A letter dated July 10 from J. Richard “Rick” Gray, Chairman, AMA Board Of Trustees, arrived at Roadracingworld.com headquarters on July 13, addressed to Editor John Ulrich. The letter follows in its entirety:
“Dear Mr. Ulrich:
“I am writing pursuant to a resolution passed by the AMA Board of Trustees at their June 11, 2001 meeting. The Board, after receiving a report on the impact attenuating barriers purchased with funds solicited by Roadracing World and contributed by individual contributors, directed that we thank Roadracing World and the individuals for their support of this effort. As you are aware, Honda, Harley-Davidson and Suzuki also made substantial contributions for this purpose.
“The issue of safety is, of course, paramount in any racing environment. Hopefully the use of these barriers will add an additional element of safety for those that participate in AMA professional racing activities. Thank you for your activity in helping us and the OEMs bring our plans to fruition, and please express to the individual contributors our appreciation for their support.
“J. Richard Gray”
We’re Pleasantly Surprised When AMA’s Gray Writes Regarding Air Fence Fund
We’re Pleasantly Surprised When AMA’s Gray Writes Regarding Air Fence Fund
© 2001, Roadracing World Publishing, Inc.