XCEL TRACKDAYS NOW FEATURING JAKE HOLDEN RIDERS CLINIC Scottsdale, AZ — Pro AMA Superbike road racer Jake Holden and Pro AMA Race Team ESP are teaming up with XCEL Trackdays to help riders improve their performance on the street and on the track. Jake Holden Riders Clinic is now available at select XCEL Trackdays events. The clinic accepts a maximum of two students per day, ensuring riders receive individualized training and support. This full trackday clinic also includes bike set-up and suspension help from Evan Steel Performance (ESP), a Pro AMA race team. Students receive a full day of personalized advice, filming, bike adjustments, and riding with Pro Racer Jake Holden. At the XCEL Trackdays, Holden’s focus is A and B group trackday riders or regional racers. Street riders, beginner trackday riders and Supermoto riders are encouraged to attend the Jake Holden Rider Clinic held at the Mussleman Honda Circuit in Tucson AZ. “At every clinic, the goal is to help students become better riders on the street or track,” says Evan Steel of ESP. “Many riders make the same mistakes repeatedly, so Holden’s techniques encourage necessary changes for safety or for speed,” explains Steel. Using notes, video footage, examples and advice on how to work on problem areas, students will become better, safer riders, and have the tools to practice on their own. OnTheThrottle.TV recently captured the Jake Holden Riders Clinic in action while on location at XCEL Trackdays at Arizona Motorsports Park. To see the event and learn more, watch the video here. To sign up for the Jake Holden Riders Clinic at the XCEL Trackdays event visit www.xceltrackdays.com. For more information go to www.evansteelperformance.com or email [email protected]. Jake Holden XCEL Trackdays Schedule: March 25 AMP April 14/15 Inde May 12 Inde May 19 AMP June 9 Inde Sept 29/30 Inde Oct 27 Inde XCEL Trackdays is a wholly owned subsidiary of Road Race Southwest, Inc. We love motorcycle riding and racing. It is our passion. Creating XCEL Trackdays provides riders another venue to experience the feeling of riding on a true race track. There is no greater feeling than experiencing speed and exhilaration in a safe and controlled environment. Together with our team of experienced instructors, in a well organized event, anyone who rides a motorcycle is able to practice the skills necessary to experience the thrill of what a motorcycle can do. Evan Steel Performance opened in 2005 and excels at building, tuning and maintaining roadracing and sportbike motorcycles. We assist street riders, track riders, and national level racers in making the right choices to take their riding to the next level. Shop services encompass all aspects of motorcycle tuning, such as dyno testing, suspension valving and setup, engine building, cylinder head reconditioning and routine maintenance. In addition, we provide a top notch line of selected parts, accessories and safety gear. With a fully equipped transporter, our services also extend to trackside support nationwide. The ESP race department is primed to address the demands of professional racing, and our full-service shop is pleased to handle any maintenance and repair for the motorcycle enthusiast. Founded in 2006, OnTheThrottle.TV provides teams, riders, sponsors, and manufacturers with dedicated coverage to help boost brand awareness, promote audience engagement, and increase sales. Having worked with dozens of partners in creating thousands of videos, OnTheThrottle.TV is an established leader in creating specialized, motorcycle-related content that entertains and educates viewers. For more information about OnTheThrottle.TV and its video production services, visit www.onthethrottle.tv or call (650) 479-4688.
Video: AMA Pro Racer Jake Holden Will Conduct Rider Clinics At Selected XCEL Trackdays In 2012
Video: AMA Pro Racer Jake Holden Will Conduct Rider Clinics At Selected XCEL Trackdays In 2012
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