require more sections of Air Fence (Collapsible impact areas to save riders from serious injury). If the SMRI were to continue on their own, they would certainly have to find a way to raise thousands of dollars, as Air Fence is very pricey. In stepped the MRA (Motorcycle Roadrace Assoc.) of Colorado. The MRA had some Air Fence that they could make available to the SMRI, as their available race venues have released some of the need they used to have. Through the generosity and closeness of which some of the members compete, the MRA has made it possible for the SMRI to finish out a diverse, full SAFE season. This combined with the reciprocity policies of each organization allow the competitors to travel freely between the two AMA Sanctioned clubs, getting the “one big happy family” vibe that roadracing is known for.
Two Club Racing Organizations Working Together
Two Club Racing Organizations Working Together
© 2010, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.