Willow Springs International Raceway has cancelled all track dates for Red Runyon and his Motorcycle Training Center (MTC) over what WSIR General Manager Stephanie Huth said was non-payment of track rental fees for an August 8-9 event. MTC has additional events at Willow Springs listed on its website, ~http://www.motorcycletrainingcenter.com/~, but those dates have been cancelled by Huth. “My main concern is that people may be sending him deposits for future track days that he doesn’t have,” said Huth. “I don’t want this to reflect on our other track day providers because we have a lot of good ones. All of their names and phone numbers are posted on our website, ~http://www.willowspringsraceway.com/~ under contacts/organizations.” Additional information is available from Willow Springs International Raceway at 661-256-2471. No one answered a phone call to the number listed on MTC’s website and at post time a voice-mail message asking for comment had not been returned.
Willow Springs Raceway Cancels Motorcycle Training Center Dates
Willow Springs Raceway Cancels Motorcycle Training Center Dates
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