Vesrah has posted a cash contingency program for Novice-class riders competing in the WERA National Challenge Series. The program pays every class except 125cc Grand Prix, paying $100 for first place, $50 for second and $25 for third.
When asked why Vesrah was posting contingency cash for Novice riders only, Vesrah Racing’s Mark Junge said, “The Novices are the guys that really need the help to continue racing.”
Nancy Junge will serve as the Vesrah Contingency Supervisor at WERA National events, and Vesrah products are available through Trackside Racers Supply at (828) 235-8400.
The WERA National Endurance and National Challenge Series opens this weekend, March 31 – April 1 on the 2.9-mile Texas World Speedway long course. The 2001 WERA National series will include 10 rounds according to WERA officials, but the date and location of the 10th round is still to be announced.
Vesrah Posts New Contingency Program For WERA National Challenge Series Novices
Vesrah Posts New Contingency Program For WERA National Challenge Series Novices
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